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Forums - Politics Discussion - What Occupy movement understood and most don't.

badgenome said:
EdHieron said:

It's not an ignorant argument to make.  If the Tea Partiers, The Religious Right, and the Mormon Cultisys had gotten their way, who is to say they wouldn't have created concentration camps and put all the people they detest ( gays, atheists, unbelievers, Muslems sexually liberated women) in them?  More than likely once Romney took office he would have sanctioned Israel's plans of attacking Iran simply because they want to make a nuclear power plant and brought Russia into the mix thus resulting in a confrontation that would have snuffed out far more than 6 million lives.

Who is to say that you don't want to put everyone who disagrees with you in a concentration camp? Since you so easily conflate disapproving of something with wanting to kill everyone who engages in a particular behavior, I have to assume that you do.

The stance that the Religious Right has against gays is far more than disapproval.  If you look at the history of Christian Theocracies (including Hitler's ) through time you see that they've been responsible for far more deaths than any other movement during the past 2,000 years.  Also, the Religiously inclined are the only ones that want to bring about armageddon as a whole to the human race since they think their Messiah is going to come to earth and bail them and all their loved ones out at the last moment while throwing all the people they've been brought up to detest in Hell.   I wouldn't put Christians in concentration camps, but they certainly need to be re-educated to the point where they actually believe in something that has some basis in reality.

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comawhite94 said:

So because we aren't being murdered gays should just be content? And part of the point of marriage is that it is federally recognized. If most churches won't allow it, and the government won't allow it, then how exactly are they supposed to get married in the first place? 

I don't understand why the government is in the business of telling us who should marry who... I mean, it is a personal commintment between two people, what does the government have to do with that?  

EdHieron said:

If you look at the history of Christian Theocracies (including Hitler's )

Do you even know anything, anything at all what the word theocracy means? Lots of governments have had official religions without being theocracies. Hitler co-opted Christianity to an extent, not out of a love of Christianity (he wasn't particularly a fan), but because it was the predominate religion of Germany. In so doing, he made the religion serve the state rather than vice versa, which is what a theocracy would have done.

EdHieron said:

I wouldn't put Christians in concentration camps, but they certainly need to be re-educated to the point where they actually believe in something that has some basis in reality.

Oh, okay then.

EdHieron said:
badgenome said:
EdHieron said:

It's not an ignorant argument to make.  If the Tea Partiers, The Religious Right, and the Mormon Cultisys had gotten their way, who is to say they wouldn't have created concentration camps and put all the people they detest ( gays, atheists, unbelievers, Muslems sexually liberated women) in them?  More than likely once Romney took office he would have sanctioned Israel's plans of attacking Iran simply because they want to make a nuclear power plant and brought Russia into the mix thus resulting in a confrontation that would have snuffed out far more than 6 million lives.

Who is to say that you don't want to put everyone who disagrees with you in a concentration camp? Since you so easily conflate disapproving of something with wanting to kill everyone who engages in a particular behavior, I have to assume that you do.

The stance that the Religious Right has against gays is far more than disapproval.  If you look at the history of Christian Theocracies (including Hitler's ) through time you see that they've been responsible for far more deaths than any other movement during the past 2,000 years.  Also, the Religiously inclined are the only ones that want to bring about armageddon as a whole to the human race since they think their Messiah is going to come to earth and bail them and all their loved ones out at the last moment while throwing all the people they've been brought up to detest in Hell.   I wouldn't put Christians in concentration camps, but they certainly need to be re-educated to the point where they actually believe in something that has some basis in reality.

Nazi Germany......Was a Christian Theocracy? Hilarious.

How can anyone take you as being serious when you're as deluded to call Nazi Germany a Christian theocracy?

There are a few movements that have caused more pain and death than Christianity in the past 2000 years. Here's a nice list for you:

  1. Communist China & Mao's "Great Leap Forward" - 23-42 million dead
  2. The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics - 25,000,000+ dead (just cited Holodomor. I can't give you a lot more)
  3. Japanese Occupation of China - 15-20 million dead
  4. Pol Pot's Khmer Rouge - 2-3 million

Comparatively, the Crusades and Inquisition cost the lives of about 2 million, give or take. Certainly a tragedy, but far from what people from other ideologies have perpetrated in the past 100 years.


Back from the dead, I'm afraid.

badgenome said:
EdHieron said:

If you look at the history of Christian Theocracies (including Hitler's )

Do you even know anything, anything at all what the word theocracy means? Lots of governments have had official religions without being theocracies. Hitler co-opted Christianity to an extent, not out of a love of Christianity (he wasn't particularly a fan), but because it was the predominate religion of Germany. In so doing, he made the religion serve the state rather than vice versa, which is what a theocracy would have done.

EdHieron said:

I wouldn't put Christians in concentration camps, but they certainly need to be re-educated to the point where they actually believe in something that has some basis in reality.

Oh, okay then.

Hitler said "I am and have always been a Catholic."  The German Catholic Bishops really didn't make any efforts to try to stop him.  His soldiers' belt buckles said "God with Us."  And in many ways what he did in Germany including the burning of Jews was just a continuation of the policies of some of those nations that had Protestantism or Catholicism as their official religions  in the Middle Ages.

