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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 50 - Superheroes & Villains

Linkzmax said:
I already told you why Yoshi isn't scum through votes, even if you ignore the night actions "proving" him.
You and miz are rules out because radish wasn't lynched.
I already explained rad-miz would have lynched you after FF's vote put you at L-2
Similarly, miz-FF would have just lynched me.
And you plus FF would have lynched radish as well.

@underlined. Apologies, I don't remember. Also, throught votes I'm not sure we could confirm anyone as town. I believe we can only confirm or eliminate scumpairs, but I could be wrong.

@bold. Yes, I see it now. :] Since we're both online and posting, if were were scum together and he was town he'd be a goner.

Same goes for rad-miz I'm pretty sure they were both posting when I was at L-2.

Crossing off miz-FF doesn't work so well for me. Any L-2 scumpair logic involiving yosh and FF doesn't sit well for me because they're online-ness is too difficult to determine imho.


But let's say I followed your lead, this is what I would get personally:

only three possible scum teams:  HD&radish, radish&FF, or FF&Linkz

Leaving me with FF as scum. However, I would be willing to join you on a radish lynch, Linkz.

The only problems I have with this course of action are:

1) My doubts on the conclusiveness of the FF and Yosh process of elimination using votes.

2) My doubts on Yosh's confirmed towniness using votes.

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Linkzmax said:
I already told you why Yoshi isn't scum through votes, even if you ignore the night actions "proving" him.
You and miz are rules out because radish wasn't lynched.
I already explained rad-miz would have lynched you after FF's vote put you at L-2
Similarly, miz-FF would have just lynched me.
And you plus FF would have lynched radish as well.

@underlined. I went back and checked. Sadly the rad-miz one is inconclusives since between FF's vote putting me at L-2 and your unvote radish didn't post...

Too bad though, would've been good to rule that one out if we could.

Linkzmax said:
Final-Fan said:
Linkzmax said:
FF, I'd like you to elaborate on why you're keeping me in mind.

happy, I know I've explained why I consider miz "confirmed" town, but I'm curious why do you feel so good about him?

I have no expectation of lynching you (or trying) toDay.  If we live through to the next Day, I will evaluate based on the flip the likelihood that you are the final mafia, considering the goings-on of this Day. 

So if radish or happy flips scum, you think I can be scum?

I had been thinking about the possibility that the aggressive campaign against Happy was a bussing, but I'm not sure now that I'm typing it out that Happy's reactions would have been the same in that case; however, I'm not an expert on the workings of happy's mind.  I haven't analyzed the "potential hammers" theory as closely as you so I suppose you could have evidence against a you-HD team in that way. 

Although, now that I think of it, wasn't there a time that you could have hammered me? 
Yeah.  So never mind, that is pretty conclusive lol. 

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I have the most epic death scene ever in VGChartz Mafia.  Thanks WordsofWisdom! 

You confuse not posting with not being online. Radish was online during that time period.

Is there a reason you aren't voting FF?

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I'm pretty much always online (unless I'm sleeping), but I (think?) I understand the point

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Linkzmax said:
You confuse not posting with not being online. Radish was online during that time period.

A post is almost 100% conclusive unless the reader is catching up and hasn't seen the vote post yet, though.

The online status is very unreliable too. I've logged off once only to see my status online while lurking post log-off.

My question about Yosh is kind of important, so whenever you want to answer feel free.

Final-Fan said:

I had been thinking about the possibility that the aggressive campaign against Happy was a bussing, but I'm not sure now that I'm typing it out that Happy's reactions would have been the same in that case; however, I'm not an expert on the workings of happy's mind.  I haven't analyzed the "potential hammers" theory as closely as you so I suppose you could have evidence against a you-HD team in that way. 

Although, now that I think of it, wasn't there a time that you could have hammered me? 
Yeah.  So never mind, that is pretty conclusive lol. 

Yeah :) Linkz's only possible scum-partner would be you.

You guys don't get it, scum follow the votes while logged in or not so they can quick lunch whenever town gives the chance.

What question? Your insistence that yoshi isn't 100% town is baffling.

Linkzmax said:
You guys don't get it, scum follow the votes while logged in or not so they can quick lunch whenever town gives the chance.

What question? Your insistence that yoshi isn't 100% town is baffling.

I'm not talking about the play, I'm simply asking about the votals. If that's not what you meant then just ignore the question.

However, you said and I quote:

"I already told you why Yoshi isn't scum through votes, even if you ignore the night actions "proving" him."

As such, I wanted to know your logic on that, because as far as I'm concerned the vote logic doesn't guarantee one player's alignment, since the person that can be hammered can also be a scum partner.