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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 50 - Superheroes & Villains

happydolphin said:
Linkzmax said:
happydolphin said:
Linkz, how have we actually shown to be a scum-pair? I can answer that question for day 4, it's easy, we're in MYLO and we're on the same vote. That's why I wrote that last post. You asked why I didn't consider other possibilities? I could, I just didn't because I wanted to study the votals. Given the votals, that's my analysis. OF COURSE other possibilities exist.

There: question? answered.

But, more than that, my question extends beyond today. What of my play and Radish's play (apart from you thinking we're both, individually scummy), makes you think we're a scum TEAM?

Where did DT and Trucks show to be a scum pair? That's rhetorical, your question is pointless. You are scummy, he is scummy, and we're all operating with the idea that there are two scum, thus you are the most likely scummates left to me.

I don't follow, what about Day 4?

So you consider impossible(given your knowledge) scenarios for others' in terms of your alignment, but skip right to "it's either us or them" now? But hey you're right, let's go with early votals of a Day to decide who scum is shall we? Oh yeah, DT and you both voted for tabaha yesterDay.

But that still doesn't answer my question. You've never really considered radish as scum toDay even prior to the votes. Why?


Are you kidding? I called him out on tunneling me and he was like wtf are you talking about. I then had to dig out links to prove it to him. That was yesterDay.

I when did I consider the scenarios impossible? I don't follow. It's like we're on two different wavelengths. I specifically said there were, of course, other possibilities, and I put it in all caps, like this: OF COURSE. (oh, hey since you're kind of retardedscum, I underlined it too. Now it's in caps and underlined).

Like I said, I was studying the votals. As such, in MYLO, it's LIKELY either rad-me or you-FF. Simple shit really.

Where did I misspell votes as kills mister "Let's just dump as much shit as we can on D as possible"? Does town not see that you're using any and every possible little way to paint me as scum? It's staggering to me.


Are you talking about radish in the first paragraph? If so, how is that an explanation for you not considering him toDay?

When you multiple times said it's possible you were swapped with tabaha and that it would mean the results are inconclusive, and then further tried to say items aren't important so even if you were scanned with a vig's gun it wouldn't mean anything. Yes you LATER said there are other possibilities, but you first presented it as only two options and since one is "clearly"(lulz) not the case, then it must be the other.

And I will restate, yesterDay was also MYLO then. So since you voted with DT, you are scum. Simple shit really.

Okay if you didn't confuse the two, then where did you talk about 3 kills being needed?

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happydolphin said:
Ok, with the very first toDay posts it's pretty clear that Yosh, Linkz and Tabs are scum. Let's go girls.

vote tabaha

P.S. FF and DT, I agree with your suspicion of Yoshiya and Tabaha's night plays 100%. And Linkz is basically just orchestrating them, it's so obvious. Also he threw suspicion on me, DT and Miz most of the game, so it's pretty clear what to do. Add that ABC (who suspected Linkz) was lynched and it's pretty clear who to kill.

THAT is flip-flopping.(Not to be confused with tunneling, though they're quite different so really the comparison isn't even close)


I wasn't flip-flopping. I was still suspicious of Yoshiya. I was just much more focused on Hatz he was the more imminent threat. And my lack of worry was because you asked me to remove my vote so town could talk, and I did.

As for your game on me being flip-flopped, here is the definition YOU gave:

"A flip-flop is flipping from one accusation to a completely different one. " That's point blank your game. How's that for quoting.

Linkzmax said:

Since happy continues to pretend this never happened, I'll cut out the links and go with direct quotes. End of Day 4, context being Yoshi points out DT could have killed prof and happy recognizes it makes very little sense for Trucks to have killed prof.

happydolphin said:
miz1q2w3e said:
Again, in case I die, my list of people:

Heavy town: ABC, HappyD, Yoshiya, DT
Light suspicion: F-F, Radish
Heavy suspicion: tabaha, linkz.

I second this.

That alone should make the buddying of miz obvious, but the focus of this is the flip-flopping on Yoshi. Here comes Yoshi with:

This is called cherry-picking. I simply agreed with him, and we had been scumhunting all day the last day. You tried to pull off the same move with the other quote but I shot it down saying I was going to ask the cop to out himself. You already forgot that one? Do you remember the posts you're quoting or just slinging mud?

Town, reread what he wrote with the idea in mind that I wanted to take care of Hatz first, then move on to other thoughts the next Day. I had no reason to worry since my prime concern was being eliminated. Accusation deleted.

Linkzmax said:

Since happy continues to pretend this never happened, I'll cut out the links and go with direct quotes. End of Day 4, context being Yoshi points out DT could have killed prof and happy recognizes it makes very little sense for Trucks to have killed prof.

happydolphin said:
miz1q2w3e said:
Again, in case I die, my list of people:

Heavy town: ABC, HappyD, Yoshiya, DT
Light suspicion: F-F, Radish
Heavy suspicion: tabaha, linkz.

I second this.

That alone should make the buddying of miz obvious

I haven't read the rest of your post yet, but I want to point out to you that the reason we might seem like buddies is cuz we are buddies outside mafia. I just want to give you a clearer picture.