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badgenome said:
EdHieron said:

derp derp derp

Most Republicans don't want to ban abortion in the case of rape and incest, actually. You are wrong about everything. Goodbye.

even though the logically consistant view would be to be against those things as well.

regardless, being pro-life has little to do with believing in good, there are tons of non religuous types that are pro-life because they actaully pay attention to science and the biology of humans. 

its painful to see, people like him are the first to claim that republicans are anti-science, yet when it comes to abortion they just felt out ignore scientific fact. the fact that even babies born from a rapists arent their mother and arent their father, they are their own being. the has their own genes and dna, their own life processes, their own hands, feet brain, heart, etc.

it pisses me off more than anything

EdHieron said:
badgenome said:
EdHieron said:

If you look at the history of Christian Theocracies (including Hitler's )

Do you even know anything, anything at all what the word theocracy means? Lots of governments have had official religions without being theocracies. Hitler co-opted Christianity to an extent, not out of a love of Christianity (he wasn't particularly a fan), but because it was the predominate religion of Germany. In so doing, he made the religion serve the state rather than vice versa, which is what a theocracy would have done.

EdHieron said:

I wouldn't put Christians in concentration camps, but they certainly need to be re-educated to the point where they actually believe in something that has some basis in reality.

Oh, okay then.

Hitler said "I am and have always been a Catholic."  The German Catholic Bishops really didn't make any efforts to try to stop him.  His soldiers' belt buckles said "God with Us."  And in many ways what he did in Germany including the burning of Jews was just a continuation of the policies of some of those nations that had Protestantism or Catholicism as their official religions  in the Middle Ages.


Hitler and the SS murdered approximately 40% of all Christian pastors and preists of churches during World War 2. One of Germany's greatest tactics was to murder all Christian leaders when they occupied a new nation. Anyone that disagreed with the Nazi regime were promptly killed.

Deitrich Boehnhoffer is a prime example of that.

Some went along with Nazi Germany, certainly, but if you research Christianity under Nazi Germany, you'd understand that Hitler had a very negative view of them and was prepared to purge them as soon as it was expedient.


Back from the dead, I'm afraid.

mrstickball said:
EdHieron said:
badgenome said:
EdHieron said:

If you look at the history of Christian Theocracies (including Hitler's )

Do you even know anything, anything at all what the word theocracy means? Lots of governments have had official religions without being theocracies. Hitler co-opted Christianity to an extent, not out of a love of Christianity (he wasn't particularly a fan), but because it was the predominate religion of Germany. In so doing, he made the religion serve the state rather than vice versa, which is what a theocracy would have done.

EdHieron said:

I wouldn't put Christians in concentration camps, but they certainly need to be re-educated to the point where they actually believe in something that has some basis in reality.

Oh, okay then.

Hitler said "I am and have always been a Catholic."  The German Catholic Bishops really didn't make any efforts to try to stop him.  His soldiers' belt buckles said "God with Us."  And in many ways what he did in Germany including the burning of Jews was just a continuation of the policies of some of those nations that had Protestantism or Catholicism as their official religions  in the Middle Ages.


Hitler and the SS murdered approximately 40% of all Christian pastors and preists of churches during World War 2. One of Germany's greatest tactics was to murder all Christian leaders when they occupied a new nation. Anyone that disagreed with the Nazi regime were promptly killed.

Deitrich Boehnhoffer is a prime example of that.




Here is a list of the people that the Nazis are said to be most responsible for killing.

"The Nazi's killed over 11 million Jews, 'gypsies', disabled, Poles, Soviet civilians, homosexuals, Communists. If you add in the 3.3 million Soviet prisoners of war killed in German camps the total is much higher."

Do you see mass numbers of Christians being singled out?

Also, the only country where Christians were singled out to be in Nazi concentration camps was Poland.  And the vast majority of Christians that the Nazis were considered to be responsible for killing were killed not because of their Christianity but because they were enemy combatants ( ).

EdHieron said:
badgenome said:
EdHieron said:

If you look at the history of Christian Theocracies (including Hitler's )

Do you even know anything, anything at all what the word theocracy means? Lots of governments have had official religions without being theocracies. Hitler co-opted Christianity to an extent, not out of a love of Christianity (he wasn't particularly a fan), but because it was the predominate religion of Germany. In so doing, he made the religion serve the state rather than vice versa, which is what a theocracy would have done.

EdHieron said:

I wouldn't put Christians in concentration camps, but they certainly need to be re-educated to the point where they actually believe in something that has some basis in reality.

Oh, okay then.

Hitler said "I am and have always been a Catholic."  The German Catholic Bishops really didn't make any efforts to try to stop him.  His soldiers' belt buckles said "God with Us."  And in many ways what he did in Germany including the burning of Jews was just a continuation of the policies of some of those nations that had Protestantism or Catholicism as their official religions  in the Middle Ages.

 "The Mohammedan religion too would have been much more compatible to us than Christianity. Why did it have to be Christianity with its meekness and flabbiness?" - Adolf Hitler

Hitler supported Catholocism because Germany is a Catholic country. In private he probably was an atheist or agnostic. 

ǝןdɯıs ʇı dǝǝʞ oʇ ǝʞıן ı ʍouʞ noʎ 

Ask me about being an elitist jerk

Time for hype

EdHieron said:

Hitler said "I am and have always been a Catholic."  The German Catholic Bishops really didn't make any efforts to try to stop him.  His soldiers' belt buckles said "God with Us."  And in many ways what he did in Germany including the burning of Jews was just a continuation of the policies of some of those nations that had Protestantism or Catholicism as their official religions  in the Middle Ages.

He also lamented the weakness of Christianity and wished Germany had been Shintoist or Islamic because it would have better served his (entirely secular) purposes.

And that still isn't the definition of a theocracy.