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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Current vs Last, a Console Sales Story (COMPLETE!)


Final Smash: Should somone one do this at the start of every gen?

yes 65 75.58%
no 3 3.49%
show me the money! 7 8.14%
retroking1981 said:
Also anyone doubting that XOne will overtake the Wii U are mad. It'll happen very soon, not PS4 soon but sooner rather than later.

I'd say anyone making that proclamation before seeing how it levels out in 2014 is a bit silly.

Lifetime, yeah Wii U is likely destined for 3rd. But passing Wii U could easily be more like how long it took PS3 to pass 360.

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retroking1981 said:
Also anyone doubting that XOne will overtake the Wii U are mad. It'll happen very soon, not PS4 soon but sooner rather than later.

Can you define very soon?

I like loging these posts so that if the person's wrong, I can find the quote easily. Need to know when I should potentially bump it.

superchunk said:
retroking1981 said:
Also anyone doubting that XOne will overtake the Wii U are mad. It'll happen very soon, not PS4 soon but sooner rather than later.

I'd say anyone making that proclamation before seeing how it levels out in 2014 is a bit silly.

Lifetime, yeah Wii U is likely destined for 3rd. But passing Wii U could easily be more like how long it took PS3 to pass 360.

I respect your opinion but I honestly disagree.

The only thing that will slow down the XOne over taking the Wii U is the popularity of the PS4.

Time shall tell.

JoeTheBro said:
retroking1981 said:
Also anyone doubting that XOne will overtake the Wii U are mad. It'll happen very soon, not PS4 soon but sooner rather than later.

Can you define very soon?

I like loging these posts so that if the person's wrong, I can find the quote easily. Need to know when I should potentially bump it.

I'll go for end of February for PS4 > Wii U


Sometime in June for XOne

It's painful to see the WiiU's bad first year. It's a system with quite a lot of potential, but I guess the world still doesn't see it. Even this holiday, wasn't exactly spectacular. It's still a good deal below PS360, which weren't very good to begin with. Mario Kart 8 is probably it's last chance to turn it around in a significant way. If that game doesn't help, WiiU will be 3rd on GC level sales.

PS4 had an amazing start, that's undeniable. It had amazing hype among core gamers though, who buy things as soon as possible, so I'm preparing myself for a significant drop-off. Not as heavy as WiiU of course, but it won't keep up the pace with the Wii. PS4 will be the easy winner in the home-console space for the 8th Gen though and will overtake WiiU's sales to become the #1 sooner rather than later.

XBox One also had a good start, but it's already below the Wii. I think it will definitely fall far behind both that console as well as the PS4. I think it will continue to sell at a rate a little higher than WiiU, but nothing spectacular. It will take some time before it'll be in 2nd place, and depending on the performance of Mario Kart it might never reach it.

So that's my forecast, let's see if I'm better than the weathermen.

Thanks for the update superchunk! It's interesting to keep track of !

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I don't think any single game can save a system.

What saves them is a compelling library. I remember that PS3 chalk board of whats gonna save it from years back and in my opinion a lot of what was on that chalk board probably did save it, but collectively not singularly.

MK8 won't save the Wii U, it'll help just like 3D World did.

What the Wii U doesn't have that PS3 did was 3rd party support, even if it was through parity with the 360. Look at all the new titles coming out such as Evolve that was announced yesterday, no Wii U in sight.

Wii U could die an early death if Activision and Ubisoft drop support, thats what killed the Dreamcast. Nintendo does have its own IP and developers to fall back on but it won't be enough.

Even the GCN had titles like Tomb Raider, True Crime, Prince of Persia, FIFA, Madden, Medal of Honor etc.

Anyway I second the gratitude towards superchunk for this thread. Its nice to be able to see how things are panning out.

Updated data due to adjustments in Xbone and PS4 numbers.

I also broke up the monthly data a bit more for easier reading. I liked being able to see just launch.

Updated poll stats and added a new poll.

Crazy times ahead peeps... crazy times.

superchunk said:
Updated data due to adjustments in Xbone and PS4 numbers.

I also broke up the monthly data a bit more for easier reading. I liked being able to see just launch.

Oh I like that.


Voted in the poll.


Microsoft is more than likely to to blow our minds and release some gadget that repeats the kinect's succes, but right now with its current momentum I voted "never."

Voted Q2