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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 50 - Superheroes & Villains

DarkThanatos said:
A Bad Clown said:

If town wants a safe lynch its Hatmoza, but it'll be harder for town to win near the end. Of everyone left in this game, the greatest chance of hitting mafia would be to lynch Linkz. Anyone who's played with him before should know that he's playing scummy and that the connections are easy to see.

I would have to agree with you right now. 

I personally feel that Hatz is our best lynch candidate right now because of this: 

DarkThanatos said:

In response to the Hat bit- if we did have 6 scum +1SK, then i would be in total agreement, but as I said from the start of the game, I think a scum-team of 6 is too big- even more so with an SK. Also I took Trucks being the one doing the kill to mean that there is probably only the busdriver + another important role left. So i'm currently thinking there is only 2 or at a max 3 scum left. 

I definately don't think we have 4 scum left, because then Pezus would have said we were in LYLO (whichever one means lynch scum or lose) Not to mention, if we are in a 5vs4vs1 - then there is on way we can win. Because we would have to hit scum leading to,  4v3v1 then scum again - 3v2v1- then 2v1v1. At which point, if we mislynched, (1v1v1) either mafia or hat would win. And if we killed Hat instead at any of those points, scum would win. So there is no way we are at a 5v4v1 right now. 

Which means we are at 6v3v1 or 7v2v1. Which would be safe to kill Hat this round at least. Because if it is 6v3v1, and we mislynch and hat kills town it would be 3v3v1, which would mean whoever Hat chooses would die. Putting him at control again. 

So actually, I think Hat is our best bet at the moment. I could easily have a mistake in my logic though, so what do you think of that ^?

and that we should cut down the damage he can cause. This is because if he kills town tonight, then thats a town kill we could have avoided. Not to mention if we mislynch and then he kills town, then that severely fucks us over. 

Given that Hat cannot be trusted from past kill choices- and that we have a busdriver, and still more town then scum- Hatz is likely to hit town. Especially the way he is throwing his suspicion around. 

So yeh personally i think we should lynch Hat today- take the hit tonight, and then tomorrow, we will have more info to scumhunt, will have a better chance of hitting scum and not mislynching, and won't have to worry about Hatz as well. 

My personal other choice right now is Linkz though. There are now enough doubts about Yoshiya's track, and his alignment in my mind, that I'm not certain whether he or Tabaha is telling the truth, my suspicion on Linkz is independant of that though, so i hold no such reservations right now. 

@bold What reason do you have to doubt my track? If I didn't track you why would I come in on Day 3 and say "DT needs to claim now because I have evidence he is scum"?

@italics Since when was it between me and Tahaba telling the truth? I thought it was between you and Tahaba...

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Yoshiya said:

Are you really that stupid? The only scum we know that could "morph" was Clayface (or something like that) and, forgive me if I am wrong, but even with my limited knowledge of superheroes I can be pretty confident that Clayface can change his form since he is, you know, made of clay.

Not a direct reply to this post, but did anyone notice Trucks claimed jubilee yesterDay? and pezus wrote it into his flavor kill 'story'. That pretty much confirms safe claims, just sayin.

Yoshiya said:
DarkThanatos said:
happydolphin said:
Yoshiya said:
Precisely, Hat is SK not Vigilante. Why would he own exactly the same item that 9TC claimed to have when he is on the opposite alignment?

If there was a vigilante in the game, we would have known by now. The night kills don't support that theory.

It's an item, as I said, not a role. However, the item gives hint to the role. Even if the item is called the vig's gun, it could very well indicate a SK.

Again- whats to say that there aren't multiple copies of the same item for scum players? From our flavour we know that scum morph into copies of heroes- why can't they have copies of the same item as well? 

Are you really that stupid? The only scum we know that could "morph" was Clayface (or something like that) and, forgive me if I am wrong, but even with my limited knowledge of superheroes I can be pretty confident that Clayface can change his form since he is, you know, made of clay.

