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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 50 - Superheroes & Villains

miz1q2w3e said:

Yeah, I should re-read that tbh.

So what did pezus' answer give you?

I wrote it all down on paper and then my head blew up.

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DarkThanatos said:
Yoshiya said:
DarkThanatos said:
Yoshiya said:
Also, I'd like town to mull this one over. Why wasn't DT killed last Night? Mafia have no reason to believe anyone could stop their kill since Prof was dead so why not take out the powerful Watcher role? Especially if half the town already believed him to be effectively confirmed town. In fact, why did mafia kill someone that can only see what items someone has? As already proven by me and DS, items don't directly correlate to roles and as such Mantle could only really guess things off of what he was told making him a lot weaker than either a cop (who I can believe wasn't kill due to the high level of suspicion on him) or a watcher.


They saw Mantle as more of a threat, they can bus their target, so i can't watch them, or they can roleblock me. 

Mantle is a flavour cop, so he could have scanned any of the scum, so they can't bus his target. Mantle may well have been more accurate with his scumlists. 

Or maybe, they thought they could push for a mislynch on me today. *Glares at Yoshiya and Radish* 

Or perhaps they thought he held more weight. 

If your target was bussed you would still see the bus driver though. Since you thought you had seen only the people that went to your original target you would thus have reason to believe that the person you saw (the busdriver) was the killer (assuming you watch the dead person). That would get a guarenteed lynch on the busdriver if you are really credible which at the moment is almost definitely their most important role. You would still be the biggest threat to them in otherwords.

Also, what's easier to push for, a mislynch on an unconfirmed flavour cop that has only seen items already mentioned and been playing weirdly all game or a mislynch on someone that just found the mafia godfather and has half the town on his side? I think you know who.

Well, you've been making a bloody big effort to get me all game... So i think you have already answered that. 

Not to mention, so now I'm suddenly an almost confirmed town in most people's eyes? That's a big turn, just earlier today you were sayign  was still very suspicious. 


Also to the top part- 

1 word. Roleblocker.

Another few words- Mantle was more trusted and carried more weight. 

Another few words again - This has already been covered. Sit down and try and think of some useful points. Perhaps expand your horizons to beyond me. So some variety. Live a little.

@bold I'm honoured you believe I am influential enough that by going after you for the last couple of Days will mean I can get an easy lynch on you. Unfortunately, the fact that you can say that to me, just shows this isn't the case.

@italics So you believe there is a roleblocker? Convenient how in order for you to be town, half of our claimed roles had to be lying and there also has to be a roleblocker (which we have NO evidence for yet).

@underlined And let a scum get past? And you say I am not acting in town's favour...

Yoshiya said:
happydolphin said:
Yoshiya said:

If your target was bussed you would still see the bus driver though. Since you thought you had seen only the people that went to your original target you would thus have reason to believe that the person you saw (the busdriver) was the killer (assuming you watch the dead person). That would get a guarenteed lynch on the busdriver if you are really credible which at the moment is almost definitely their most important role. You would still be the biggest threat to them in otherwords.

Also, what's easier to push for, a mislynch on an unconfirmed flavour cop that has only seen items already mentioned and been playing weirdly all game or a mislynch on someone that just found the mafia godfather and has half the town on his side? I think you know who.

But you just said it, he found the mafia godfather. Why would a scum do that?

As I already explained, what better way to confirm yourself as a townie? Things look bad for yourself so you turn it around and make yourself into what seems like a guarenteed townie by getting a different scum member lynched. It wouldn't matter if we found the rest of his team because the odds would be in his favour that we never lynch him before it's too late.

You sir, would make a very bad mafiasio. 

Why would i choose Trucks, when i could have chosen any other player, get them lynched, and then get lynched myself? That way, if i was scum, i would have allowed two town players to die, and only one scum. 

If we were both scum, all i would have done would be to kill a teammate, and set scum back two kills in the same position. 

And even if i was scum and stupidly decided to chose another scum - why choose a godfather! That is even more flawed. Why not chose a goon or a weaker role? 

Face it, this idea is stupid.

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DarkThanatos said:
Yoshiya said:
DarkThanatos said:

What makes that to my advantage? As you just said- Batman's Utility Belt is unique- look who's twisting flavour to his advantage. 

Not to mention- DO YOU NOT THINK BATMAN HAS SPARES? In the films he buys millions of Bat-ears, he buys in bulk so it isn't suspect. That means he has multiple back-ups. So suck on your words noob. 

In regards to Mantle- we have already seen that he can do some serious damage to scum with his power. Sit down. It's been explained. 


Now are you going to vote Hatz or not? Seeing as you blew our chance to stop his kill if you even are town by wasting your roleblock, I'd have thought you would be up for righting your wrong. 

