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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 50 - Superheroes & Villains

DarkThanatos said:
TruckOSaurus said:
DarkThanatos said:

2) 3+3 theory is exactly that. A theory. We've had two scum teams in a smaller game then this. Why don't you like that idea Mantle? Second team perhaps? 

Possible slip here. Are you on the first team?

No, my point was that a second team scum wouldn't want people considering a second team, because that throws in a whole new level. If they are second team they can push for first team's lynch fully and make themselves look town. That wont work if there are two scum factions.

Quoted for correction. 

This won't work if town is seriously considering there are two scum factions. 

So hyped for Rome 2: Total War

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Caugh up at last... oh my gawd.

ninetailschris said:
vote: mix

Scum mostly likely .

Read up everything looks obvious at this point.

Strange way to play, but got more verbose later. Still too quiet and says things without backing them up, most of the time. It's odd, but not necessarily scum. I don't like it tho.

tabaha said:
>mfw it solved

The OP/PM thing just made it to risky to go and talk more about it in my case

I don't like the talk of risk. Is it risky for you or for someone else, and what is the OP/PM thing?

Final-Fan said:
A Bad Clown said:

I'm not sure what I can add to this thread right now, but HappyDolphin I haven't played with him before but he seems to be posting a lot of junk replies like 

That does seem more "jokey" than I recall happy being, but it's possible his style changed, and I wouldn't call myself an expert on the guy anyway. 

When I realized that people didn't like me posting a lot, I stopped. So you are entirely right. Not bad for a non-expert ;)

Yoshiya said:
DT, I'd like to know who you think is town and who is mafia.

I find this request suspicious. DT has provided a lot of thought, and Yoshiya is pulling the what are your reads card on him, which is usually used to get players to talk. Unless I'm reading this wrong, Yoshiya's concern over DT is misplaced at this point in the game. Could it be jealousy, I kind of find it scummy, and in general Yoshiya's tone doesn't sound like town Yoshiya, that's just a vibe tho.

Also, I agree with DT that town is gullible. In almost every game I've played, town mislynches more than lynches mafia, by a high percentage. It's sad really. As mafia players, on vgchartz, we are gullible. I've found more success in playing the opposite of town's choices, in general.

TruckOSaurus said:

I find the assumption of him thinking "tabaha" in 9TC's hint a bit fishy. Well, it doesn't help that I highly suspect tabaha. Trucks, I find Tabaha is too much on your mind this game.

I also find Trucks' play more cluelessly paranoid than usual. Lack of legitimate accusations may be the reason. DT explained that to Mantle prior ("it's a theory").


The mantle versus DT thing looks like town vs town atm, but earlier on it seemed like Mantle just trying to put fudge over DT, and yet DT is asking mantle to clarify "what question" he was initially talking about, but we get no answer. It's strange.


My current reads are

Mafia: Yoshiya, Tabaha, ninetailschris, mantlepiecek

Town: DarkThanatos, Miz.

My current vibes are:

Mafia: ABC, prof and hatmoza.

Town: Final-Fan, Linkz, Trucks.


null: the others

^Gah, Trucks is in my mafia reads (mix-up).

DarkThanatos said:
mantlepiecek said:
DarkThanatos said:

If these are your reasons I shouldn't have bothered trying to get then out of you.

1) which question? And you evaded giving any evidence apart from this all game. Hypocrite. Besides if you wanted me to answer a question you should have asked me again. Clearly it isn't that important.

2) 3+3 theory is exactly that. A theory. We've had two scum teams in a smaller game then this. Why don't you like that idea Mantle? Second team perhaps? 

In regards to the Zero point, again, what's bad about it? It is very probable that one was not town. And even then, I said it wasn't an incredible lead, just better then the flavour hunters. Perhaps you didn't read it right, maybe you just didn't want to. 

I have no idea what you are referring to in the next part. Link me to the post. 

Orof quoted the exact ones tht made me suspcious? Well then, try explaining which ones and why. Just saying all of them collectively had a couple f scummy tells is not evidence. It's flannel. 

So basically, your two major reasons are either not explained or just bizarre that you don't understand them. 

1) Not hypocrite. And I will explain very well why, since you seem to not understand. You see, I clearly asked you for something that you didn't answer. Whereas I answered that I will withheld my reasoning. You said NOTHING. In fact, you proceeded to answer this post after other posts after this one, which is basically neglecting again. The reason I didn't ask again was it was sufficient for me that you didn't answer.