Whatever. Even if they can't morph- they might still have copies of items. It would explain a few things and scenerios. 

@HappyD -There is already the hated bus-driver/re-director. and three modkills. Pezus is a bastard mod. I wouldn't put it past him. 

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miz1q2w3e said:

I wanna get rid of hatz too. I agree with your post.

I'll add that he's pretty much useless even if we keep him. His judgement of people SUUUUUUCKSSSSS... and if WE tell him who to kill, he'll just be bussed.

vote: hatmoza

Let's go guys.

Sure man, whatevs. If it can save us two kills tonight, plus the odds that he is scum vig. I'm breaking my pact and settling for a hatz lynch...

But tomorrow we better do some serious scum-hunting, no more of this easy-lynch nonsense, we need to catch scum pronto.

vote hatmoza

DarkThanatos said:
happydolphin said:
DarkThanatos said:

Again- whats to say that there aren't multiple copies of the same item for scum players? From our flavour we know that scum morph into copies of heroes- why can't they have copies of the same item as well? 

Please don't make this more complicated than it already is. They have 1 item, and maybe 1 safeclaim item. That's it.

Oh no, you misunderstand. 

I mean whats to say that two players can't have the item Vigilante's gun? 

Whats to say that both Truck and Yoshiya can't have Batman's Utility Belt? 

I'm saying- how do we know that scum players don't have an item copy of another town player?

I'm pretty sure that Batman's Utility Belt is unique in that Batman only has one utility belt... Why are you trying to twist flavour to your advantage?

Also, in response to your post about Mantle. He scanned for items. How do we know that the items that scum have instantly confirm them as scum? It's already pretty obvious the majority of items aren't obvious and are actually vague...

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Guys, it's settled, till the end of the game, we're assuming that Yoshi and Trucks were bussed.

End of story.

Yoshiya said:
DarkThanatos said:

I would have to agree with you right now. 

I personally feel that Hatz is our best lynch candidate right now because of this: 

DarkThanatos said:

In response to the Hat bit- if we did have 6 scum +1SK, then i would be in total agreement, but as I said from the start of the game, I think a scum-team of 6 is too big- even more so with an SK. Also I took Trucks being the one doing the kill to mean that there is probably only the busdriver + another important role left. So i'm currently thinking there is only 2 or at a max 3 scum left. 

I definately don't think we have 4 scum left, because then Pezus would have said we were in LYLO (whichever one means lynch scum or lose) Not to mention, if we are in a 5vs4vs1 - then there is on way we can win. Because we would have to hit scum leading to,  4v3v1 then scum again - 3v2v1- then 2v1v1. At which point, if we mislynched, (1v1v1) either mafia or hat would win. And if we killed Hat instead at any of those points, scum would win. So there is no way we are at a 5v4v1 right now. 

Which means we are at 6v3v1 or 7v2v1. Which would be safe to kill Hat this round at least. Because if it is 6v3v1, and we mislynch and hat kills town it would be 3v3v1, which would mean whoever Hat chooses would die. Putting him at control again. 

So actually, I think Hat is our best bet at the moment. I could easily have a mistake in my logic though, so what do you think of that ^?

and that we should cut down the damage he can cause. This is because if he kills town tonight, then thats a town kill we could have avoided. Not to mention if we mislynch and then he kills town, then that severely fucks us over. 

Given that Hat cannot be trusted from past kill choices- and that we have a busdriver, and still more town then scum- Hatz is likely to hit town. Especially the way he is throwing his suspicion around. 

So yeh personally i think we should lynch Hat today- take the hit tonight, and then tomorrow, we will have more info to scumhunt, will have a better chance of hitting scum and not mislynching, and won't have to worry about Hatz as well. 

My personal other choice right now is Linkz though. There are now enough doubts about Yoshiya's track, and his alignment in my mind, that I'm not certain whether he or Tabaha is telling the truth, my suspicion on Linkz is independant of that though, so i hold no such reservations right now. 

