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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Current vs Last, a Console Sales Story (COMPLETE!)


Final Smash: Should somone one do this at the start of every gen?

yes 65 75.58%
no 3 3.49%
show me the money! 7 8.14%
superchunk said:
DietSoap said:
Gamerace said:
With Nintendo not having an E3 press conference - which would be great mass media exposure for WiiU - I can only assume they feel they don't have anything to present that will attract attention away from Sony/MS's announcements (and both of them will have already announced their new console's pre-E3 so that'll put a damper on their own E3 presentations).

I don't understand what Nintendo is doing here at all: They have to show off MARIO KART, SMASH, 3D MARIO, BAYONETTA 2, RETRO'S GAME

And they don't WANT to go head to head with Microsoft and Sony after, as you pointed out, all they have left to show is software since they've already shown hardware/will already have shown the hardware?

I mean I don't get it, we're talking a sequel to a 20 - 30 million unit seller and two 10 million sellers in the form of Mario Kart and Smash/3D Mario respectively while the other two conferences would be lucky to show off a single 10 million seller. That doesn't even begin to factor in the immense positive hardcore hype Bayonetta 2 and Retro's game will undoubtedly generate.

I don't know, something doesn't seem right about all this...  I'm starting to think Nintendo maybe didn't do as good of a job on these games as we're expecting them to.

Why do people keep struggling with Nintendo's decision?

Old Approach:

1hr Mega show to have some marketing PR, new services, less than 5 deep demos of games, and a generic reel of other games or very short individual teasers.
Risk of focusing on games mass consumer/gamer doesn't even care about (wii music) and gain more negative attention than positive.
Risk of live demo failing with tech issues or other. Happens all the time.
Never have enough time to show off all of your games. How many times have we learned about bigger games or details from other random media stuff on E3 floor? every. single. year.
All this with a massive upfront cost to rent facility, hire actors, etc...
Big presence on E3 floor with all game demos and where most of the positive info/buzz comes from.

New Approach:

Multiple Nintendo Directs that span multiple hours covering far more games in deep demos, new services, far better presentations for 3rd party games.
Show an unpopular game? you have many more NDs to make up for it.
Not live. no possibility of failure.
Have as much time as you could possibly take to show off anything you want. No more need to hide one over another. Floor will only enhance NDs, not overshadow.
Far lower costs in every way.
Big presence on E3 floor with all game demos and being able to focus on additional private convos with retailers and 3rd parties due to content already being fully out in media's hands and web.


I think this is a very smart risk to take. I can't wait for the NDs to start well before E3, while the rest of you have to wait for your 1hr presentation in June.

This is akin to the pastor preaching the value of church to the choir.   No one outside the church will ever hear him, no matter how compelling his sermon is. 

E3 is the best opportunity to reach the largest possible audenience (even mass media covers E3).  If they are silent at E3, it's cause they have nothing to say or perhaps because they no longer want to hype a console they are already looking to replace.


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Gamerace said:

This is akin to the pastor preaching the value of church to the choir.   No one outside the church will ever hear him, no matter how compelling his sermon is. 

E3 is the best opportunity to reach the largest possible audenience (even mass media covers E3).  If they are silent at E3, it's cause they have nothing to say or perhaps because they no longer want to hype a console they are already looking to replace.

The same media covering E3 will cover their NDs. Did you miss that part in my long post you quoted?

And nice to see Wii U failing like it deserves to fail. Keep up the good work, soon it will be miles behind of GC. :D

Alright, so looking at things back in later 06, even though the Wii U is set to fall behind the 360 this month provided serious undertracking isn't found to be the case for April, I think the Wii U will actually be able to re-surpass the 360 aligned at the end of the year with absolute ease.

I can see 12 - 14 million Wii Us by Jan 1st 2014 compared to the 360's 8.1 million and PS3's 9.5 million along rougly the same time frame.

I know 14 million in particular seems a little high right now, but the software will be there in a much bigger and significant fashion than it was for the other two, and the inevitable drop to $249.99 will just grease things even further.

Edit: Important to point out  that the 360 was only at 4.8 when that first October started, 5.1 for PS3.

Even granting the Wii U only sells, say, 150k per month till October (I could see an average as high as 225k thanks to Pikmin 3), it'll still only be behind the 360/PS3 in the same time frame by about a million, with an all but guaranteed far better holiday season due to Mario Kart (30 million on Wii) and 3D Mario megahitters, steep price cut, and pent up younger player demand (which Nintendo wins in) due to younger gamers not being able to afford a console themselves, thus having to wait till christmas to ask their parents.

Updated with latest info from May 4th.

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DanneSandin said:

Ditto" type="application/x-shockwave-flash">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash">

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Updated with May 11th data.

The site adjustments didn't affect Wii U. But man does Wii U need games to come out and crazy advertising.

Wii U definitely needs a jumpstart. It's sales trend is brutal. Nintendo is very fortunate that they are out first and have time to react, and that this is all bonus install base sells right now. It's not inconceivable that Wii U versions of titles like AC4 or Watch_Dogs could outsell PS4 or XI versions with the much larger install base. And the existing install base will push their friends to buy the system. Wii U needs a strong July-Aug-Sep-Oct to take advantage fully of its head start.

And again, this sales trend is pretty similar to the last first-launch system, the XBox 360.

TheLastStarFighter said:
Wii U definitely needs a jumpstart. It's sales trend is brutal. Nintendo is very fortunate that they are out first and have time to react, and that this is all bonus install base sells right now. It's not inconceivable that Wii U versions of titles like AC4 or Watch_Dogs could outsell PS4 or XI versions with the much larger install base. And the existing install base will push their friends to buy the system. Wii U needs a strong July-Aug-Sep-Oct to take advantage fully of its head start.

And again, this sales trend is pretty similar to the last first-launch system, the XBox 360.

However, this lackluster start is cause for MSony to consider pushing up their probably November launches. I mean if they can come out a couple months early with a couple first party titles, that could really hamper any effort Nintendo has planned to boost Wii U prior to November.

^ Now that I think of it, that would make sense of both the rumors of 3D Mario in October AND PS4 launch in October.