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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 50 - Superheroes & Villains

Linkzmax said:
Yoshi can't be scum with FF or they'd have lynched me a long time ago.

I think by that same logic you and Yosh can't both be scum together either, since FF was at L-1.

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And Yoshi did post while FF was at L-1, so can't be scum with anyone else or he'd have hammered then.

Linkzmax said:
And Yoshi did post while FF was at L-1, so can't be scum with anyone else or he'd have hammered then.

He could be scum with FF tho.

Then why am I not dead and the game long over?

Linkzmax said:
Then why am I not dead and the game long over?

The difference I think (don't kill me :3), is that I'm pretty sure you and Yosh both posted while FF was on L-1. I don't remember FF being present when you were at L-2. Also, L-1 is a safer bet than L-2 to judge the towniness. At L-2, they would both have to be online at the same time lest another removes his vote and others notice the quick move and ask questions about it later.

I realize I could be wrong.

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FF was present while I was L-2.(After all he put you at the same place not too long after radish voted me) The question is was Yoshi online. But questioning Yoshi's alignment at all at this point is just silly.

Linkzmax said:
FF was present while I was L-2.(After all he put you at the same place not too long after radish voted me) The question is was Yoshi online. But questioning Yoshi's alignment at all at this point is just silly.

I'm not questioning his alignment, I'm just saying it's not impossible or yet fully confirmed, as one of the scenarios I mentioned.

For example, knowing I'm town, had I been at L-1 even L-2 and they were both online, I would know that they are both town. But I haven't had that luck yet.

At L-2 it wouldn't tell you that they are both town, only that at least one is.

Linkzmax said:
At L-2 it wouldn't tell you that they are both town, only that at least one is.

I didn't want to correct myself again, but I realized the flaw after the post. Yeah, you're right it would only be conclusive at L-1.

Right, anyway I want to hear from FF, but I am quite set that radish is today's lynch.