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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 50 - Superheroes & Villains

tabaha said:
happydolphin said:
tabaha said:
so, if both me, yoshi and DT are telling the truth we have 2 types of redirection up
Now, would it be too far-fetched to have them with tracker, jack of all trades, cop, flavor cop in a game?

I'm VT personally, so that's one placeholder less.

only refering to power balance

I know, but let's assume for the sake of it that each player only has 1 role.

That's 9 roles MAX. Count all those currently, and you're not left with much room for another redirector, tbh.

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If you guys don't want to lynch hatz, I got some lol-worthy stuff here:

HoS tabaha

,for now. If I die, he's a pretty safe lynch imo

DarkThanatos said:
Yoshiya said:
happydolphin said:
Yoshiya said:

If your target was bussed you would still see the bus driver though. Since you thought you had seen only the people that went to your original target you would thus have reason to believe that the person you saw (the busdriver) was the killer (assuming you watch the dead person). That would get a guarenteed lynch on the busdriver if you are really credible which at the moment is almost definitely their most important role. You would still be the biggest threat to them in otherwords.

Also, what's easier to push for, a mislynch on an unconfirmed flavour cop that has only seen items already mentioned and been playing weirdly all game or a mislynch on someone that just found the mafia godfather and has half the town on his side? I think you know who.

But you just said it, he found the mafia godfather. Why would a scum do that?

As I already explained, what better way to confirm yourself as a townie? Things look bad for yourself so you turn it around and make yourself into what seems like a guarenteed townie by getting a different scum member lynched. It wouldn't matter if we found the rest of his team because the odds would be in his favour that we never lynch him before it's too late.

You sir, would make a very bad mafiasio. 

Why would i choose Trucks, when i could have chosen any other player, get them lynched, and then get lynched myself? That way, if i was scum, i would have allowed two town players to die, and only one scum. 

If we were both scum, all i would have done would be to kill a teammate, and set scum back two kills in the same position. 

And even if i was scum and stupidly decided to chose another scum - why choose a godfather! That is even more flawed. Why not chose a goon or a weaker role? 

Face it, this idea is stupid.

How is this a bad idea at all? If it wasn't for Tabaha you would be confirmed town right now and no one would even think of touching you. For all you know after your lynch we would have lynched the rest of your members letting you lose. However, this scenerio allows scum to have one effectively unlynchable member and as such, they have very little to fear of in the way of losing. Why godfather? To further cement your position. Numbers are close now so mafia doesn't have much to worry of in the way of scans since they control a large proportion of the votes in a game where the majority of players have some suspicion on them and thus anyone could be voted.

miz1q2w3e said:
If you guys don't want to lynch hatz, I got some lol-worthy stuff here:

HoS tabaha

,for now. If I die, he's a pretty safe lynch imo

So shameless, I love it :)

Yoshiya said:

How is this a bad idea at all? If it wasn't for Tabaha you would be confirmed town right now and no one would even think of touching you. For all you know after your lynch we would have lynched the rest of your members letting you lose. However, this scenerio allows scum to have one effectively unlynchable member and as such, they have very little to fear of in the way of losing. Why godfather? To further cement your position. Numbers are close now so mafia doesn't have much to worry of in the way of scans since they control a large proportion of the votes in a game where the majority of players have some suspicion on them and thus anyone could be voted.


Enough with this. It's bollocks.

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miz1q2w3e said:
If you guys don't want to lynch hatz, I got some lol-worthy stuff here:

HoS tabaha

,for now. If I die, he's a pretty safe lynch imo

OMG this is too much

Tabaha defending Trucks earlier (begging mantle to change his vote on Trucks), and now I just noticed Trucks defending tabaha

lololol this is so funny

...Still reading.

I hope I find some more funny stuff to share :p

Yoshiya said:

Because for some reason, I actually trust him. Shoot me for it but I do. That and at the moment he is one of the only people left in the game willing to believe you are scum which suggests to me he actually gives a fuck about town. I feel he may hit scum toNight and seeing the situation we are in I feel that chance is too high to ignore.

Also, as I said, your post is not conclusive. There is a good chance that killing Hat will put town in a worse scenerio than keeping him alive. I don't want to risk giving scum a guarenteed win because town isn't going to search for the scum still hiding amongst us. If town wants me to change their vote they should decide to vote Tabaha tonight because at least then we can sort out which one of you is lying which imo will reveal more to us than lynching Hat.

Everything he has done. Everything. Suggests otherwise. 

Kills spurge and zero for kicks- Not giving a fuck for town. 

Refuses to give his real item - Not giving a fuck for town. 

Kills a player that no-one suggested killing, even after agreeing to go along with what a town has told him.

@Italic  - Worst. Reasoning. Ever. 

So you think I am ultra scummy. Believe Tabaha to be cop. Don't want to kill Hatz because our situation means we need to hit scum. 

But you are willing to lynch the town cop over me, on the basis, that there is a 50-50 chance which one of us is lying, even with alternatives given? 


Shoot me for it but I do

If only i could. -.-

So hyped for Rome 2: Total War

miz1q2w3e said:

OMG this is too much

Tabaha defending Trucks earlier (begging mantle to change his vote on Trucks), and now I just noticed Trucks defending tabaha

lololol this is so funny

Send more links :)

happydolphin said:
miz1q2w3e said:

OMG this is too much

Tabaha defending Trucks earlier (begging mantle to change his vote on Trucks), and now I just noticed Trucks defending tabaha

lololol this is so funny

Send more links :)


Trucks trying to get us to lynch DT:

Yoshiya and DT. You're BOTH town in my book. This is sooooo deja vu @the mantle and prof discussions. You should go after other people.


We can either get rid of hatz, or lynch tabaha.

...I'll try and find some more before I get killed tonight XP