It's painful to see the WiiU's bad first year. It's a system with quite a lot of potential, but I guess the world still doesn't see it. Even this holiday, wasn't exactly spectacular. It's still a good deal below PS360, which weren't very good to begin with. Mario Kart 8 is probably it's last chance to turn it around in a significant way. If that game doesn't help, WiiU will be 3rd on GC level sales.
PS4 had an amazing start, that's undeniable. It had amazing hype among core gamers though, who buy things as soon as possible, so I'm preparing myself for a significant drop-off. Not as heavy as WiiU of course, but it won't keep up the pace with the Wii. PS4 will be the easy winner in the home-console space for the 8th Gen though and will overtake WiiU's sales to become the #1 sooner rather than later.
XBox One also had a good start, but it's already below the Wii. I think it will definitely fall far behind both that console as well as the PS4. I think it will continue to sell at a rate a little higher than WiiU, but nothing spectacular. It will take some time before it'll be in 2nd place, and depending on the performance of Mario Kart it might never reach it.
So that's my forecast, let's see if I'm better than the weathermen.
Thanks for the update superchunk! It's interesting to keep track of