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Forums - Gaming Discussion - PS3 is the only console up YoY on black friday, everything else down

CGI-Quality said:
JayWood2010 said:
CGI-Quality said:
Proclus said:

I like you CGI, but you're just selectively turning a blind eye now, and you know it bud.

Read the reply to JayWood, bud

Read my comments in Pezus's thread.  His is being handled better than this. I don't even see how i did anything wron in this thread in your eyes but ok.  Later

Whaaaa? Did you actually read what I wrote to you?

Nope I did not, just did :P  Well I apologize for getting upset then with my last comment


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JayWood2010 said:
CGI-Quality said:
Proclus said:
CGI-Quality said:
JayWood2010 said:
At everybody making this into a competition, you do realize the X360 still outsold the PS3 right? What is the point of bragging about something when it still didnt outsell it? Pointless

The first competitive comment: "And still quiet below the 360, *insert Balmer picture here*", was the first in here. I don't see any bragging for the PS3 there. Beyond that, all the OP does is state a fact, without trolling/flaming. Can only imagine why that has some of you up in arms. :P

I like you CGI, but you're just selectively turning a blind eye now, and you know it bud.

Read the reply to JayWood, bud

Read my comments in Pezus's thread.  His is being handled better than this. I don't even see how i did anything wron in this thread in your eyes but ok.  Later

No. You just didnot read what this thread was about so you came in here talking about irrelevancies. You have no right to criticize my thread or the way I set it up. The fault is completly on your side, read the OP, understand it, reflect on it, then comment. You come off as being very ignorant here.

Turkish said:
JayWood2010 said:
CGI-Quality said:
Proclus said:
CGI-Quality said:
JayWood2010 said:
At everybody making this into a competition, you do realize the X360 still outsold the PS3 right? What is the point of bragging about something when it still didnt outsell it? Pointless

The first competitive comment: "And still quiet below the 360, *insert Balmer picture here*", was the first in here. I don't see any bragging for the PS3 there. Beyond that, all the OP does is state a fact, without trolling/flaming. Can only imagine why that has some of you up in arms. :P

I like you CGI, but you're just selectively turning a blind eye now, and you know it bud.

Read the reply to JayWood, bud

Read my comments in Pezus's thread.  His is being handled better than this. I don't even see how i did anything wron in this thread in your eyes but ok.  Later

No. You just didnot read what this thread was about so you came in here talking about irrelevancies. You have no right to criticize my thread or the way I set it up. The fault is completly on your side, read the OP, understand it, reflect on it, then comment. You come off as being very ignorant here.

No Im very aware of the OP and the comments.  You made a direct comparison which will only open up to a console war hence the comments.  In Pezus's thread he asks a question that does not direct comparisons which is why it has went fluid for the most part. 

BTW I have ignored every one of your comments yet you keep quoting me.  It is like you want to argue, I don't so stop quoting me.


JayWood2010 said:
Turkish said:
JayWood2010 said:
CGI-Quality said:
Proclus said:
CGI-Quality said:
JayWood2010 said:
At everybody making this into a competition, you do realize the X360 still outsold the PS3 right? What is the point of bragging about something when it still didnt outsell it? Pointless

The first competitive comment: "And still quiet below the 360, *insert Balmer picture here*", was the first in here. I don't see any bragging for the PS3 there. Beyond that, all the OP does is state a fact, without trolling/flaming. Can only imagine why that has some of you up in arms. :P

I like you CGI, but you're just selectively turning a blind eye now, and you know it bud.

Read the reply to JayWood, bud

Read my comments in Pezus's thread.  His is being handled better than this. I don't even see how i did anything wron in this thread in your eyes but ok.  Later

No. You just didnot read what this thread was about so you came in here talking about irrelevancies. You have no right to criticize my thread or the way I set it up. The fault is completly on your side, read the OP, understand it, reflect on it, then comment. You come off as being very ignorant here.

No Im very aware of the OP and the comments.  You made a direct comparison which will only open up to a console war hence the comments.  In Pezus's thread he asks a question that does not direct comparisons which is why it has went fluid for the most part. 

BTW I have ignored every one of your comments yet you keep quoting me.  It is like you want to argue, I don't so stop quoting me.

Apparantly you're not. Stop being paranoid and think all this is about console wars. Who cares for that shit? Why do you bring up 360 selling more than PS3? Do you think we're blind? Seems like reporting this overseen fact is bothering you so much, why don't you get out of my thread? Your only contribution is derailing my thread and complaining it is worthless just because in YOUR EYES it is small news.


Stop enforcing your opinions onto me and in my thread mate.

Holy shit, didn't see that coming what is more impressive is the fact that this year had barely any great exclusives on the ps3

Bet reminder: I bet with Tboned51 that Splatoon won't reach the 1 million shipped mark by the end of 2015. I win if he loses and I lose if I lost.

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chapset said:
Holy shit, didn't see that coming what is more impressive is the fact that this year had barely any great exclusives on the ps3

probably people bought it for the exclusives next year. $199 with 5 games + a 250gb hdd is a great deal. practically get it while it was here than wait till next year when they would have to pay $269 for it 

man-bear-pig said:
These sales are impressive, yes. Anyone who denies that is insane. The question is WHY. Why did the PS3 have this jump? Especially considering there were no big exclusives and the X360 had Halo.

X360 market saturation?
PS3 slim?
Good bundles?
Price cuts?
PSASBR hardware boost? (Lolz)

It all just seems too good to be true to me. Did Sony ACTUALLY release a press statement? Did IGN and the like just copy Gematsu? Why didn't Sony release an official statement? What if Sony were hacked and this email was sent by hackers?

It's a bizarre situation.

probably to have next years exclusives, getting it while it had the price cut, and it had good bundles and probably the xbox 360 market saturation had to have some effect and no matter that i really enjoy it but i highly doubt PSASBR moved much hardware. Sony actually did release a press statement. 

Basically a copy of an already-existing thread, here


Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

isn't a true comparison. While it is good for Sony, they need all the money they can get now, the ps3 is a year younger so comparing a 7th year console to a 6th is a bit off. Especially considering that the average best year sales for a console is what..... 5th or 6th year?

Congratulations to Sony and the ps3! I really hope this is the start of a new financial turn-around!