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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 50 - Superheroes & Villains

Linkzmax said:
A flip-flop is flipping from one accusation to a completely different one. Calling you the SCUM busdriver and then possibly the SCUM dayvig is hardly flip-flopping. Meanwhile you STILL have not come up with an answer for your COMPLETE 180 as to Yoshi being town or scum between the end of Day 4 and the beginning of Day 5.

I know enough about radish to believe he's scum. I wouldn't give it my stamp(95% accuracy) because I haven't even read most of his posts,(yeah, sue me) but that's my say.

How am I the best lynch for today? You haven't pointed at a single thing against me. You just have Miz's voiced suspicion in your corner, making me YOUR "easy" mislynch.

Oh sorry, I didn't realize I took no part in Day 3. Sorry for interrupting your game.

@bold. Sorry, what are you talking about. I said you scumhunted day 3, but that you didn't vote trucks. That's when you called me a flip-flopper.

You calling me at once a BD, then vig, then what-have-you is flip-flopping, and shows your eagerness to paint me scum and fabricate theories based on your bias. It's not like "I have a suspicion he's this" and then you go about it, no it's "let's make him look mafia and throw any and all accusation against him, as long as peeps see him as mafia, it's good".

You know nothing about radish, unless you've been keeping info from town and tunneling on me instead. Honestly, if radish was your main target, wtf are you doing attacking me? Anyways, goes to show how scum you are.

I HAVE given the answer of why Yosh is 100% town. 1) he was correct about DT all game long, despite me doubting him, he put his neck on the line by claiming to have tracked DT, his playing DT Day 4 was good, I think all-in-all Yosh proved to town that he's a townie, period.

As for not pointing out a single thing against you, keep lying to yourself (and to town).

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Linkzmax said:
I'm still fine with a radish lynch, but it'll likely come down to this toMorrow anyway. But Miz if you think happy and I could both be town, then you shouldn't vote either of us. Otherwise the 2 mafia standing by will quicklynch and win.

Radish is the better lynch, yet you're lynching me. You make no sense.

Also, you're the one who just counter-voted, BRO.

It's most probably MYLO and Linkz is voting for his 2nd best lynch candidate (he also thinks it's MYLO, said so a few days ago), why am I not surprised. Town, you know what to do.

P.S. Town, knowing myself, I am afraid to trip and it's MYLO, everything I needed to say was said, Linkz is pretty much confirmed mafia at this point, I'm leaving this in your hands.

We'll talk at the end of the game, peg vote wisely and think of the clues I left for you. GL! (Miz, I'll talk to you end game, will look forward to it. Make the right choice, don't just trust me, trust what I say. Reread my last day posts if you have to, you'll see it like a 3D image). If we make it till tomorrow, well, I'll be ready to win :)

Linkzmax said:

I know enough about radish to believe he's scum. I wouldn't give it my stamp(95% accuracy) because I haven't even read most of his posts,(yeah, sue me) but that's my say.

I'm fine with a Radish lynch. He fits the active lurking definition better than F-F.

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happydolphin said:
Linkzmax said:
A flip-flop is flipping from one accusation to a completely different one. Calling you the SCUM busdriver and then possibly the SCUM dayvig is hardly flip-flopping. Meanwhile you STILL have not come up with an answer for your COMPLETE 180 as to Yoshi being town or scum between the end of Day 4 and the beginning of Day 5.

I know enough about radish to believe he's scum. I wouldn't give it my stamp(95% accuracy) because I haven't even read most of his posts,(yeah, sue me) but that's my say.

How am I the best lynch for today? You haven't pointed at a single thing against me. You just have Miz's voiced suspicion in your corner, making me YOUR "easy" mislynch.

Oh sorry, I didn't realize I took no part in Day 3. Sorry for interrupting your game.

@bold. Sorry, what are you talking about. I said you scumhunted day 3, but that you didn't vote trucks. That's when you called me a flip-flopper.

You calling me at once a BD, then vig, then what-have-you is flip-flopping, and shows your eagerness to paint me scum and fabricate theories based on your bias. It's not like "I have a suspicion he's this" and then you go about it, no it's "let's make him look mafia and throw any and all accusation against him, as long as peeps see him as mafia, it's good".

You know nothing about radish, unless you've been keeping info from town and tunneling on me instead. Honestly, if radish was your main target, wtf are you doing attacking me? Anyways, goes to show how scum you are.

I HAVE given the answer of why Yosh is 100% town. 1) he was correct about DT all game long, despite me doubting him, he put his neck on the line by claiming to have tracked DT, his playing DT Day 4 was good, I think all-in-all Yosh proved to town that he's a townie, period.

As for not pointing out a single thing against you, keep lying to yourself (and to town).

You were going on and on about your merry tails of this Day 3 that the two of you shared together. And while I did not vote Trucks, one can read the Day and see I was clearly figuring out things just as much, no moreso than anyone else. Nobody else dug back through the thread to check out if anything tab said Day 2 matched his claim of scanning you. Nobody else went back to check on mantle's posts to check out his scan. But I certainly remember you pretending to care about the going ons: You didn't actually care, THAT was active lurking. Asking lots of questions, but you never said anything of significance since you were only following others.

As I said, it could be considered tunneling. I consider you scum, and I'm blinded to any other option. If I come back in an hour or a Day and just say that you are town, THEN I would be flip-flopping.

Is radish here? Nope. Did you slip that you could be scum? Yep. But you could just be stupid town spouting pointless things too, so I'm not completely a tunnelhead.

No. You put Yoshi as heavy town at the end of Day 4, after several revelations hit you like a brick. Then right at the start of Day 5 you threw him right back into the scumpile with no reason whatsover. Of course now that DT was lynched as scum you HAVE to buy Yoshi completely.(Oh except for that other pointless idea of me/DT/Yoshi scumteam, right?)

So yeah, you're still at 0 points. Keep trying pal.

happydolphin said:
Linkzmax said:
I'm still fine with a radish lynch, but it'll likely come down to this toMorrow anyway. But Miz if you think happy and I could both be town, then you shouldn't vote either of us. Otherwise the 2 mafia standing by will quicklynch and win.

Radish is the better lynch, yet you're lynching me. You make no sense.

Also, you're the one who just counter-voted, BRO.

Pretty sure I'm VOTING for you, since you haven't been hung yet. And yes it's a counter-vote because while I feel better about radish being scum then you, your vote is on me and since I know I am town, and I think you are scum, it does you no favors.

You mistake a counter-vote with counter-suspicion. As in you thought I was town, until I started accusing you of being the scum BD, and then you flip-flopped and counter-suspected me... OHHHHhhhh

happy, why do you consider FF to be my scummate and not radish?

happydolphin said:
P.S. Town, knowing myself, I am afraid to trip and it's MYLO, everything I needed to say was said, Linkz is pretty much confirmed mafia at this point, I'm leaving this in your hands.

We'll talk at the end of the game, peg vote wisely and think of the clues I left for you. GL! (Miz, I'll talk to you end game, will look forward to it. Make the right choice, don't just trust me, trust what I say. Reread my last day posts if you have to, you'll see it like a 3D image). If we make it till tomorrow, well, I'll be ready to win :)

Dude, no one's voted you except linkz.

@bolded: Neither of you is confirmed anything. No one's gonna lynch either of you based on the posts just now ...Ok, maybe you're more sort of confirmed town, knowing tabaha's reading and all.

@linkz: Are you serious about your vote on HappyD?