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I've been following in all the days, just not to the extent that I normally do - and some of the details I think I've completely missed

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happydolphin said:
This is my last post of the game, gl guys

vote Linkz

Are you going to pretend I wasn't online when you put yourself at three votes?

happydolphin said:
miz1q2w3e said:
Ugh, I've had enough.

vote: happydolphin

I'd explain, but I just don't feel like it.

In short, I let my wanting you not to be scum cloud my judgement. If it were any other person I would have probably voted sooner. Plus, I don't really care anymore. I can't do it all on my own. I've got schoolwork to do. Sorry.

A nd them I'm inconsistent, right, after you just said earlier that Linkz'sarguments didn't hold water.

I understand that he may be suspicious, but I answered all his doubts. What remains?

I explained every single post that was brought against me. Yet, with all that, because I was pressured, I'm not the only reasonable choice.

This is how mafia win.

And guess what, when town loses, I'll be told that it's my fault, that I spewed non-sense.

Just watch ;)

I'm sorry. I was just frustrated (and cranky from being hungry lol).

I really do have schoolwork. I guess I was just mad that I was here scum hunting alone, when I should have been working. I'm a bit behind on this particular project. Forgive my little outburst.

It's getting late, so before I forget

unvote: happydolphin

I've removed my vote, but I haven't cleared you from my suspects. I just don't want to wake up and find scum quick-lynched you because of me. I'd rather town have the final vote.

Go work on your project, and be well. Know that as of this point I'm lurking. I've done everything that needed to be done and I've spoken enough.

You want a nail in the coffin?

happydolphin said:
happydolphin said:

Tabaha did visit prof, because prof was playing aggressive against him, I can buy that.

So DT must be lying. I see no motivation why DT would visit prof anyways.

I meant "I see no motivation why DT would track on prof". Killing prof, I see DT doing that.

Then three days later

happydolphin said:
Linkzmax said:
tabaha said:

Yosh could be telling the truth if DT killed prof


Nice. I don't know why I didn't see it.


happydolphin said:
tabaha said:

Yosh could be telling the truth if DT killed prof

Good job tabs. I guess I just refused to consider it....

inb4 happy claims he wasn't actually thinking what he said in the first post because he was tired or some other weak excuse.

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happydolphin said:
Go work on your project, and be well. Know that as of this point I'm lurking. I've done everything that needed to be done and I've spoken enough.

Don't lurk, scum hunt. They can't lynch you even if they wanted to, so no need for this (unless you're busy IRL lol).

Is linkz really your main suspect? I mean he was trying to get you lynched and all, but honestly you were playing kinda weird so I can't say I totally blame him. I'm not saying trust him, but think about it. To be honest, the reason I can forgive your unusual behavior is cuz I know your posting style is unusual in general even outside mafia :p

Linkzmax said:
radish, which Days have you been following the game in?

I'm curious, why did you say you suspected Radish? Was it just the lurking? What do you think of his explanation? (no power role + thread exploded without him = bored).

I've noticed all scum so far have at least tried to be active this game. They made sure to interact with each other, even pointing out each other's 'mistakes'. Not Radish, though. It's like they were all ordered to participate as much as they could. It doesn't seem like they'd just let him lurk like that.

His post about his suspects and the coin flip seemed genuine. forget that he suspected you for a second, what did you think of it? Also, F-F seems to be a common scumspect. What do you think of lynching him toDay?

miz1q2w3e said:
happydolphin said:
Go work on your project, and be well. Know that as of this point I'm lurking. I've done everything that needed to be done and I've spoken enough.

Don't lurk, scum hunt. They can't lynch you even if they wanted to, so no need for this (unless you're busy IRL lol).

Is linkz really your main suspect? I mean he was trying to get you lynched and all, but honestly you were playing kinda weird so I can't say I totally blame him. I'm not saying trust him, but think about it. To be honest, the reason I can forgive your unusual behavior is cuz I know your posting style is unusual in general even outside mafia :p

Linkz is my main scumspect, go over the 6 items I listed for FF:

I would hammer him without blinking, in terms of clarity, it's burning my eyes.

Apart from that, he seems to think impossible that a townie could post his thoughts on the game and seek other lines of thought and forget what he previously said. He'll take any such paradigm shift as a scum play, yet he never asks himself why I would say one thing over another.

If I were trying to take DT's side, why at first would I say that I could see him killing prof, and then just later backtrack? How in the world would scum play that way? I can't think of it.

Linkzmax said:

You want a nail in the coffin?


I already proved that you're a liar. You only proved that I was confused.

No it wasn't the level of activity. As I said it was more intuition going off of what I recall of what he has said when he's been here. It's also a process of elimination given what I've said for you and Yoshi and to a lesser extent FF.(such as not thinking he'd follow me in voting for you when a scummate Trucks was already on you)

It's bad strategy for all mafia to behave the same way, and it also would depend on the normal activity level of each player.

I'm pretty sure I put radish in my top two before he voted me. The coin flip rubs me the wrong way because if he was already decided on the two of us for toDay and toMorrow, then he should have just voted me since happy already had and thus my lynch is more likely. There's no need to say he flipped a coin.

And as for lynching FF, I told you this game is in your hands.(well and Yoshi too) If that's what you want to do then so be it. I do have lingering suspicion of a radish-FF(or happy-FF) scumteam. It is KNOWN that radish and I are not BOTH scum now though.