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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 50 - Superheroes & Villains

miz1q2w3e said:

Yeah, that is a bit strange. We've been operating under the assumption that there are two scum left this whole time.

@linkz: If you have something to share, say it. I'm only voting F-F for the sake of voting (= more town votes or whatever). He just happened to give me the least towny vibe.

Have you performed the scum-pair exercise yet?

You do realize that Linkz and Yosh could only be scum with FF, right?

Follow my lead:

and see where it brings you!

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I didn't say we aren't in MYLO. I said if radish isn't actually scum then we aren't actually in MYLO.

Happy, from our conversation about when hammers/quick lynches didn't occur there are only three possible scum teams:

you&radish, radish&FF, or FF&I

i know I'm town so therefore radish is scum. The same goes for you with regards to FF, but you've already written off radish&FF for bad logic.(IMO)

I am currently leaning more scum with FF than happy btw. FF didnt fully explain his lingering suspicion of me, but with my not hammering him, he has very little reason to do so.

Linkzmax said:

I didn't say we aren't in MYLO. I said if radish isn't actually scum then we aren't actually in MYLO.

Happy, from our conversation about when hammers/quick lynches didn't occur there are only three possible scum teams:

you&radish, radish&FF, or FF&I

i know I'm town so therefore radish is scum. The same goes for you with regards to FF, but you've already written off radish&FF for bad logic.(IMO)

Fair enough, I can see why you would think that and I fully respect it. At this point I do have to go with my best bet though. I agree I can't write it off the list, but so I can make a best guess I had to get rid of it.

For your list, what did you make of these scum-pairs? I don't think they are impossible given the hammer/quick lynch analysis:


and the arguable:


happydolphin said:
miz1q2w3e said:

Yeah, that is a bit strange. We've been operating under the assumption that there are two scum left this whole time.

@linkz: If you have something to share, say it. I'm only voting F-F for the sake of voting (= more town votes or whatever). He just happened to give me the least towny vibe.

Have you performed the scum-pair exercise yet?

You do realize that Linkz and Yosh could only be scum with FF, right?

Follow my lead:

and see where it brings you!

One possibility is that Yosh and linkz could be town, and they didn't want to hammer since they were unsure whether F-F was scum or not. Understandable, I never really gave a reason so I didn't expect them to follow with me.

I can think of an explanation for each of you guys, but none of it is solid:
- Me: I voted cuz I was at a dead end, and F-F just gave me the summiest feeling. I wasn't even that strong of a feeling, I'd just rather more town vote.
- HappyD: Dead end + we're bros lol
- Radish: It was consistent with what he said earlier (coin flip post). He later unvoted, I guess he wasn't sure about it either.
- Linkz and Yosh: The reason I just said.

So yeah, I'd rather get rid of F-F.

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I already told you why Yoshi isn't scum through votes, even if you ignore the night actions "proving" him.
You and miz are rules out because radish wasn't lynched.
I already explained rad-miz would have lynched you after FF's vote put you at L-2
Similarly, miz-FF would have just lynched me.
And you plus FF would have lynched radish as well.

Linkzmax said:
I am currently leaning more scum with FF than happy btw. FF didnt fully explain his lingering suspicion of me, but with my not hammering him, he has very little reason to do so.

3.5 hours remaining...

What's your point miz? I'm not moving my vote off of 100% scum even if it means the day could end in no lynch and we'll be right back here tomorrow with you or yoshi gone.(and yes let's not even joke about anyone else being considered for the kill)

Linkzmax said:
What's your point miz? I'm not moving my vote off of 100% scum even if it means the day could end in no lynch and we'll be right back here tomorrow with you or yoshi gone.(and yes let's not even joke about anyone else being considered for the kill)

I must have missed your explanation. Why is he 100% confirmed scum?

I guess you did. I'm tired of repeating myself though. If you disagree with something I've said then I'll address it though.