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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Current vs Last, a Console Sales Story (COMPLETE!)


Final Smash: Should somone one do this at the start of every gen?

yes 65 75.58%
no 3 3.49%
show me the money! 7 8.14%

Forgot to post that I updated with latest data from Oct 19th.

While Oct will be Wii U's best this year, its still below expectations IMO.

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Yeah, it's doing so poorly it kinda hurts to see....

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.

Updated with latest and wow, I'm beginning to think Wii U has no long-term possibility.

I figured Wii U would rebound by now and hit ~8m by end of 2013. Now ~6m is questionable based on the serious lack of any real jump in sales for this time of year.

Updated with latest data as well as VGC data changes going all the way back to June. wow, was WiiU downgraded in October...

Oct was only about 1/2 where it needs to be. Let's see if Nov improves. If not, it won't take much for MSony to pass Wii U in first year.

Becoming a bit embarrassing now tbh. Least Nintendo have the 3DS.

Things will become intersting here once the XB-one and PS4 release. I'm expecting them to trend above 360 and PS3 respectivily and be closer to the Wii but not quite make those numbers.

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Those Oct numbers for Wii U are awful, thats a full months price cut in the west right?

I'm starting to wonder if it'll break 1m for the month of Nov.

Yep, definitely well below where it should be.

Basically, if Wii U doesn't do 4m in Nov/Dec, then Nintendo should consider abandoning ship.

At least with Gamecube, the hardware was profitable. I am not sure Wii U has profitable hardware and a severe price cut would simply guarantee it is not. Plus, even at $250, it wasn't selling well.

Guess we'll see how it fares. I honestly felt with it would do a lot better, but it needs to create buzz and I have yet to see any significant marketing.

No chance with new rival HW coming out, they had a year and to be blunt have failed.

Having said that I don't think abandoning ship is a good move. I think thats what killed Sega. By giving up on 32x and Saturn so quickly the brand image and strenth was damaged so much that the Dreamcast which was a very capable console stood no chance. Nintendo need to support the Wii U and see out the generation so that people know their getting 5 years worth of gaming.

I think Ninty is betting big time on 3D World. Also guys we shouldn't rely on VGC figures until we know for sure it didn't do well in October. Lets wait for Oct. NPD.

I think November will be solid for Wii U. The NSMBU Bundle seems popular and Mario3DWorld has some good hype. And people like buying Nintendos at Christmas.