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Forums - General Discussion - What is Art of Angels?

*Comes out of 'Lurking'*

Been sitting here for a while actually thinking what to type(was even thinking what to type while i was going to pick him up).

'Dedicated Drummer that will stand by the idea, he lurks these forums but rarely posts, he'll probably see this thread.' Yaaaaay, i was mentioned.

We both have the same vision. I also want to be able to say "I did it". And know that what we created others can enjoy and relate to.

And we will both stand by it till the end.

*Goes back to lurking*

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I download the I.V. MP3 40mb's?

It comes up on my playlist soon.

Well you certainly don't suffer from a lack of self-confidence. Is there some site where we can listen to some of your music?

Currently playing: NSMB (Wii) 

Waiting for: Super Mario Galaxy 2 (Wii), The Last Story (Wii), Golden Sun (DS), Portal 2 (Wii? or OSX), Metroid: Other M (Wii), 
... and of course Zelda (Wii) 

Nope, not yet =[

I lack the right equipment atm.

When we have samples, im sure he will announce it on here for feedback.

Around the Network
ArtofAngels said:
Nope, not yet =[

I lack the right equipment atm.

To do some home recording, you don't need a lot... a computer (guess you got one), a small USB audio interface with a mic preamp and guitar input built in, a microphone, speakers and some software - Logic, Cubase, Digital Performer, Sonar all offer cheaper versions with slightly limited functionality for home recording purposes. You've already got a keyboard - so I'd say you'll need maybe 200-300$, even less if you buy used equipment and use free software (Mackie's Tracktion 1 is available for free, for example).


Currently playing: NSMB (Wii) 

Waiting for: Super Mario Galaxy 2 (Wii), The Last Story (Wii), Golden Sun (DS), Portal 2 (Wii? or OSX), Metroid: Other M (Wii), 
... and of course Zelda (Wii)