Asking again would have resulted in you answering after a lot of thought, when the main reason you didn't answer it was to let it out of the discussion.

2) A theory that is weird, highly improbable, and if actually true, points at you being 100% scum. Because scum usually tend to make weird theories, it is my reasoning that you are scum by virtue of this reasoning that you MADE UP to support your statement about zero - that it was reasonable to expect some scum to be on his "lynch train".

Do you know you made the same slip last time we had two scum teams? Yeah; it is a weird theory to make up out of nowhere simply to support another weird statement, as if this is how mafia games normally tend to be.

There is not much more explanation than this for my reasons. As far as others are concerned, about happyD I believe ABC posted links that showed as such.

You are really not making any case here Mantle. I've picked you up for not giving me any specific posts or quotes. You still haven't given me any. It's almost as if you are deliberately trolling. 

1) I'm still waiting on the question. I've said I dont know which one you are talking about, you won't tell me what you are refering to, and yet you use this as a reason? I'm sorry, but you can't have it both ways. Either tell me the question, or don't. If you don't then it clearly isn't anything important and so why are you still brining this up? 

2) Why? I have played one semi-large game. Guess what- there was a third scum party. From my reference point it's not exactly a wierd theory. Apparently FF, who is the most experienced player still playing, says it's not an outlandish theory. 

You are still denying that it is not unreasonable to expect a scum to be voting Zero. Even if you strip the game completely bare of everything, and just randomly generate players that vote others, Zero would likely have a vote. It is basic math. - But this is not just a bare stripped game. In a real game with real players, scum vote players who are being voted. Which makes it EVEN MORE likely that Zero had someone voting him that wasn't town. You come across as an intelligent person Mantle, you cannot tell me you do not undersand this point and expect me to take it seriously. 

Finally, as this is not a "weird theory" but an actual logical point to make, there is clearly no slip. You are also neglecting to mention that the 3+3 was just one of a couple of possible scenarios. I also mentioned a 4+1. The only one I ruled out was a 6 strong mafia team on the basis that I thought it would be too OP for scum, but EVEN THEN, I said a more experienced player feel free to disagree with me on THAT INDIVIDUAL circumstance. 

When the main reason you didn't bring it up was to to let it out of the discussion. 

^Right. Because that makes sense. You say this  while I am pushing you to give evidence. If i wanted to let this out of discussion why would i continue to do this? 

I'm pushing you because you are making horrifically poor and (whilst you refuse to give hard quotes) baseless accusations. You were picked up on it, and yet continue to do so. I want town to notice this. 

Tl;dr - Mantle continually declines to give hard evidence to his accusations. Ignores blatent logic, and labels it as weird. 

Yes, because it makes sense. YOU have no idea when I used this before, and how I used this. Believe me, DT, this is exactly how scum react - they get caught by me, and then use sarcasm to try and deflect suspicion.

This is about the "Why would I want to continue to do this?".

You aren't continuing to do this, you are just trying to poorly defend yourself. Or maybe you are trying to defend yourself properly but are failing.

FF didn't even realize my exact reasoning on why I am suspicious of you, so you actually quoting him, and trying to use his point, is once again, suspicious because it means you are OK with any defence as long as it is positive about you.

Your TLDR is hilarious. If anyone actually just reads your TLDR then I would like to congratulate him on his weak play.

I didn't even ask why you are pushing me.

THE MAIN REASON I  suspected you, is because you thought zero was scum and then proceeded to ACT town by saying there could be a scum vote on him. Saying 3rd party could have tried to mislynch Using ridiculous excuses like you don't know how 3rd party play since you have never been one - That is what I mean by acting unintelligent.

You didn't just make up a theory for NO reason. You made a theory to support your over the top "defence" of someone whom you suspected.

You are 100% scum DT. I wouldn't even be surprised if there are 2 scum teams now composing of 3 + 3.

You want town to look at my posts critically, like I said before. You are hoping desperately that town comes to your rescue. Your paranoia over my vote - your discussion with Yoshiya, everything makes me feel worse about you.

TO further my case on you DT, I specifically asked you why is it that you didn't know about the Day Killer when Miz knew it. You had no answer to it. If you want you can try and answer it again, but the fact remains, you have pulled your "I am too inexperienced" card too many times for my liking.