You probably know him better than I do inside mafia, though. Is his behavior unsual right now?

Linkzmax said:

Are you talking about radish in the first paragraph? If so, how is that an explanation for you not considering him toDay?

When you multiple times said it's possible you were swapped with tabaha and that it would mean the results are inconclusive, and then further tried to say items aren't important so even if you were scanned with a vig's gun it wouldn't mean anything. Yes you LATER said there are other possibilities, but you first presented it as only two options and since one is "clearly"(lulz) not the case, then it must be the other.

And I will restate, yesterDay was also MYLO then. So since you voted with DT, you are scum. Simple shit really.

Okay if you didn't confuse the two, then where did you talk about 3 kills being needed?

@bold. Okay, I misread your question. I did see him as a possible scum, if you recall my post you quoted where I called you the knowitall and FF the active lurker, I called Radish the lurker. If you and FF were not in the game, he would be my prime suspect. But since you're here, the knowitall, the mudslinger, and FF is here, the experienced townie who can barely catch up and votes on MYLO just because "at some time you've got to vote", well there are two people on my priority list.

I was mistaken about the item thing, but that just goes to show that I have no idea what items mean for the role until Miz showed me the facts, because I personally have no item and am not a power role. So my confusion is just further confirmation that I have no item and I'm not a power role, not that I'm scum!

No, because it wasn't the same scenario, and in my logic I was assuming 3 votes made a kill, you said so yourself. As such it amplified the concept further. but even with 2 votes left, it's much graver to vote early on with little evidence against me bar minor miscalcs and me trying to deduce shit (because I'm town, after all), so when two players do it on lylo, even if it takes 2 more votes, it's still nothing compared to my pared vote with DT. Also, if I'm not mistaken there were many others who voted with DT, so am I the only guilty one?

You're not just tunneling, you're framing me.

I'd say fuck off, but I'd prefer another townie realize what you're doing and tell you to go back to your scum hole.

miz1q2w3e said:

I haven't read the rest of your post yet, but I want to point out to you that the reason we might seem like buddies is cuz we are buddies outside mafia. I just want to give you a clearer picture.

You probably know him better than I do inside mafia, though. Is his behavior unsual right now?

I'll let the others answer, but I'll just tell you, I don't like being framed, I just don't like it.

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You agreed with him that Yoshi was heavy town yet you're saying you were still suspicious of him. o.O
And you didn't shoot ANYTHING down because you said you had already considered tabaha to be the uncountered cop quite a while ago, BUT YOU VOTED FOR HIM!

Linkzmax said:
You agreed with him that Yoshi was heavy town yet you're saying you were still suspicious of him. o.O
And you didn't shoot ANYTHING down because you said you had already considered tabaha to be the uncountered cop quite a while ago, BUT YOU VOTED FOR HIM!

I figured it out shortly after that post. Here, the IDs I need to get this through to you, pronto:


here is how it actually went, and this not only vindicates me, it proves that you're cherry-picking, whether intentional or not, but it doesn't stack up well to your game.


My first post yesterDay (the Day DT was lynched)

happydolphin said:
Ok, with the very first toDay posts it's pretty clear that Yosh, Linkz and Tabs are scum. Let's go girls.

vote tabaha

P.S. FF and DT, I agree with your suspicion of Yoshiya and Tabaha's night plays 100%. And Linkz is basically just orchestrating them, it's so obvious. Also he threw suspicion on me, DT and Miz most of the game, so it's pretty clear what to do. Add that ABC (who suspected Linkz) was lynched and it's pretty clear who to kill.

I had gone over the posts, with my suspicions on tabs and Yosh from the Day before (the day hatz was lynched, remember, I was still suspicious of Yosh).

miz1q2w3e said:
happydolphin said:
Ok, with the very first toDay posts it's pretty clear that Yosh, Linkz and Tabs are scum. Let's go girls.

vote tabaha

P.S. FF and DT, I agree with your suspicion of Yoshiya and Tabaha's night plays 100%. And Linkz is basically just orchestrating them, it's so obvious. Also he threw suspicion on me, DT and Miz most of the game, so it's pretty clear what to do. Add that ABC (who suspected Linkz) was lynched and it's pretty clear who to kill.

@bolded: On the one hand, this just seems a bit too obvious. I mean he said it pretty clearly, *If I die, kill linkz*. On the other hand, linkz might have actually planned it that way. He knew people would think it's too obvious and could have killed him on purpose.

@underlined: That part makes me suspect DT tbh. How is it clear to you?

After I had made that post, I realized I just skimmed over the posts and was following my bias against Yosh and Tabs (which I kept from the Day prior, which is true to my story, you were asking why I said nothing about Yosh and that's because I was focused on Hatz). When Miz mentioned his suspicion, it made me realize I had been lazy, so I went back to read what was actually said, with the uncountered cop with Miller + GF post you made, so I posted:

happydolphin said:
unvote tabaha
@miz. I'm re-reading now... I think I have brain flatulence problems today.

and then it all started to become clear to me:

happydolphin said:
Yoshiya said:
Final-Fan said:
Things are really stacking up against DT, IMO, but I have one question for Yoshiya. 