@bold What reason do you have to doubt my track? If I didn't track you why would I come in on Day 3 and say "DT needs to claim now because I have evidence he is scum"?

@italics Since when was it between me and Tahaba telling the truth? I thought it was between you and Tahaba...

Multiple reasons. Mainly you are a scummy-ass, proven lier, watcher tunneling, Trucks defending, Tabaha buddying newb. 

Because you thought it out with your scummates the night before. It's called forward planning. You know, what every single scumteam does. Regardless if i claimed or not, you would have voted for me- as you did. You knew before i answered what you were going to do. 

@Italics. Because i know I am telling the truth, and so that means either you or Tabaha is lying, or there is a busdriver and roledirector. 

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happydolphin said:

Sure man, whatevs. If it can save us two kills tonight, plus the odds that he is scum vig. I'm breaking my pact and settling for a hatz lynch...

But tomorrow we better do some serious scum-hunting, no more of this easy-lynch nonsense, we need to catch scum pronto.

vote hatmoza

Just in case I'm killed tonight, these are the people I trust:

HappyD (you)
DT (though not 100%)
F-F (the least, but I don't have a strong mafia feeling about him)

@Town: Think REAL HARD before lynching these people.

DarkThanatos said:
Yoshiya said:
Also, I'd like town to mull this one over. Why wasn't DT killed last Night? Mafia have no reason to believe anyone could stop their kill since Prof was dead so why not take out the powerful Watcher role? Especially if half the town already believed him to be effectively confirmed town. In fact, why did mafia kill someone that can only see what items someone has? As already proven by me and DS, items don't directly correlate to roles and as such Mantle could only really guess things off of what he was told making him a lot weaker than either a cop (who I can believe wasn't kill due to the high level of suspicion on him) or a watcher.


They saw Mantle as more of a threat, they can bus their target, so i can't watch them, or they can roleblock me. 

Mantle is a flavour cop, so he could have scanned any of the scum, so they can't bus his target. Mantle may well have been more accurate with his scumlists. 

Or maybe, they thought they could push for a mislynch on me today. *Glares at Yoshiya and Radish* 

Or perhaps they thought he held more weight. 

If your target was bussed you would still see the bus driver though. Since you thought you had seen only the people that went to your original target you would thus have reason to believe that the person you saw (the busdriver) was the killer (assuming you watch the dead person). That would get a guarenteed lynch on the busdriver if you are really credible which at the moment is almost definitely their most important role. You would still be the biggest threat to them in otherwords.

Also, what's easier to push for, a mislynch on an unconfirmed flavour cop that has only seen items already mentioned and been playing weirdly all game or a mislynch on someone that just found the mafia godfather and has half the town on his side? I think you know who.

Yoshiya said:
DarkThanatos said:

Oh no, you misunderstand. 

I mean whats to say that two players can't have the item Vigilante's gun? 

Whats to say that both Truck and Yoshiya can't have Batman's Utility Belt? 

I'm saying- how do we know that scum players don't have an item copy of another town player?

I'm pretty sure that Batman's Utility Belt is unique in that Batman only has one utility belt... Why are you trying to twist flavour to your advantage?

Also, in response to your post about Mantle. He scanned for items. How do we know that the items that scum have instantly confirm them as scum? It's already pretty obvious the majority of items aren't obvious and are actually vague...

What makes that to my advantage? As you just said- Batman's Utility Belt is unique- look who's twisting flavour to his advantage. 

Not to mention- DO YOU NOT THINK BATMAN HAS SPARES? In the films he buys millions of Bat-ears, he buys in bulk so it isn't suspect. That means he has multiple back-ups. So suck on your words noob. 

In regards to Mantle- we have already seen that he can do some serious damage to scum with his power. Sit down. It's been explained. 


Now are you going to vote Hatz or not? Seeing as you blew our chance to stop his kill if you even are town by wasting your roleblock, I'd have thought you would be up for righting your wrong. 

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