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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 50 - Superheroes & Villains

Linkzmax said:
happydolphin said:
miz1q2w3e said:
Again, in case I die, my list of people:

Heavy town: ABC, HappyD, Yoshiya, DT
Light suspicion: F-F, Radish
Heavy suspicion: tabaha, linkz.

I second this.


happydolphin said:
Ok, with the very first toDay posts it's pretty clear that Yosh, Linkz and Tabs are scum. Let's go girls.

vote tabaha

P.S. FF and DT, I agree with your suspicion of Yoshiya and Tabaha's night plays 100%. And Linkz is basically just orchestrating them, it's so obvious. Also he threw suspicion on me, DT and Miz most of the game, so it's pretty clear what to do. Add that ABC (who suspected Linkz) was lynched and it's pretty clear who to kill.

Let me help since you don't seem to grasp the concept. Sure you can say anything about what you were actually thinking at the time. The facts are in the posts though.

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Linkzmax said:
Linkzmax said:
happydolphin said:
miz1q2w3e said:
Again, in case I die, my list of people:

Heavy town: ABC, HappyD, Yoshiya, DT
Light suspicion: F-F, Radish
Heavy suspicion: tabaha, linkz.

I second this.


happydolphin said:
Ok, with the very first toDay posts it's pretty clear that Yosh, Linkz and Tabs are scum. Let's go girls.

vote tabaha

P.S. FF and DT, I agree with your suspicion of Yoshiya and Tabaha's night plays 100%. And Linkz is basically just orchestrating them, it's so obvious. Also he threw suspicion on me, DT and Miz most of the game, so it's pretty clear what to do. Add that ABC (who suspected Linkz) was lynched and it's pretty clear who to kill.

Let me help since you don't seem to grasp the concept. Sure you can say anything about what you were actually thinking at the time. The facts are in the posts though.

Okay, let me recap. I am not 100% certain I was completely doubting Yosh at that time, but I'm almost 100% certain I was doubting tabs at that time.

IIRC, there was the idea that Yosh may or may not have been lying, but that the dilemma was truly between DT and Tabs, and I was against tabs.

Anyways, let's say Yosh was not heavy town to me, but he was leaning town. Regardless, I still had lingering suspicion.

Sure maybe I read that as town rather than heavy town. Maybe I didn't think it mattered so much that Yosh was in that top tier, since what actually mattered was that my threats were at the bottom (you tabs ff and rads).

So it still holds together, given the facts, but I take back my complete suspicion of Yosh, it was a mixed sentiment (part of me thought he was town, part of me was still suspicious). Like I said, it's minor and almost moot, and even then, it's 2 days ago I'm even trouble remembering where I was mentally then and it was all requiring a lot of piecing together and shifting positions, I was still forming my ideas. That's why we went for the Hatz lynch if you remember, because we were in doubt AND because he was weakening our numbers.

Also, I was at a point where the day was difficult and required a lot of thought, and I was just happy it was ending and in full support of Miz, whether I COMPLETELY agreed with his post or not, if there was a minor post I was still going to support him, because I was pretty much 100% sure he was town given his play and I wanted to support his play.

Why would you want to support his play? Why simply "agree" instead of offering your own actual thoughts which may or may have differed?

Linkzmax said:
Why would you want to support his play? Why simply "agree" instead of offering your own actual thoughts which may or may have differed?

I showed my thoughts all of game 3, I brainstormed with town, I did everything I could. The I agree posts are cherry-picked. We were nearing the end of the day, and Miz posted that as an "If I die" post. I was tired, he was tired, we were all tired because that Day caused us a lot of head-scratching to figure out what the hell was going on, and you can't deny that Miz, DT and I were, BY FAR, the most active that day.

Anyways, town, did I really just say I agree day 3? Come on...

^Sorry, I meant day 4, the day of Miz's "If I die post", the day we got rid of shatmoza.

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Fuck it boys, time to hit the nail in the coffin.

Here linkz, have some cherry-picking. Day 4 guys, the day I was "sheeping" Miz, lmfao:



happydolphin said:
miz1q2w3e said:

...and I just want to point out that I also instantly knew which of the two hatmoza was responsible for. It's obvious. ---> No suspicion @DT.


vote hatmoza

You obviously killed Zero cause you thought he was obnoxious. XD

+1 sheep point

happydolphin said:
hatmoza said:
Yoshiya said:
I wanna know why DT is taking so long to say what he did last Night.