Suppose he'd had the same "brilliant" idea you did, and the two of you each watched yourselves. Wouldn't you be kicking yourself? Especially if one of you died?

I would be kicking myself incredibly hard yes. However, I felt it unlikely I was going to die because in theory, DT was supposed to be watching me. That was too risky for mafia if DT was really watcher.

This is a good point.

I was starting to understand  what had ACTUALLY happened the Night before. I realized I had been biased and blind. I mulled it over and I realized that the night actions were stacking up AGAINST DT, and this caused a paradigm shift for me (which Ifind difficult to make, but luckily I made the switch). In my mind, you see, DT was innocent. When the evidence started trickling in, I had to switch paradigms. You call his a flip-flop, but it's just a townie realizing he was wrong.

Do you have proof that I'm lying? You don't, and my story is consistent, well, because it's the true story, sorry.

miz1q2w3e said:
Linkzmax said:

Since happy continues to pretend this never happened, I'll cut out the links and go with direct quotes. End of Day 4, context being Yoshi points out DT could have killed prof and happy recognizes it makes very little sense for Trucks to have killed prof.

happydolphin said:
miz1q2w3e said:
Again, in case I die, my list of people:

Heavy town: ABC, HappyD, Yoshiya, DT
Light suspicion: F-F, Radish
Heavy suspicion: tabaha, linkz.

I second this.

That alone should make the buddying of miz obvious

I haven't read the rest of your post yet, but I want to point out to you that the reason we might seem like buddies is cuz we are buddies outside mafia. I just want to give you a clearer picture.

You probably know him better than I do inside mafia, though. Is his behavior unsual right now?

Well don't let your friendship blind you from "the facts" as you put it.

happy has only played a few games here, but as I said he doesn't do the counter-suspicion thing when town. He's far more prone to call someone town who is wrong. Yet as I pointed out in an earlier post,(with a bunch of links where I called happy Mr. Flip-Flop, or something to that effect) he called me town, then I questioned him as if he was the mafia busdriver, and then he put me in his scum column. He's also been playing the confused card A LOT, but despite his few games here, he played several at mafiascum and has boasted about being quite good due to the experience there.(which admiteddly we scoffed at)

Linkzmax said:

Well don't let your friendship blind you from "the facts" as you put it.

happy has only played a few games here, but as I said he doesn't do the counter-suspicion thing when town. He's far more prone to call someone town who is wrong. Yet as I pointed out in an earlier post,(with a bunch of links where I called happy Mr. Flip-Flop, or something to that effect) he called me town, then I questioned him as if he was the mafia busdriver, and then he put me in his scum column. He's also been playing the confused card A LOT, but despite his few games here, he played several at mafiascum and has boasted about being quite good due to the experience there.(which admiteddly we scoffed at)

That's not what he's asking. He's not asking about the counter-suspicion, which is bullshit and as mafia you know it, because I actually have reason to be suspicious of you, you gave me sufficient reasons to. I don't counter-suspect unless I realize that the person suspecting me is actually a scum-face. I listed my reasons, I'm still convinced.

No, what he was asking was if my weird behavior is unusual. You lied. I react like this when faced with constant accusation.

Miz, for ref, look at game 40 and at the GoT game. I panic under pressure, and don't like being framed, it's my personality. You'll see me say something to that effect, almost verbatim in those threads.

Guess what, I was town.

Look, Up here ^ Another twisting of the truth by shitface.

happydolphin said:
Linkzmax said:

Well don't let your friendship blind you from "the facts" as you put it.

happy has only played a few games here, but as I said he doesn't do the counter-suspicion thing when town. He's far more prone to call someone town who is wrong. Yet as I pointed out in an earlier post,(with a bunch of links where I called happy Mr. Flip-Flop, or something to that effect) he called me town, then I questioned him as if he was the mafia busdriver, and then he put me in his scum column. He's also been playing the confused card A LOT, but despite his few games here, he played several at mafiascum and has boasted about being quite good due to the experience there.(which admiteddly we scoffed at)

That's not what he's asking. He's not asking about the counter-suspicion, which is bullshit and as mafia you know it, because I actually have reason to be suspicious of you, you gave me sufficient reasons to. I don't counter-suspect unless I realize that the person suspecting me is actually a scum-face. I listed my reasons, I'm still convinced.

No, what he was asking was if my weird behavior is unusual. You lied. I react like this when faced with constant accusation.

Miz, for ref, look at game 40 and at the GoT game. I panic under pressure, and don't like being framed, it's my personality. You'll see me say something to that effect, almost verbatim in those threads.

Guess what, I was town.

Look, Up here ^ Another twisting of the truth by shitface.

@Miz. And you know what the funny thing about this is... he was my fucking sibling that game. We died day 1 because of this behavior you're seeing in me right now. I died, he died. We also had a private QT and he saw all my freak-outs.

What a fucking lying piece of shit you are Linkz XD