How is it to my advantage to say that there is likely only one Batman's Utility Belt?

And by suggesting that mafia have copies of town items you are basically saying that Mantle couldn't do shit because he would find a town item even if he hit a scum.

In fact, if you truly believe what you say, Mantle "finding" my item on Trucks wouldn't have done anything either because you are implying he already had the same item.

And I've explained my reasons to not vote Hatz, why would I change because a scum told me to?

I'm leaving this for now, because it is just a theory, and we can't prove eitherway now Mantle's gone. 

@Bolded. Because it is best for town. You have not explained your reasons, or at least if you did, you ignored my post because it was "sound, but not conclusive" or some load of toss like that. Say your reasons again, and give some logic behind it. Why are you so keen to keep Hatz's kill going? 

Because for some reason, I actually trust him. Shoot me for it but I do. That and at the moment he is one of the only people left in the game willing to believe you are scum which suggests to me he actually gives a fuck about town. I feel he may hit scum toNight and seeing the situation we are in I feel that chance is too high to ignore.

Also, as I said, your post is not conclusive. There is a good chance that killing Hat will put town in a worse scenerio than keeping him alive. I don't want to risk giving scum a guarenteed win because town isn't going to search for the scum still hiding amongst us. If town wants me to change their vote they should decide to vote Tabaha tonight because at least then we can sort out which one of you is lying which imo will reveal more to us than lynching Hat.

so, if both me, yoshi and DT are telling the truth we have 2 types of redirection up
Now, would it be too far-fetched to have them with tracker, jack of all trades, cop, flavor cop in a game?


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Yoshiya said:

Because for some reason, I actually trust him. Shoot me for it but I do. That and at the moment he is one of the only people left in the game willing to believe you are scum which suggests to me he actually gives a fuck about town. I feel he may hit scum toNight and seeing the situation we are in I feel that chance is too high to ignore.

Also, as I said, your post is not conclusive. There is a good chance that killing Hat will put town in a worse scenerio than keeping him alive. I don't want to risk giving scum a guarenteed win because town isn't going to search for the scum still hiding amongst us. If town wants me to change their vote they should decide to vote Tabaha tonight because at least then we can sort out which one of you is lying which imo will reveal more to us than lynching Hat.

Put it this way, man, when in doubt, lynch hatz.

He's anti-town either way. If town goes for hatz, you follow, you don't try to push a DT lynch when he outed the godfather. Com'on now.

tabaha said:
so, if both me, yoshi and DT are telling the truth we have 2 types of redirection up
Now, would it be too far-fetched to have them with tracker, jack of all trades, cop, flavor cop in a game?

I'm VT personally, so that's one placeholder less.

happydolphin said:
tabaha said:
so, if both me, yoshi and DT are telling the truth we have 2 types of redirection up
Now, would it be too far-fetched to have them with tracker, jack of all trades, cop, flavor cop in a game?

I'm VT personally, so that's one placeholder less.

only refering to power balance


Yoshiya said:
DarkThanatos said:

Well, you've been making a bloody big effort to get me all game... So i think you have already answered that. 

Not to mention, so now I'm suddenly an almost confirmed town in most people's eyes? That's a big turn, just earlier today you were sayign  was still very suspicious. 


Also to the top part- 

1 word. Roleblocker.

Another few words- Mantle was more trusted and carried more weight. 

Another few words again - This has already been covered. Sit down and try and think of some useful points. Perhaps expand your horizons to beyond me. So some variety. Live a little.

@bold I'm honoured you believe I am influential enough that by going after you for the last couple of Days will mean I can get an easy lynch on you. Unfortunately, the fact that you can say that to me, just shows this isn't the case.

@italics So you believe there is a roleblocker? Convenient how in order for you to be town, half of our claimed roles had to be lying and there also has to be a roleblocker (which we have NO evidence for yet).

@underlined And let a scum get past? And you say I am not acting in town's favour...

omg. It's barely even worth responding to you at the moment. You used to be a semi-decent player? Where did it all go wrong? 

You are not influential- but then it's not just you that has plumped on me on some form today. You couldn't get me on your own, but with scummates...

There may very well be. Half our relevant claim roles had to be lying? Let's see. 

Tabaha- scummy "cop"

You- scummy "JOAT" - already proven lier.

^between the two of you, only one has to be lying for me to be scum. 

Mantle- flavour cop - certain i am town. 

Myself-  watcher - certain i am town. 

Prof- doc- thinks i was town.

Hatz - SK - doesn't need to be lying for me to be town.


Nope, sorry, that's simply not true. Most of our power roles either think i am town, don't need to be lying, or it doesn't matter if they are lying.

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