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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 50 - Superheroes & Villains

theprof00 said:
tabaha said:
theprof00 said:
tabaha said:
theprof00 said:
What do you mean you knew you were doing it wrong?

I have enough intelligence to notice that i'm not acting the best way

so why are you only telling us this now and not then?

I'm going to make you the favor of linking the post AND quoting the lines where i explained it

"I was panicking and facepalming way too much to do things properly. But point is, i can't think of a way to convince people that he was lying and making sure he wouldn't kill me the day after."

Last game we saw supermario accuse pezus, and pezus turned right around and voted mario.

"Please elaborate on why you think mario and me are scum. what proof you have, etc.
I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one interested on it.
To be serious you're acting a lot like me when i was scum last round and that's not a good thing to do."

"Hmm i think i shoud play the dumb card again and
Vote ninetailschris

at least until you explain it properly"
"now it makes a little more sense. And I'm pretty sure I know one rule for that role

Still want to know your explanation on why you consider scum the be the people you said."
"not finished to read the thread but i'm pretty sure ninetails is having fail interpretation. does your investigation role only say the role of your target?"

tabaha said:
ninetailschris said:
tabaha said:
not finished to read the thread but i'm pretty sure ninetails is having fail interpretation. does your investigation role only say the role of your target?

Only party doesn't tell me anything beyond party.

really? if it's true i have no problem of lynching you for lying
"actually I need someone with more experience than me to help me
How far-fetched is the possibility of ninetails being on an anti town team (and ofc having the power to daykill)?"

tabaha said:
hatmoza said:

Vote Tabaha

If tabaha is not scum we lynch 9TC. I'm done with this day. And I'm quite annoyed that I'm one of the few who see 9TC as very odd.

first: do you prefer to lynch me over 9TC and listen to his words when he claims a role too good to be true and has the super intelligence of shooting first, ask after?second: do I really look like someone scummy?Well if you guys really want to lynch me, go ahed. I'll even hammer myself just to have the pleasure of lauging when i flip town


Where exactly did you find yourself "panicked" and "doing it wrong".

Am I to understand that when you "panicked" you instantly went into cool as a cucumber mode? Now why would someone who was self-admittedly panicking, play it calm?

All those responses show a huge amount of restraint.



Now then, this is what I do find odd:
"why did you quote your pm?
but that line about the investigation... Looks a bit faked"
"no one said to quote it. we did say to tell your role and item "

tabaha said:
ninetailschris said:
happydolphin said:
Haha pezus doesn't really do the whole typo thing, brah.


My typos show this was not a direct quote more of summary.

how convenient

tabaha said:
ninetailschris said:
hatmoza said:
wait, why is your investigation ability completely separate from your vigilante ability?

I just don't want to think anymore.

Not direct quote, it's a summary my format may confuse players that it is in fact a direct quote.

who told you to do it that way? Because it looks too specific to be a summary



You wanted ninetails modkilled, didn't you?

this was offensive at minimum


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DanneSandin said:
DarkThanatos said:

In the meantime
Vote Mantle
My biggest scumspect before i go back and look at Nacho/Mario/Tabaha .

9Tc didn't get nightkilled. He got modkilled.

And why vote Mantle when 9TC clearly pointed out Mario and tabaha as scum, and he was right about mario???

As far as I see it we now have 2 maffia teams, OR a SK, OR a second vig.... I'm leaning towards a SK, but I can't back up my claim. I figure 4 maffia and a SK, meaning we will at least have 5 scums. Sounds about right?

4+1 would be a bit on the low side with 16 town to contend with. 5/6+1 or the theory of two teams, though I think 2 teams of 4 rather than only 3 is reasonable as well.

Actually scratch that, I'm feeling good about mantle, after reading. I smell genuine town in him.

I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson

miz1q2w3e said:
TruckOSaurus said:
ninetailschris said:

Here's ninetailschris's PM.

There has to have been some manipulation to the original because "Vigilante's gun, three bullets" and "You can only do this once a day" point to multiple uses but the name of the role "One-shot day-vigilante" which was confirmed by 9TC's flip points to only one use.

Knowing this the seperate sentence about investigation is very unlikely to be real. Also the use of the term "party" is foreign to VGC Mafia where we use alignment.

Well, he did say he was paraphrasing a bit. Reason was to not get in trouble (the irony).

There's alost the possibilty that he was lying to keep himself alive, i.e. if he was useless after one shot, we would have been more likely to lynch him. Some of us already didn't care about lynching him, we just wanted to find out the truth and were prepared to sacrifice him. Finding out he only had one shot would've made that choice easier.

I'm leaning towards him paraphrasing + possible misunderstanding of pezus' PM. Doesn't matter though, he looked like he was telling the truth about tabaha.

There would have been no reason to lynch him had he only claimed the day-kill. It WAS good of him to lie about the number of shots he had. Not to pretend to still be useful so town wouldn't lynch him, but rather to pretend to still be a threat to scum. Claiming to have a day scan as well was a terrible lie though.

Come mantle, come show me how 'town' you are.

I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson

Around the Network
mantlepiecek said:

That is true, but we still don't know if he actually investigated tabaha.

I want tabaha to be here. And spurge. For some reason I don't like spurge being so lacking in activity. Last time I couldn't get a good read off him because of this.

Spurge is banned, last I checked.

I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson

hatmoza said:
Yoshiya said:
Nacho died? I see no real reason why mafia would have targeted him. Anyone remember who his suspects were?
Also, town either had another vig or DT's theory that there was two mafias was true. If the latter is the case it only serves to make him more suspicious for bringing it up imo

And here's another.


Again, I bring my suspcion of miz and Yoshiya to the table.

Miz is WIFOM cryin gover spoiled milk, he's new at this and as town could be legitimately concerned or he could also be new at the scum thing and overly pretending. Can' tsay the same about Yoshiya, but then again, being more experienced, wouldn't he know as scum NOT to do that?

theprof00 said:
A) sometimes people theorize based on how they feel. Last game i felt there was two teams because of how dt was reacting to the game. It felt like yet another faction. Sometimes, you can feel out, or at least consider things due to how aggressive some groups are versus others.

B) happy said the same thing about me. He said i was definitely second team. Sometimes players will adk questions that are "too personal" because it might rile a mafia if the accusation is too close to the truth. That said, id say he was town trying to provoke a reaction.

A) DT made no indication that he thought mantle was scum on a different team from his other scumspects.(And to my limited recollection has not done so since) He only accused mantle of being upset about the theory because he was on the second team, but should have said mantle was upset because he knows there are two teams.

B) happy said you were on a team separate from tabaha, so the statement is judtified, like your thoughts on dt last game.

It may not have been a slip(from someone on the "first team") but it was definitely a mistake.

DanneSandin said:
miz1q2w3e said:
Guys, I believe what 9TC was saying before he died. All of it.

Vote: tabaha

I'm thinking like this: If we don't find anyone else to lynch (if we can't decide whom to lynch really) tabaha will always provide a good lynch, so why not have him as a "back up"? But on the other hand, that gives him time to sway people to NOT vote for him...

Him a-gonna HoS tabaha

How does tabaha "provide a good lynch"?

theprof00 said:
Here's my million dollar question.
Why would he lie, and if so...

Why did people feel so strongly about him being a liar yesterday?
There really was no reason to distrust him.

I'm sure this was said a million times but here's why I had a hard time: his investigation claim. And the fact he killed before investigating. There was no way in hell that even a newb will shoot first scan second. His claim and actions just didn't add up. I know he was lying somewhere. I always believed him to be the day killer though. Be it vig or SK.

I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson