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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 50 - Superheroes & Villains

Why do you feel good about radish?

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Linkzmax said:
It's not personal since you are not the only person who has voted yourself. And I get no pleasure out of it, because I would prefer an overall better community.

You know I honestly try my best. I really struggle when it feels like I'm being personally bashed as being unintelligent more than just it being part of the game. But maybe that's my fault.

I feel good about radish because he also seems very confused ("Who do you think is mafia -> Pretty much everybody"). Who do you feel good about?

I do apologize for the bashing, I can be quite mean. But I still stand by all of the points I was making.

So(if you turn out to be town) the key to your sweet side is to be confused. I'll remember that if I'm scum and you are town in a future game.
I feel great about Yoshi obviously. Pretty good about miz and somewhat good about FF.
What I now KNOW thanks to Yoshi finally voting is radish is scum.

Linkzmax said:
I do apologize for the bashing, I can be quite mean. But I still stand by all of the points I was making.

So(if you turn out to be town) the key to your sweet side is to be confused. I'll remember that if I'm scum and you are town in a future game.
I feel great about Yoshi obviously. Pretty good about miz and somewhat good about FF.
What I now KNOW thanks to Yoshi finally voting is radish is scum.

It's ok.

I think Yoshi voted after Radish's unvote. If you're going by elim logic try to rethink that. If you're going by something else, I'd be curious to know how you discovered it.

How could radish's unvote have any bearing on it?

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Linkzmax said:
How could radish's unvote have any bearing on it?

Try not to judge, I'll try to explain.

Since FF was at L-3, had Yosh been scum and FF been town, he would have hammered him. Up until Radish's unvote that would have been right thinking. The flipside would be that had Yosh been scum and FF been scum the logic wouldn't work. Once Radish unovted, that test was lost.

Please don't smash my brains open :P

^Correction: Since FF was at L-1

Yoshi is non-quote confirmed town at this point. Unless you can explain otherwise.

So when FF was at L-1, the idea is that either you and Yosh are both town (uncertain whether to lynch FF or not), or that FF is scum and one of you is scum, unwilling to lynch. But I'm not sure if that gives any footing... :S

Yoshi can't be scum with FF or they'd have lynched me a long time ago.