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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 50 - Superheroes & Villains

I believe you and Yosh's only possible scummate is FF. you two can't be scum with anybody else.

These scumpairs are no longer valid:

Yoshi- Linkz


Since you both posted when FF was at L-1 and could have hammered. Here are the posts for proof:

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The following scumpairs imho are no longer valid:


Unless suicidal we wouldn't keep FF at L-1 in a failed kill attempt for so long in MYLO as his scummates. And if it were scum-bussing, it would be the lamest attempt at scum-bussing ever.

The possible pairs are now


I know I'm town personally so I'm left with these options:


Either way, FF is scum. I'll start with him and keep my vote there.

^I forgot to mention that no way in hell I believed miz-rad to be together this game.

lol.. you removed rad-miz

Yah, sorry Linkz I corrected myself after the fact.
Miz and rad, I encourage you to follow the same process and see where it leads you two.

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Note to town: a whole 10 hours elapsed between when Radish put FF at L-1 and when he unvoted. The 3 of us (miz, rad and I) were on FF for 10 solid hours. For us to leave 10-hours for town to hammer while one of us is in a scum-pair with FF is a very unlikely option.

I personally don't see miz-rad as a team, at all. I'm thinking the final scumpair is Linkz-FF, but I'm keeping my eyes open.

Why do you consider that to be suicide? Surely it would give the three of you "town cred" and all that's needed is one mislynch, right?

miz-rad is impossible as they would have just lynched you when FF and I had voted you.

Linkzmax said:
Why do you consider that to be suicide? Surely it would give the three of you "town cred" and all that's needed is one mislynch, right?

miz-rad is impossible as they would have just lynched you when FF and I had voted you.

nah, it wouldn't give them town cred, it was a lame play and had nothing really town-cred about it. The votes were from miz asking me and rad to join him in his suspicion of FF. There was little to be proud of there.

Radish's response to Miz's invite was basically "sure...". Unless radish was really annoyed by FF's lack of participateion, I see no other reason why scum rad in an FF-rad scumpair would play like that.

Also, if that's the case, which one of us 3 would get the cred? All 3? I don't think that's a really good mafia strat. The leader in that was Miz, so Miz-FF is the only possible scum-bussing scenario, but I'm pretty sure Miz is legitimately suspicious of FF, and I'm also pretty damn sure at this point that Miz is town. If he's scum, then I accept having been duped.

The point is to increase the likelyhood of mislynching me, since I would have been either off of the lynch, or the last one on it "since it was inevitable."