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Forums - Sales Discussion - PS3 UP YOY in USA with NO big exclusives. What gives?


Why was the PS3 up YOY in USA during BF week?

Great bundle deals and discounts 198 45.41%
New exclusive games (All ... 21 4.82%
More PS3 advertising 15 3.44%
A combination of multiple factors 136 31.19%
Other 16 3.67%
See results 48 11.01%
bananaking21 said:
JayWood2010 said:
bananaking21 said:
JayWood2010 said:
pezus said:
JayWood2010 said:
It has a lot of exclusives so I'd think people would buy it and then buy exclusives they've missed. Multiplatform will of course help too

But it had most of the big exclusives last year too. Why did it sell more this year? Do you think it was PS All Stars??

maybe Im not understanding the question.  Are you talking about the entire year or just the holidays?

And no lol

Bundles have been good this year and gaming is growing over all.  Multi console owners may buy the ps3 for exclusives theyve missed.  I dont think anybody is going to have an answer for you to be honest.  Its good to see the PS3/X360 do good during the holidays but I dont think anybody can pinpoint to why they sell to just one thing.  It'll be multiple things that helps.  

On a side note what came out last year?  Im thinking Uncharted 3, Little Big Planet 2 came out early last year, Resistance 3 came out in september, and what else?  I can't remember.  Last year wasnt that great either if I can remember right but it was certainly better than this year.  It is weird to see it sell better but either way that's a good thing 

motorstrom apocalypse, ico and shadow of the colosuss collection(which ironically i just got, like right now) socom 4, killzone 3, littlebigplanet 2, resistance 3, uncharted 3, infamous 2 and ratchet and clank all 4 one

Thanks.  It was actually bothering me I couldnt remember lol.  Ico and shadow of collosuss XD  just make me even more upset that we still have no clue about the last guardian >:(

lool yeah i actually forgot about infamous and motorstorm, had to look up a list real quick. well i never played either game and i heard they were both amazing, and i hears shadow of the collosuss is a masterpiece, so i bought the games without even looking at them or knowing what they are, all i know is that they are considered two of the best games ever made, and the rest i will find out by playing them :D

I didnt get motorstorm, not really a big fan of the series.  I own infamous 2 but ehh, it's ok.  ICO and SoC though are some of my favorite games.  i love the originality and the story of them. I just hope the give some info on The Last Guardian soon.  Just let me know its in progress at least.


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JayWood2010 said:
bananaking21 said:
JayWood2010 said:
bananaking21 said:
JayWood2010 said:
pezus said:
JayWood2010 said:
It has a lot of exclusives so I'd think people would buy it and then buy exclusives they've missed. Multiplatform will of course help too

But it had most of the big exclusives last year too. Why did it sell more this year? Do you think it was PS All Stars??

maybe Im not understanding the question.  Are you talking about the entire year or just the holidays?

And no lol

Bundles have been good this year and gaming is growing over all.  Multi console owners may buy the ps3 for exclusives theyve missed.  I dont think anybody is going to have an answer for you to be honest.  Its good to see the PS3/X360 do good during the holidays but I dont think anybody can pinpoint to why they sell to just one thing.  It'll be multiple things that helps.  

On a side note what came out last year?  Im thinking Uncharted 3, Little Big Planet 2 came out early last year, Resistance 3 came out in september, and what else?  I can't remember.  Last year wasnt that great either if I can remember right but it was certainly better than this year.  It is weird to see it sell better but either way that's a good thing 

motorstrom apocalypse, ico and shadow of the colosuss collection(which ironically i just got, like right now) socom 4, killzone 3, littlebigplanet 2, resistance 3, uncharted 3, infamous 2 and ratchet and clank all 4 one

Thanks.  It was actually bothering me I couldnt remember lol.  Ico and shadow of collosuss XD  just make me even more upset that we still have no clue about the last guardian >:(

lool yeah i actually forgot about infamous and motorstorm, had to look up a list real quick. well i never played either game and i heard they were both amazing, and i hears shadow of the collosuss is a masterpiece, so i bought the games without even looking at them or knowing what they are, all i know is that they are considered two of the best games ever made, and the rest i will find out by playing them :D

I didnt get motorstorm, not really a big fan of the series.  I own infamous 2 but ehh, it's ok.  ICO and SoC though are some of my favorite games.  i love the originality and the story of them. I just hope the give some info on The Last Guardian soon.  Just let me know its in progress at least.

i played the motorstorm demo, was fun but nothing i would buy for 60 bucks, or 30 for that matter. i hate, like HATED infamous 1, i got it when the PSN hack happened last year and the game was boringin my opinion, didnt finish it but i put about 4 hours into the game. and didnt they announce that the last Gaurdian is still in development and they are still working on the tittle? like i remember them saying so a couple of weeks ago

i played the motorstorm demo, was fun but nothing i would buy for 60 bucks, or 30 for that matter. i hate, like HATED infamous 1, i got it when the PSN hack happened last year and the game was boringin my opinion, didnt finish it but i put about 4 hours into the game. and didnt they announce that the last Gaurdian is still in development and they are still working on the tittle? like i remember them saying so a couple of weeks ago

Yeah I played the demo as well, just not my style I suppose.  I actually liked the 1st InFamous much better.  I mean it wasnt amazing but it was the 1st game I platinumed haha Who knows about The Last Guardian, I've heard them say so many things I can't remember anymore.  I think I do remember hearing they are bringing in another team to help out though, but don't quote me on that.  here is to hoping for info at E3 lol


Carl2291 said:
kowenicki said:

Why? It was way behind its competitor last year and its way behind its competitor this year.  Yes it's up, which is good, but it's relatively still pretty bad? Isn't it? 

Im gonna quote this again. Im gonna ask you something but I want you to answer when youre sober. Look at the bolded.

Last Year, the 360 finished up behind its competitor. Was it a bad 2011 for the 360?

Guess VGC really believed PS3 have unknown shortage of PS3 in 2011

JayWood2010 said:

i played the motorstorm demo, was fun but nothing i would buy for 60 bucks, or 30 for that matter. i hate, like HATED infamous 1, i got it when the PSN hack happened last year and the game was boringin my opinion, didnt finish it but i put about 4 hours into the game. and didnt they announce that the last Gaurdian is still in development and they are still working on the tittle? like i remember them saying so a couple of weeks ago

Yeah I played the demo as well, just not my style I suppose.  I actually liked the 1st InFamous much better.  I mean it wasnt amazing but it was the 1st game I platinumed haha Who knows about The Last Guardian, I've heard them say so many things I can't remember anymore.  I think I do remember hearing they are bringing in another team to help out though, but don't quote me on that.  here is to hoping for info at E3 lol

i think i heard that to that they are bringing another team, i think sony santa monica, dont quote me on that though lol. and hopefully at E3 we will

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just shows how amazing the ps3 would sell if it actually reached $199 worldwide.

PS plus might also have been an incentive.

"Common sense is not so common." - Voltaire

Platinumed Destiny, Vanquish, Ninja Gaiden Sigma Plus, Catherine, and Metal Gear Rising. Get on my level!!

Get your Portable ID!                                                                                     

sony should have just put the super slim at $199 when they released it. maybe no ps4 next year.

Does kowen ever say anything positive about the ps3?

Anyways great numbers, guess vgchartz is way off.

Super Slim + amazing Black Friday bundle at a great price + most american already have a 360 = Win for Sony