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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 50 - Superheroes & Villains

happydolphin said:
Linkzmax said:
For the same reason you've been doing similar stunts all game. You've been pretending to try to piece everything together so people will see you as a confused townie. But of course you'll "lose sight" of that when it's convenient, like when some townies call DT town and are very suspicious of tabaha, because all you need is a mislynch.

Flip it around: Why would town propose something, and then completely forget it? Why would town agree to something they don't actually agree on? Why would town ask questions about what happened, but be paying so little attention to the answers that they miss the contradiction?

@bold. Because they are having difficulty piecing it together. The multiple scenarios, the conflicting hypotheses. At once they need to think in one paradigm, at another time they need to switch and think in a new paradigm. Something to make on schitzo, but for certain it's not unexplainable.

No, town might propose several explanations for the evidence given. But town doesn't just forget those ideas as if they never considered them a few short days later. Town does not simply agree on things they do not actually agree on. They add their own differences in opinion or limit the subject to what they actually agree on. Like when I agreed with mantle that his scans were damning against Trucks, but not necessarily so for tabaha. And town certainly doesn't pay so little attention to the answers to the questions that they're asking that they miss the glaring contradiction.

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miz1q2w3e said:

Linkz, take a look at this. "Nobody's touching DT"? He's being unbelievably noobish. It reminds me of myself a couple of times in this thread. Personally, I can't believe happyD is that good of an actor. I really think DT had him (and myself) fooled.

What do you think? I'm asking for your opinion here, not trying to convince you as I know it's nothing solid.

I agree he's not that good of an actor. I already showed you proof that he HAD considered the idea of DT having visited prof because DT was the killer that night.

So I don't see that as being fooled by DT, but instead trying to drive the tabaha mislynch.

But that post is good for something else too. FF's post is mostly about suspecting tabaha and barely any of it is about DT, but happy has to jump in and completely eliminate any doubt about DT. Interaction like that makes me doubt happy and FF are scummates.

miz1q2w3e said:
happydolphin said:
miz1q2w3e said:

Linkz, take a look at this. "Nobody's touching DT"? He's being unbelievably noobish. It reminds me of myself a couple of times in this thread. Personally, I can't believe happyD is that good of an actor. I really think DT had him (and myself) fooled.

What do you think? I'm asking for your opinion here, not trying to convince you as I know it's nothing solid.

The scumhunter's question is, why did he tunnel me on it and not you. In end game, MYLO, it just makes sense. He needs to focus the votes on 1 kill as scum. As townie, the play doesn't make sense, because he would cast suspicion on both of us for it.

Because there's a difference between our respective behavior. I noticed it long before linkz pointed it out. On more than one occasion you would simply join in on what I was saying, with little to no explanation. I just chalked it up to you trusting my opinion that much. I liked it, I was flattered.

I'd just like to point out that I never stopped to consider the possibilty that DT was lying. He had me completely fooled. He had my back in this thread, I simply didn't want to belive it (kind of like right now). Add to that the lingering suspicion I had of tabaha from the previous days. I just couldn't seem to get over my biases. Luckily, I came to my senses and realized that hard evidence > feelings. The fact was that having a godfather and a miller would be pointless without a cop (bastard mod = not an option).

However, it seems you weren't compeltely taken by DT, as is evident from the posts linkz highlighted. Today, it's you who I also don't want to believe is scum, vs linkz, who I thougt was playing creepy = biased against him for this. I reminded myself that I suspected mantle for the very same reason.

Either way, I don't like how you've been playing. It's an accumulation of many things. Your "town deserves to lose" post also rubbed me the wrong way. This has gone on long enough. We're not going to get anything more solid. I just want this to be over...

Vote: happydolphin

Besides the fact that I had already done my part to "confirm" miz as town(at the very least in my eyes) the bold is exactly why I've treated the two of you differently.

happydolphin said:
miz1q2w3e said:
happydolphin said:
I'm surprised you threw in the towel and called yourself biased, when I pointed all the evidence why Linkz was scum. You didn't even ask me to defend myself against you. You just said fuck it, and voted.

No room for a defense, just a vote. Ahh, whatevs.

Aren't you just throwing in the towel by voting yourself?

I can't quite pinpoint what it is I want to question you about. It's a lot of little things. Plus, I really want this to be over.

