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Forums - Sales Discussion - Official Nintendo & Sony Holiday Lifetime Shipments Update Thread

Ah, it's ok... I found it on Fishyjoes news article.

But if anyone has a link to the past two quarterly ones I would be grateful (It's hard to take quarterly numbers out when Nintendo consolidates them).... I vaguely remember 9.27million Wiis LTD by June and 13.14 by September.... but I am not positive, and also would like DS figures.

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BKK2 said:
Don't really have any European tracker figures to compare NPD and VGC to, so I'll compare to Media Create. 92.58% of shipped Wiis were sold according to them, so if we applied that to NA we get 8.19M, 0.16M higher than NPD, and 0.19M lower than VGC. So according to my pseudo-scientific analysis they're both within the margin of error. Applied to Others we get 5.83M, 0.22M below VGC.

Obviously there's no reason why Japanese sold through % will apply to NA or Others, but it does match pretty well with VGC and NPD numbers.

You can't really look at percentages, those will heavily be influenced by the height of the LTD numbers and will go down over time. Considering European and American sales peak towards Christmas and Japan towards New Year and shipment times will be a lot lower for Japan than the other territories I wouldn't be surprised if Nintendo ended up shipping almost all their November production towards the US and Europe and shipped almost everything they produced at the second half of December to Japan. In that case all those units got to their respective regions in time for the holiday sales and maybe a few 100k units per region didn't end up on store shelves yet.

FYI Sony dropped their 11 million number down to 9.5 million for the end of the fiscal year. finding the link now...

Holy crap people are still buying Gamecubes!

100% Coritiba Foot Ball Club!

^of course but they arn't being produced anymore. I can usually walk into Toys R Us and still see 20 GCs that no one has touched for like a year. However, there still are a few ppl buying them

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Year end results for Nintendo & Sony shipments/financials + yearly shipment projections come out in ~three days from now (Thursday morning Japan time). Q4 shipments for Nintendo and Sony will be available (covering Jan 1 to March 31) alongside the year-end summaries.

Microsoft's year ends June 30, but it should provide a shipment update as well.

Personally, I'm curious to see some info about Wii Fit/GTAIV/Mario Kart expectations from the big three.

The one to watch is definitely shipment projections though. I'd be shocked if PS3/Wii shipments were projected to be under 10 million/20 million for the next fiscal year. DS & PSP shipments are going to be fascinating as well. I think we could see PSP peak this year while DS declines a bit, so instead of 30 million vs. 11 million like last year in sell through it could be ~25 million shipped vs. 13 million shipped which would certainly bode well for both companies. 

I'm expecting Wii to be projected at 25 million and PS3 to be projected at 12 million. Microsoft doesn't have the same 'year' for its results, but over April 1 2008 - March 31 2009 I think they can probably ship ~10.5 million Xbox 360s.

PS2 is going to be interesting as well. Should continue to decline...but it may be more rapid than some are expecting. I think Sony has been stuffing the channel for one last price cut and to clear out their inventory as PS3/PSP ramp up to their peak sales. PSP/PS3 are probably going to be pretty profitable soon individually, so there won't be a financial need to use PS2 as a crutch to keep moving forward...

Should be interesting. 



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- Lao Tzu

Nice! A bump that is actually useful! Thanks, TheSource!

The BuShA owns all!

TheSource said:

PS2 is going to be interesting as well. Should continue to decline...but it may be more rapid than some are expecting. I think Sony has been stuffing the channel for one last price cut and to clear out their inventory as PS3/PSP ramp up to their peak sales. PSP/PS3 are probably going to be pretty profitable soon individually, so there won't be a financial need to use PS2 as a crutch to keep moving forward...

Should be interesting.



I'm sure PS2 will continue to be manufactured for developing markets for several more years. PS3 hasn't even been released in many of those markets.