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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 50 - Superheroes & Villains

Linkzmax said:
You do remember mantle's scan, no?

Of course I do, we know that tabaha was bussed with Hatz. But not because I'm the bus driver, but because it's obvious.

But there is no more info to get from that, and there is no way on God's earth you can use that to point to me being bus driver, because it leads to me in absolutely no way.

Unless you have some kind of ulterior motive to think it was me, completely unfounded it may be.

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happydolphin said:

My list:

Scum: tabaha, radish, final-fan

SK: hatmoza

town: miz, DT, me, linkz, ABC, (yoshiya)


Radish tunnelled me all game, had no vote on day 3 (trucks vote). It's a toss-up between Yoshiya, Linkz and ABC for me, but my list above is what I'd bet on. FF seems to be more active as town I think, and ABC voted trucks and has been scum-hunting, as has linkz.

tabaha's cop claim was a safeclaim imho.

How have I been tunneling you? I've hardly mentioned you in any of my posts. Also, why are you so convinced that DT is town? I thought you were probably town, but I'm having doubts now

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How do we know that? What makes it obvious?

Couple questions for you as I leave for work:
1) What is hat's item then?
2) Who did you swap DT with?

@Linkz. Lol at me being the bus driver. You were explaining to me how it worked yourself ->

radishhead said:

How have I been tunneling you? I've hardly mentioned you in any of my posts. Also, why are you so convinced that DT is town? I thought you were probably town, but I'm having doubts now

Your timing is not good. You following linkz' lousy push on me is not good timing. You seem like you're trying to get a wagon going on me, and I'm pretty much confirmed townie.

As for your tunneling:



Of your total of 30 posts, and for the fact that you had nothing to get at me on, it's not a good ratio.


As for 1), I think you're the busdriver, of course with your cues coming from linkz and friends, seeing as you both as so familiar with the bussing situation of night 1. Actually reading back my post had no idea what bussing fully meant until much farther in the game just as of Day4. I probably didn't even know what I meant myself when I said that, so it was a blind prophecy. Pretty funny that you guys are kind of giving yourselves away. :)


That's above and beyond your active lurking. If I were to hammer someone had I no other option, I would choose you without blinking.

You also played on the fence on the Trucks thing yesterday, so you're a goner.

And again that's above and beyond your constant role-fishing this game. Even Trucks said so. I'd love for miz and DT to read this.

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Linkzmax said:
How do we know that? What makes it obvious?

Because Mantle said he found the vig's gun on tabs, coco.

happydolphin said:
Linkzmax said:

DT lied so that he wouldn't be lynched. Wow, that was difficult.

I challenge you to come up with a scenario in which tabaha is scum. And since you can't, I further challenge you to come up with a scenario in whih DT is town.

That is some of the dumbest shit I've read.

You do realize DT scanned Trucks?

DT watched prof night 2. not trucks


happydolphin said:
Final-Fan said:
So, tabaha. Scans happy innocent. Why would you scan happy. Scans prof innocent the night he dies, which was revealed in order to implicate a Watcher who has given us a mafia. Scans DT innocent, but says he "feels" it was redirected.

Says he is "un-counter-claimed" in a game with Jack, Watcher, Flavor Cop already. Please. This would be more like bad reasoning than scumminess, except that he leaned on this crutch very hard yesterDay to try to shore up his credibility.

This guy has zero credibility, unreliable scans by his own claims, is a third wheel as far as investigations go ... the list goes on.

HoS tabaha.
It's between him and hatmoza IMO. Or DT, I guess, but my money's on tabaha.

If you are determined to let hatmoza live toDay, you're obviously powerless to stop him killing, therefore you're trusting him to obey the town. (Otherwise, I think we have enough people that we could afford to lynch known scum in return for cutting the casualty rate in half.) So if you are going to let hat live, we could possibly have him kill the one of DT and tabaha that we don't lynch and go for a clean sweep. Although it does seem odd to destroy our last investigator...

Nobody's touching DT. He scanned trucks and is not lying in any way.

How could he even be lying, by what mafia event? Assuming tabaha lied, then could DT have possibly lied after getting a legit scan of trucks?

Even if he were redirected that would be impossible, since yoshi said he visited prof.

I don't see any way DT is scum.

If Tabaha is telling the truth then DT is scum. Simple as.

Linkzmax said:
Couple questions for you as I leave for work:
1) What is hat's item then?
2) Who did you swap DT with?

I didn't swap DT with anyone, those who were bussed night 2 were Trucks and Yoshi, because Trucks had yoshi's item. We know all this from mantle's rolecop scans.

happydolphin said:
Linkzmax said:
You do remember mantle's scan, no?

Of course I do, we know that tabaha was bussed with Hatz. But not because I'm the bus driver, but because it's obvious.

But there is no more info to get from that, and there is no way on God's earth you can use that to point to me being bus driver, because it leads to me in absolutely no way.

Unless you have some kind of ulterior motive to think it was me, completely unfounded it may be.

Hang on a second, why do you think that Tabaha was bussed with Hatz? Hatz has never said anything about having a Vigilante's Gun which is what Mantle saw on Tabaha.