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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Current vs Last, a Console Sales Story (COMPLETE!)


Final Smash: Should somone one do this at the start of every gen?

yes 65 75.58%
no 3 3.49%
show me the money! 7 8.14%

Based on Sony saying they will sell more Playstation 4's this holiday than any previous generation hardware, I expect them to sell more than 6 million through December 31st.

Stop hate, let others live the life they were given. Everyone has their problems, and no one should have to feel ashamed for the way they were born. Be proud of who you are, encourage others to be proud of themselves. Learn, research, absorb everything around you. Nothing is meaningless, a purpose is placed on everything no matter how you perceive it. Discover how to love, and share that love with everything that you encounter. Help make existence a beautiful thing.

Kevyn B Grams


Around the Network

Where did the HandHeld version of this thread go? A lot less depressing. For me, at least.

KBG29 said:
Based on Sony saying they will sell more Playstation 4's this holiday than any previous generation hardware, I expect them to sell more than 6 million through December 31st.

I don't see 6m. No company has been able to get that many into retail.

4m tops is more likely.

NintendoPie said:
Where did the HandHeld version of this thread go? A lot less depressing. For me, at least.

IDK, I didn't create that one.

superchunk said:
KBG29 said:
Based on Sony saying they will sell more Playstation 4's this holiday than any previous generation hardware, I expect them to sell more than 6 million through December 31st.

I don't see 6m. No company has been able to get that many into retail.

4m tops is more likely.

Just out of interest, do we know how many units PS2 sold in the US and Japan holiday 1.

Stop hate, let others live the life they were given. Everyone has their problems, and no one should have to feel ashamed for the way they were born. Be proud of who you are, encourage others to be proud of themselves. Learn, research, absorb everything around you. Nothing is meaningless, a purpose is placed on everything no matter how you perceive it. Discover how to love, and share that love with everything that you encounter. Help make existence a beautiful thing.

Kevyn B Grams


Around the Network
KBG29 said:

Just out of interest, do we know how many units PS2 sold in the US and Japan holiday 1.

I'm sure you can find Sony's official quarterly reports on that first year end that will tell you that info. But that would be shipments not final sales, however with a launch device it won't be much different.

I don't have that info though. But I have seen MANY comparisons between Wii and PS2 and Wii was always ahead until late in its life and it only put out 3.5m or so in its launch xmas.

Seriously this is driving me nuts, am I the only one who cant see any of the chart/data anymore?

Checked over the span of a few weeks in both Opera and Firefox, refreshed and all that jazz, still nothing.

EDIT: As far as the PS4 launch, while the Wii U only had to compete with the last gen consoles that had already been out for 7+ years, the PS4 is competing DIRECTLY against the launch of the One, and the Wii U is having a sort of unofficial re-launch with very considerable software lineup and likely steep price cut.

By itself would be one thing, but I think the One launching at nearly the exact same time alone for largely the same demographic would bring it below 3 million easy.

I Expect to see the Nintendo Wii U massively increase units since they are doing a sort of "Relaunch" for it from Pikmin 3 all the way to Mario 3D World in December.

DietSoap said:

Seriously this is driving me nuts, am I the only one who cant see any of the chart/data anymore?

Checked over the span of a few weeks in both Opera and Firefox, refreshed and all that jazz, still nothing.

EDIT: As far as the PS4 launch, while the Wii U only had to compete with the last gen consoles that had already been out for 7+ years, the PS4 is competing DIRECTLY against the launch of the One, and the Wii U is having a sort of unofficial re-launch with very considerable software lineup and likely steep price cut.

By itself would be one thing, but I think the One launching at nearly the exact same time alone for largely the same demographic would bring it below 3 million easy.

I'll get I fixed tomorrow. :)

DietSoap said:

Seriously this is driving me nuts, am I the only one who cant see any of the chart/data anymore?

Checked over the span of a few weeks in both Opera and Firefox, refreshed and all that jazz, still nothing.

Is it still not working for you? I tried on places I am both logged into Google and not... on different browsers too and it all shows for me.