They are both scum. DT and miz.

I know I've been on a lot of sarcastic bullshit lately but just look at the slip by miz a few posts up.

I already claimed knife and he forgot. Now he's backtracking.

What kind of scumhunting is this? I mean, if he intentionally forgot to jump that's one thing, but to forget is not a cause to lynch. Hatzy hatzy, tisk tisk.

+1 original thought.

happydolphin said:
Yoshiya said:
I'm happy with Hat's plan, if people don't trust him that much I could always roleblock him toNight to stop him from shooting. At least then we'll have more people to vote for us toDay which should get us one of the main scum team.

No, SK has been killing us and we need him dead. He needs to keep the numbers close so he can win. He needs to go.

+1 original thought

happydolphin said:
Yoshiya said:

I lied when I said I did nothing last Night to prevent DT from using what I said to his advantage. I roleblocked him, if he really watched me he should have known that.

He should have known what, he never said he got a result...

Somebody's getting lynched tomorrow *rubs hands* DT's case on you insta-voting him rather than trucks is pretty solid. You helped us none yesterDay. Same for Linkz and F-F.

+1 original thought

happydolphin said:
miz1q2w3e said:
Yoshiya said:

I lied when I said I did nothing last Night to prevent DT from using what I said to his advantage. I roleblocked him, if he really watched me he should have known that.

What a twist!


It's either a lie, or it doesn't matter since DT watched him, but hasn't revealed a result. What it certainly is is a bad play, because had he asked for a result he would have had a case.

It's probably LYLO this far, town is down, so it's time for mafia to start coming up with bogus claims.

Also, DT's case on him is pretty strong for his play last Day.

oO What's this!? I don't agree with Miz?? You don't say. Well, you heard it here first boys and girls. D disagreed with Miz and had an original thought.

happydolphin said:
miz1q2w3e said:

Nah, Yoshiya seemed genuine. They were probably bussed.

No, he isn't. He tunneled DT all game and didn't vote trucks yesterDay. Be wary.

Wha?? Again!? wow, D you floor me. I am so surprised, I really thought you were just saying I agree and sheeping Miz all game long, especially day 4. Now I'm just mind-fucked.

happydolphin said:
miz1q2w3e said:

Both Yoshiya and tabaha refused to vote Trucks. That's mainly the source of my residual suspicion @those two.

Worse, didn't someone say tabaha was pleading to keep trucks? I don't have the link on hand, would be nice if someone could find that.
Unless it's bs in which case we ignore it.

Oh, what's this, another competitive thought? I can't take it anymore, my mind is going to implode. Just stop happy-D because if you continue I'm going to burst onto everyone with yucky, filthy scum goo. It won't be pretty.

happydolphin said:
Yoshiya said:

You think Tabaha is outright lying and then say I am suspicious for going after you? I After the last game are you really going to be as naive as to keep a confirmed scum (of the main team) around? That pratically won it for you last time >.>

Town is focused on lynching Hatz today, after that, we will see.

Anyone who doesn't follow the logic and tries to distract from town's win condition is suspect.

More original thoughts to compete with Yosh's thoughts. Revolutionary.


Okay, fuck it you lazy whores. Just re-read day 4 it's pretty fucking clear i didn't sheep unless you're just ignoring shit, in which case you have an agenda.

Linkzmax said:

I just wanna show this. It shows happyD didn't know about DT and Trucks' plan (where one of them would become "confirmed" town after getting the other one lynched).

He seems more clueless than scummy imo.

The posts you've pointed out so far are inconclusive. Unless you got something more solid, this lynch isn't happening.

happydolphin said:
^Sorry, I meant day 4, the day of Miz's "If I die post", the day we got rid of shatmoza.


Which reminds me... *unzips* *pisses on hatmoza's remains*


Fine, if you're convinced he's town then it's on your hands. happy being absolutely clueless is reasonable. I stand firm that he's changed stances at the drop of a hat with no given reasons, but whatever.

Vote: radish

His vote and FF's just lingering after saying nothing toDay reeks of them waiting for you or Yoshi to put a third vote on happy(if town of course) or I so that whichever of them is needed can just hammer.

If it's all the same to you, I'd rather get rid of F-F, he feels more scummy.

vote: Final-Fan

And in case I wake up dead (going to sleep now): Town, please don't let linkz convince you with just anything. I would hold him to a higher standard, given his boasting earlier. Don't buy just any weaksauce, and be careful.