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Finally read through the 250+ posts. You guys post too much meaningless stuff. :P

Unvote: Spurge

Revenge voting is over, it seems.

ninetailschris said:


2 I can named are confirmed mafia
3 are town.
1 is playing neutral mostly but is probably town...

I'm very interesting in knowing which are mafia, which are town, and which is "probably" town. It is very odd that you say you know for sure though. Is this because you are such an amazing player that it is too obvious to you, or because you are scum and KNOW for fact who is who?

HoS: NineTails


hatmoza said:

Could people STFU about having skills/items?

Agreed. In case some of you missed it. We do have vanillas in this game. Thus, by claiming you have an item it means you are not vanilla. You will be a target because of this. So, stop claiming anything...


radishhead said:
No way - I don't believe that there can be two Robins.

Anything is possible Radish. Unless you are the host how would you know? :P


Nachomamma8 said:
...because it's become clear to me as scum...

Clear to you AS SCUM? Was that a slip Nacho? Or did you mean to say something different? "because its become clear to me that he is scum" If that is what you meant it is pretty different than what you wrote.

HoS: Nacho

DanneSandin said:

I nailed 2 scums the two first nights... Sadly, town lynched ME and when I turned up a cop, they STILL didn't lynch my two suspects.

You only have yourself to blame for that.


DarkThanatos said:
TruckOSaurus said:
DarkThanatos said:

 Second team perhaps? 

Possible slip here. Are you on the first team?

No, my point was that a second team scum wouldn't want people considering a second team, because that throws in a whole new level. If they are second team they can push for first team's lynch fully and make themselves look town. That wont work if there are two scum factions.

This whole conversation has me intrigued. I was also going to bring up exactly what Trucks did. There is no reason anyone would say "second team" unless they themselves were on the "first team". As if the teams were numbered or something. Besides that, why did he even bring up the possibility of two teams? It seems very odd to me considering how rare it is to actually have two mafia teams.

You explanation is also weird and I'm not buying it. Obviously, if you were mafia you would know if there were two teams or not because of the small number of players on your own team. I believe you were the first person to bring up this theory, correct?

Vote: Thanatos

Also, I'm feeling a lot better about FF after he actually started to post more. Although, he could have started posting more because I said he lurks as mafia?

If we are lynching someone today I would be fine with either Thanatos or NinTails. Not sure I would support a lynch on anyone else.

One thing is for sure, this day is dragging on.

Vote: Time Limit

Nintendo still doomed?
Feel free to add me on 3DS or Switch! (PM me if you do ^-^)
Nintendo ID: Mako91                  3DS code: 4167-4543-6089

With 21 players a mafia team of 5 is likely. However, with people throwing around the two team theory that may also be possible. In that case we may have two teams of 3, or two teams of 2 (very powerful) mafia. However, I won't believe the two team theory until we have actual evidence that supports it.

Mafia: Thanatos, Ninetails, Tabaha, FF, Radish

Thanatos is scum for bringing up the two team theory and asking someone if he was on the "second team". Ninetails seems to be too sure for his own good, and now he doesn't want to talk about it in order to not give his fellow team mates away. Why else would he say he knows for sure about someone? Maybe he is just giving himself to much credit. Tabaha, I get the same feeling from last game. It is hard to tell with him though. FF was lurking and then started posting more. I think this might be because I called him out about it, or he just realized it himself. Either that, or he was genuinely busy. I also feel that Radish is playing like his scum self. He isn't posting much and has some weird theories going on. I would like to hear what Linkz has to say about him though. Although, his Radish sense has been a bit off as of late.

Town: ABC, Miz, Nacho, Linkz, Hatz, Trucks, Prof

ABC gave me a town vibe right away. I have never played a game with him before, but he started off posting a lot and being active. He said himself that he usually doesn't post too much as mafia. I doubt Miz is mafia. He is posting more than anyone else and newb mafia players usually don't do that. Nacho seems to genuinely be trying with his posts. Linkz, Hatz, Trucks, and Prof all seem like their town self to me.

Not sure: Spurge, Mantle, Zero, Happy, Yoshiya, Haxton, Danne

Basically, I'm not too sure about everyone else.