Yes, once you threw in the towel, I threw in the towel. I basically have no more energy to put into this game when it comes the point where you don't even consider a single point I made against Linkz and don't even let me explain your points against me.

Seriously, if you want it to be over, just vote linkz. He lumped all kinds of accusations on me just to make me talk and put the spotlight on me, and guess what, it worked. Did I call it or did I not?

When did you say I was going to put the spotlight on you?

happydolphin said:
If you vote Linkz, that's me, you and radish. All we'll need is one more to hammer.

Give it a gamble if you're at the point of not caring. I can pretty much swear either Linkz or FF, one of the two, is mafia.

And this is absolutely terrible. Unless you are pretty damned sure FF and I are BOTH scum, then having me at three votes gives scum-FF a chance to hammer town-me.

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Linkzmax said:

Ahhhh once again you were just saying things to say it, without actually believing it. We've already gone over that you've been wrong about the idea of item's not pertaining to role. Or how asinine it is to say you could have been swapped with tabaha and it would be inconclusive.

It's WIFOM. I was incorrect, but you see it as me trying to hide things and say things I don't actually believe. It's only when miz posted the claimed items that I realized FF was correct about the item to role relation.

You keep heaping accusations on me, and I'm still confused if you really just honestly think I'm scum, or if you just want to get me lynched as scum. The option 2 makes the most sense because you've been doing that ever since your first post on me (that I was BD with little to no evidence). You've been building your case on me and mastering it, yet you haven't done any work to look at other suspects. I've worked with FF as well, you have only been tunneling on me. It makes you suspect.

Linkzmax said:
happydolphin said:
If you vote Linkz, that's me, you and radish. All we'll need is one more to hammer.

Give it a gamble if you're at the point of not caring. I can pretty much swear either Linkz or FF, one of the two, is mafia.

And this is absolutely terrible. Unless you are pretty damned sure FF and I are BOTH scum, then having me at three votes gives scum-FF a chance to hammer town-me.

He had 6 hours to do so. He must've been offline. Or he was online but the scum left are one of those who voted you, and yourself.

Linkzmax said:

happydolphin said:


Seriously, if you want it to be over, just vote linkz. He lumped all kinds of accusations on me just to make me talk and put the spotlight on me, and guess what, it worked. Did I call it or did I not?

When did you say I was going to put the spotlight on you?

A description of your game I made earlier toDay:

happydolphin said:
Linkz: I'll get town cred, bus DT, then I'll go after town one by one since they all pretty much think I'm town now, since I was right about the whole tabs thing and spearheaded it.

I'll deny D's innocent scan, I'll say that his investigations and coming to realization of what was actually happening is flip-flopping, though Miz's coming to realization doesn't matter.

But in the end, it's MYLO (quite likely), so who cares? As long as I get D lynched, and yeah he's so easy to get mislynched, Mafia wins! So, fuck it, let's just stack all the shittiest claims against him, like him possibly being bussed (hell, anyone of us could be bus-driven, but let's just, for the fun of it, let's just say it was happy), and other shit like that, and hopefully we'll have this game in our pockets.


No, why does town propose the idea that hat had the vig's gun and was switched Night 1 with tabs if they were only "stretching" it? What answers did you think you'd find?

Hey you DO realize what tunneling is. Yes, my scumgame is to tunnel against one of the most difficult to lynch townies.

happydolphin said:
Linkzmax said:

happydolphin said:


Seriously, if you want it to be over, just vote linkz. He lumped all kinds of accusations on me just to make me talk and put the spotlight on me, and guess what, it worked. Did I call it or did I not?

When did you say I was going to put the spotlight on you?

A description of your game I made earlier toDay:

happydolphin said:
Linkz: I'll get town cred, bus DT, then I'll go after town one by one since they all pretty much think I'm town now, since I was right about the whole tabs thing and spearheaded it.

I'll deny D's innocent scan, I'll say that his investigations and coming to realization of what was actually happening is flip-flopping, though Miz's coming to realization doesn't matter.

But in the end, it's MYLO (quite likely), so who cares? As long as I get D lynched, and yeah he's so easy to get mislynched, Mafia wins! So, fuck it, let's just stack all the shittiest claims against him, like him possibly being bussed (hell, anyone of us could be bus-driven, but let's just, for the fun of it, let's just say it was happy), and other shit like that, and hopefully we'll have this game in our pockets.


Ah, so you aren't so forgetful after all.
