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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 50 - Superheroes & Villains

Linkzmax said:
And happy, how do you explain me preventing tabaha's lynch?(basically all game mind you) You realizing there was no counter(which still isn't doing a damned thing btw, nor were you first ) does not happen if I didn't verbally bitchslap everyone about it for days on end.

>.> I don't remember that.

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Linkzmax said:
Oh, so you had the epihany before you voted for tabaha. Yes, that makes sense.

1) I think radish is the best lynch for today. You can go tomorrow if it's needed.
2) You are damn right I'm more intelligent than most of you, and I have no qualms boasting about it. I also have more experience than most of you to go along with that.
3) You don't know what flip-flopping is it? You could accuse me of tunneling, but thinking you're scum and trying to figure out what your role is based on what you've said and the confirmed night actions is not flip-flopping.
4) Because it's clear you're just trying to get on his good side. And I told you, your switch on Yoshi is unmatched. And you've flipped on others depending on the crowd as well. I had already decided Miz was town from his claim, and as the blinded by retardation quib meant, I believe he's been misguided most of the game. But he's been rather sturdy with his thoughts on players. The change on DT, which took quite a lot of convincing, being the only thing I can recall.

Seriously. You call it MYLO(Btw, I warned it was probably mylo first thing yesterDay) and now you've realized it's MYLO. Teach me your ways.

Flip-flopping between one accusation and another with almost 0 evidence is flip-flopping and shows that you are very eager to push a lynch, and to fabricate evidence to fit that bias, that's mafia play.

I think Radish is the worst lynch, because we know little to nothing about him, and his play is constantly like he played this game, not much different. Final-fan is the more suspicious lurker, because he has more experience (if you believe your point 2), so he's a much better lynch than radish. Also, Radish is another easy lynch.

No, rather you are the best lynch for today, and I will do everything I can to show town how fishy you are, if I haven't yet.

As for buddying with Miz, we both played together Day 3, came to the same realizations, had the same satisfaction to see scum go (I assume due to all the hard work and thought), and as such I want to play with him. I'm not trying to get on his good side, I want him to be critical of me, but not to the point where you get him on your side to get me lynched, since that would go against pretty much our whole game as of Day 3, sorry. Miz, I hope you're with me on this, but @Linkz, it's not happening. You will be hard-pressed to get Miz to lynch me after getting an innocent scan Night 1, playing with him and trying to crack the DT-Yosh-Tabs case, coming to grips with it roughly around the same time as him. Meanwhile, you know everything and credit that to experience. Who's fishier? Yeah, it's you.

happydolphin said:

Miz, why would I say it could have been me unless I'm speculating. How could I speculate if I know what item I have, unless I put myself in another player's shoes and reason for town?

Why should I expect a townie to just take my word for it? I played by the rules of it could be me in the sense "assuming you don't know what I know about me...". Would you believe the logic of someone who says "It wasn't me because I know I don't have an item?", I didn't think so.

Yeah, I know that feel.

It's funny, a post like that made tabaha suspicious of me, and he stayed that way almost the rest of the game >.<

@Linkz. Remember your first accusation of me flip-flopping, when saying you were fishy for not voting linkz but were actively scum-hunting?

Remember how I shot that down pretty fast as being bullshit? Yeah, you've been trying to peg me as a flip-flopper, as a vig, as a BD pretty much since day 3. I hope you realize your eagerness to paint me as scum will only make it worse for you as your neck is tried to the noose and you begin to be pulled into the air. I'll be looking forward to your lynch, and to be one step closer to winning.

vote linkz

Town, I hope you make the right choice. I know where I'm going, and I'm heading for the win.

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A flip-flop is flipping from one accusation to a completely different one. Calling you the SCUM busdriver and then possibly the SCUM dayvig is hardly flip-flopping. Meanwhile you STILL have not come up with an answer for your COMPLETE 180 as to Yoshi being town or scum between the end of Day 4 and the beginning of Day 5.

I know enough about radish to believe he's scum. I wouldn't give it my stamp(95% accuracy) because I haven't even read most of his posts,(yeah, sue me) but that's my say.

How am I the best lynch for today? You haven't pointed at a single thing against me. You just have Miz's voiced suspicion in your corner, making me YOUR "easy" mislynch.

Oh sorry, I didn't realize I took no part in Day 3. Sorry for interrupting your game.

happydolphin said:
@Linkz. Remember your first accusation of me flip-flopping, when saying you were fishy for not voting linkz but were actively scum-hunting?

Remember how I shot that down pretty fast as being bullshit? Yeah, you've been trying to peg me as a flip-flopper, as a vig, as a BD pretty much since day 3. I hope you realize your eagerness to paint me as scum will only make it worse for you as your neck is tried to the noose and you begin to be pulled into the air. I'll be looking forward to your lynch, and to be one step closer to winning.

Is that even english?

And yes I'm sure you will be glad to see me hung, since that would mean a win for your scummy self.

happydolphin said:

@town. I just realized, if there are 2 mafia left in the game, it's MYLO. At 4v2, mislynch, then night kill, it's 50-50, town loses.

Miz, I know you will come to your senses and see that Linkz has been creepy the whole game. You'll have another hurray moment if you make the right choice and lynch him with me. Once he's answered my questions, I'll place my vote. I encourage you to follow me.

I agree he's been kinda creepy, but I don't know if that's him being scum, or it's him being "cool" (you know what I mean).

Well if you're going to make it between me and you then I'll oblige.

Vote: happydolphin


For future reference, you don't do counter-suspicion as town. Step your game up bro.

I'm still fine with a radish lynch, but it'll likely come down to this toMorrow anyway. But Miz if you think happy and I could both be town, then you shouldn't vote either of us. Otherwise the 2 mafia standing by will quicklynch and win.