Also, if I had to guess who the vigilante/ SK is then I guess Spurge. (My first guess was wrong)

Nintendo still doomed?
Feel free to add me on 3DS or Switch! (PM me if you do ^-^)
Nintendo ID: Mako91                  3DS code: 4167-4543-6089

supermario128 said:

With 21 players a mafia team of 5 is likely. However, with people throwing around the two team theory that may also be possible. In that case we may have two teams of 3, or two teams of 2 (very powerful) mafia. However, I won't believe the two team theory until we have actual evidence that supports it.

Mafia: Thanatos, Ninetails, Tabaha, FF, Radish

Thanatos is scum for bringing up the two team theory and asking someone if he was on the "second team". Ninetails seems to be too sure for his own good, and now he doesn't want to talk about it in order to not give his fellow team mates away. Why else would he say he knows for sure about someone? Maybe he is just giving himself to much credit. Tabaha, I get the same feeling from last game. It is hard to tell with him though. FF was lurking and then started posting more. I think this might be because I called him out about it, or he just realized it himself. Either that, or he was genuinely busy. I also feel that Radish is playing like his scum self. He isn't posting much and has some weird theories going on. I would like to hear what Linkz has to say about him though. Although, his Radish sense has been a bit off as of late.

Town: ABC, Miz, Nacho, Linkz, Hatz, Trucks, Prof

ABC gave me a town vibe right away. I have never played a game with him before, but he started off posting a lot and being active. He said himself that he usually doesn't post too much as mafia. I doubt Miz is mafia. He is posting more than anyone else and newb mafia players usually don't do that. Nacho seems to genuinely be trying with his posts. Linkz, Hatz, Trucks, and Prof all seem like their town self to me.

Not sure: Spurge, Mantle, Zero, Happy, Yoshiya, Haxton, Danne

Basically, I'm not too sure about everyone else.

Also, if I had to guess who the vigilante/ SK is then I guess Spurge. (My first guess was wrong)

Lol Mario 

Not telling people yet I clearly told why in my hints.

but it's funny since I consider you neutral or town because of what you said earlier and acted.

but if I do get lynch you will be exposed for who you are anyway.

"Excuse me sir, I see you have a weapon. Why don't you put it down and let's settle this like gentlemen"  ~ max

9TC keeps throwing "riddles" and wasting our time. As bad as I am at drawing conclusions from your lot's behaviour, he's suspicious enough.

Unvote, Vote: ninetailschris

You have been asked to support town if you know something and want to contribute, and yet all you do is saying hints. It means that you either bluff for fun or to confuse us. Both are bad.

[01:33] <@Palom> Question: Biology: Which major terrestial biome is characterized by very cold winters and mostly herbacious plants? (1)

[01:33] tsundra

supermario128 said:

With 21 players a mafia team of 5 is likely. However, with people throwing around the two team theory that may also be possible. In that case we may have two teams of 3, or two teams of 2 (very powerful) mafia. However, I won't believe the two team theory until we have actual evidence that supports it.

Mafia: Thanatos, Ninetails, Tabaha, FF, Radish

Thanatos is scum for bringing up the two team theory and asking someone if he was on the "second team". Ninetails seems to be too sure for his own good, and now he doesn't want to talk about it in order to not give his fellow team mates away. Why else would he say he knows for sure about someone? Maybe he is just giving himself to much credit. Tabaha, I get the same feeling from last game. It is hard to tell with him though. FF was lurking and then started posting more. I think this might be because I called him out about it, or he just realized it himself. Either that, or he was genuinely busy. I also feel that Radish is playing like his scum self. He isn't posting much and has some weird theories going on. I would like to hear what Linkz has to say about him though. Although, his Radish sense has been a bit off as of late.

Town: ABC, Miz, Nacho, Linkz, Hatz, Trucks, Prof

ABC gave me a town vibe right away. I have never played a game with him before, but he started off posting a lot and being active. He said himself that he usually doesn't post too much as mafia. I doubt Miz is mafia. He is posting more than anyone else and newb mafia players usually don't do that. Nacho seems to genuinely be trying with his posts. Linkz, Hatz, Trucks, and Prof all seem like their town self to me.

Not sure: Spurge, Mantle, Zero, Happy, Yoshiya, Haxton, Danne

Basically, I'm not too sure about everyone else.

Also, if I had to guess who the vigilante/ SK is then I guess Spurge. (My first guess was wrong)

So your explanation for me being scum is feelings? keep going please