Making comparisons between future multiplatform titles released for Wii U, will be interesting.
Ports like Batman AC and Bops 2 aren't good comparisons.
Making comparisons between future multiplatform titles released for Wii U, will be interesting.
Ports like Batman AC and Bops 2 aren't good comparisons.
Wow this is terrible, the 360 ha a tri core 3.2ghz processor..Well done Nintendo. It is a miracle that 3rd parties got their games to run on your console.
Personally, I feel like they should just embrace this rather than be cagey about it.
"Yeah, that's right! The CPU is only marginally better than the Wii's. And we still think we'll do better than Microsoft and Sony because we think features and games are more important--just like last time! HOLD DAT PS360 FANBOYS"
At the very least, it would be honest. More honest than Reggie saying third-party games look WAY better, anyway. I still wouldn't get one anytime soon, though... :p
Soundwave said: They gimped the chipset in order to get that small casing and low power draw. So I hope people who live in Hobbit holes, and are eco concerned are happy. |
you meann like Japanese people?
R.I.P Mr Iwata :'( | ||
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JGarret said: What I find more interesting than the (even more disappointing than I thought) numbers, is the thing has apparently been hacked already. |
Its just simple bench mark test through Homebrew. The Wii firmware on the Wii U can run Homebrew like any other Wii so it would make sense if they can hack it. Wii U firmware however has not been hacked yet i suppose.
Umm what does it all mean. I've read contradicting comments here, probably none who know what are thinking about. Any experts?
maverick40 said: Wow this is terrible, the 360 ha a tri core 3.2ghz processor..Well done Nintendo. It is a miracle that 3rd parties got their games to run on your console. |
I have a Toshiba Laptop with a 1.5ghz processor and its a lot faster than my previous Dell Laptop with a 2.8ghz processor. Clock Speed does not matter anymore in this day and age. Archetecture is more important.
So the WiiU is three Wiis ductaped, the Wii being 2 GC ductaped together, that makes a total of....WiiU = 6 GCs!
And i was the happiest boy on earth with the Cube, so this has to be really good shit
gigantor21 said: If that's the case, it's no wonder they didn't want to talk about it. XD Seriously, though, that's ridiculous. |
Actually it's pretty good if true. The Broadway in the Wii is clocked at around 750MHz if I remember correctly and beats the Xenon, the CPU in the 360, at general processing tasks. The only thing it's not too hot at is floating point work, but then that's what the GPU is for. Three Broadways duct-taped together is not a bad thing by any means, and most certainly isn't ridiculous.
Honest question: Can someone tell me how can the CPU be like the one on Wii (x3) if IBM suposedly stopped working on those chips long ago? Or do they mean another thing with that "similar to Wii's Brodway but more cache"?
NiKKoM said: |
Krillin is/was almost the best character of Dragon Ball, second only to Goku. Even when Yamcha and Tenshinhan couldn't keep with the new enemies, he was still there fighting them. So if WiiU is like him, it will become my favourite console of all time.
Btw, what they made to him in GT was an abomination. The ones with that idea should have been put in jail for the rest of their lives. That or a lobotomy.
Please excuse my bad English.
Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070
Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.