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I don't like Haxton's vote on Nintails. If Ninetails turns up town haxton is most definitely mafia, because I consider what he's done here jumping on the lynch bandwagon. He has hardly participated and now he has voted for the most popular guy.

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mantlepiecek said:

I don't like Haxton's vote on Nintails. If Ninetails turns up town haxton is most definitely mafia, because I consider what he's done here jumping on the lynch bandwagon. He has hardly participated and now he has voted for the most popular guy.

Do you think ninetails is a wrong choice for lynching?


supermario128 said:

Finally read through the 250+ posts. You guys post too much meaningless stuff. :P

Unvote: Spurge

Revenge voting is over, it seems.

ninetailschris said:


2 I can named are confirmed mafia
3 are town.
1 is playing neutral mostly but is probably town...

I'm very interesting in knowing which are mafia, which are town, and which is "probably" town. It is very odd that you say you know for sure though. Is this because you are such an amazing player that it is too obvious to you, or because you are scum and KNOW for fact who is who?

HoS: NineTails


hatmoza said:

Could people STFU about having skills/items?

Agreed. In case some of you missed it. We do have vanillas in this game. Thus, by claiming you have an item it means you are not vanilla. You will be a target because of this. So, stop claiming anything...


radishhead said:
No way - I don't believe that there can be two Robins.

Anything is possible Radish. Unless you are the host how would you know? :P


Nachomamma8 said:
...because it's become clear to me as scum...

Clear to you AS SCUM? Was that a slip Nacho? Or did you mean to say something different? "because its become clear to me that he is scum" If that is what you meant it is pretty different than what you wrote.

HoS: Nacho

DanneSandin said:

I nailed 2 scums the two first nights... Sadly, town lynched ME and when I turned up a cop, they STILL didn't lynch my two suspects.

You only have yourself to blame for that.


DarkThanatos said:
TruckOSaurus said:
DarkThanatos said:

 Second team perhaps? 

Possible slip here. Are you on the first team?

No, my point was that a second team scum wouldn't want people considering a second team, because that throws in a whole new level. If they are second team they can push for first team's lynch fully and make themselves look town. That wont work if there are two scum factions.

This whole conversation has me intrigued. I was also going to bring up exactly what Trucks did. There is no reason anyone would say "second team" unless they themselves were on the "first team". As if the teams were numbered or something. Besides that, why did he even bring up the possibility of two teams? It seems very odd to me considering how rare it is to actually have two mafia teams.

You explanation is also weird and I'm not buying it. Obviously, if you were mafia you would know if there were two teams or not because of the small number of players on your own team. I believe you were the first person to bring up this theory, correct?

Vote: Thanatos

Also, I'm feeling a lot better about FF after he actually started to post more. Although, he could have started posting more because I said he lurks as mafia?

If we are lynching someone today I would be fine with either Thanatos or NinTails. Not sure I would support a lynch on anyone else.

One thing is for sure, this day is dragging on.

Vote: Time Limit

Most of these arguments is grasping at straws. Add Mario to my scum reads list.

For the nacho one, Mario should at least provide a link to the quote.

As for 9TC knowing who is who, in a two-team game (which this almost indubitably is), that isn't a reasonable card to play.

The parotting of Trucks' already far-fetched case on DT here is not giving town points to Mario in my book.

HaxtonFale said:
9TC keeps throwing "riddles" and wasting our time. As bad as I am at drawing conclusions from your lot's behaviour, he's suspicious enough.

Unvote, Vote: ninetailschris

You have been asked to support town if you know something and want to contribute, and yet all you do is saying hints. It means that you either bluff for fun or to confuse us. Both are bad.

If he were scum, he wouldn't be attracting so much attention to himself with riddles, at this point he would have recanted.

The 9TC bandwagonning is getting bad. Town, keep watch.


tabaha said:

My read: This is tabaha scum distancing with Mario scum.


mantlepiecek said:
TO further my case on you DT, I specifically asked you why is it that you didn't know about the Day Killer when Miz knew it. You had no answer to it. If you want you can try and answer it again, but the fact remains, you have pulled your "I am too inexperienced" card too many times for my liking.

All we need is for you to tell DT what that damn first question was so he can actually answer it, the one you got on his case for not answering. Fail to do that and you are waisting town attention with tl;dr.

hatmoza said:
anywho generally speaking here (not exclusive to  F-F), I'm seriously tired of catching up every time I log onto VGC. I want the day to end. I personally would prefer a miz lynch but  the investigator won't disappoint us I assume tonight. I don't have enough tampons to pass out every time someone goes pussy the moment I talk to them either. That's amusing for so long before it gets pathetic.

This something I was debating whether to post or not, but I don't give a fuck anymore.

@Cop: PLEASE don't waste your move on me. I realize how this looks and I don't care. Yes, town > one person.

Personally, I would advise checking out mantlepiecek. I don't trust him. He's distant with his posts, they seem intelligent but with no emotion, like he doesn't really care about what he's saying. I don't like this. I just can't manage a solid reading on this guy, either town or mafia.

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happydolphin said:



TruckOSaurus said:

I find the assumption of him thinking "tabaha" in 9TC's hint a bit fishy. Well, it doesn't help that I highly suspect tabaha. Trucks, I find Tabaha is too much on your mind this game.

I also find Trucks' play more cluelessly paranoid than usual. Lack of legitimate accusations may be the reason. DT explained that to Mantle prior ("it's a theory").

Why would it be fishy? tabaha is the last person 9TC voted for and he's been saying that his reason is in his hints. The whole point of my post was to show 9TC that while he says that things should be evident by reading his hints, it's really not. He's basically trying to get away with voting for someone without giving any reason at all.

Also, about my remark to DT, you might not think anything of it but if it was me in the argument with mantle I would have said something like "Why don't you like that idea Mantle? Are you in one of the teams?" not "Second team perhaps". Would I lynch him over something this trivial? No, but I'm going to keep my eye on him though.

Signature goes here!

ninetailschris said:

Quoted for attention.

I said I wanted you to make sense of your suspicions but I guess you're not interested. Here's some motivation:

Vote: ninetailschris

Signature goes here!

Lynch is going to be so funny to me lol

"Excuse me sir, I see you have a weapon. Why don't you put it down and let's settle this like gentlemen"  ~ max

When I die kill Mario and tabaha town.

That is all I need to say at this point.

"Excuse me sir, I see you have a weapon. Why don't you put it down and let's settle this like gentlemen"  ~ max

ninetailschris said:
When I die kill Mario and tabaha town.

That is all I need to say at this point.

Please elaborate on why you think mario and me are scum. what proof you have, etc.

I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one interested on it.

To be serious you're acting a lot like me when i was scum last round and that's not a good thing to do.