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Forums - Sony Discussion - Does sony have a franchise that will sell the PS4 out of the gate

FatalInertia said:
JayWood2010 said:
FatalInertia said:
JayWood2010 said:
FatalInertia said:
JayWood2010 said:
FatalInertia said:
JayWood2010 said:
CGI-Quality said:
fauzman said:
Sony doesnt have great-selling titles.

Why people seem to leave out Gran Turismo, still!

Again, the only company with extreme selling franchises is Nintendo. Sony and Microsoft are basically tied, but Sony has more IPs that sell moderate-good.

I tend to agree with you a lot but XBOX actually has probably just as many exclusive Console titles with multi million sales.  Halo and gears being the two biggest they have.  There is others like fable, forza, L4D, Crackdown, Alan Wake, Perfect dark, mass effect, Dead or Alive 3, Viva Pinata, etc etc.  The reason people forget a lot of this is because xbox exclusives came out early in the gen where sony's has came out later. 

Sony has a bigger first party but Miscrosoft is more aggressive and buys exclusives wether for a short time or permanate 

most of those games you listed sold poor or dissappered entirely and had little effect on anything,. compared to the number of 2-3 million sellers on top of the big franchises sony has.


Sony as has a tonne from the ps1 and ps2 days they could easiy resurect for next gen.

Actually every one of those games has sold above 1 million except perfect dark.  Most of those games are multi million sellers

Nope alan wake also sold poorly, Mass effect has long since been a multiplatform franchise and thats not changing. Games like crackdown were poor. compared to the number of multi-million selling ps3 exclusives there is a big lead for sony there.

Seriously do not start with me kid.  Alan Wake sold 1.18m and both crackdown games has sold over 1 million along with viva pinata.  Mass Effect 1 has been an exclusive for years.  I think it's just now coming to ps3 if im correct.  If I really need to break out numbers I will but please just leave it at that.

Over 1 million  I said 2 + million, case made.  1 million in this day and age is small time. sony has way moe games in the mod range 2-4 million range, kid. If we are talking only over 1 million we could add a tonne of titles, not really relevant.

You do realize that sony has 16 multimillion sellers that are exclusive and Microsoft has 20?  Most Sony game going around 2-3 million where microsoft is 3-5 million.  Backup what you say next time.

All 2 million+ btw

First party, not third party, and outside gears, and halo xbox has nothign that sells higher then 5 million in fact even gears is third party. This thread was about first party. Big difference. Sony has WAY more first party games that sell 2-3 million and above. Undertand the topic next time.

An exclusive is an exclusive so dont try to play some childish game like that.  And Actually Microsoft has 3 1st party games that sell over 5 million.  Sony has 2  Uncharted and GT.  And Microsoft exclusives seem to sell better the majority of time.  A sisde by side comparison microsoft sells more.  In fact.  Microsoft published games this gen has sold over 130 million.  sony, 107 million. Once again backup what you say.


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babuks said:
JayWood2010 said:
bananaking21 said:
JayWood2010 said:

Everybody wants to predict how well the PS4/ NeXbox and the WiiU will sell, however people has left out important info on why they think each will sell well.  So here is my question, what does Sony have that will make the PS4 sell well.  Microsoft has Halo and Gears which are both system sellers to a mass amount of people and on top of that the XBOX brand is higher than ever in America, as well as Nintendo having Mario, DK, Zelda, and this list never ends.  Sony has a ton of franchises but does any of them really have that mass appeal that people will just blindly go in and buy the system right off of the bat for a high price?  The two biggest franchises that they have is Uncharted ,God of War, and Gran Turismo, but are they big enough?  

Explain your answers and try not argueing.


Serious question.  Uncharted and God of War are both possibly ending and neither one are 10 million + sellers.  Which leaves it up to gran turismo.

If 10 million is the scale, then you cannot put Gears in there and Microsoft has only one franchise (halo).

Then sony has none.  GT5 has not sold 10 million yet.  It will no doubt but Im just saying.  I got my answer already so leave it.  I was posting the biggest franchises by both sony and microsoft and I could have named more. Seriosly you all nitpick everything.  


For next generation, I'd say the PS4 has the potential for more games than the Nextbox.

We know for sure that the Nextbox will have Halo, Gears, Fable, & Forza. There's other games like Crackdown & Alan Dark, but those franchises haven't been active in years and nothing suggests that they will be picked up. We can only say for certain that Microsoft will have those four games.

Sony has a pretty considerable advantage with their first party studios. There's Polphony Digital, Naughty Dog Studio 1, Naughty Dog Studio 2, Sony Santa Monica, Media Molecule, Guerrilla Games, Sucker Punch, etc. It should be noted that GG and SP also split into multiple studios. Sony tends to also have an exclusive 3rd party developer at least every year (Quantic Dream, Insomniacs).

It's clear that the PS4 definitely has an advantage as far as quantity is concerned.

JayWood2010 said:
FatalInertia said:
JayWood2010 said:
FatalInertia said:
JayWood2010 said:
FatalInertia said:
JayWood2010 said:
FatalInertia said:
JayWood2010 said:
CGI-Quality said:
fauzman said:
Sony doesnt have great-selling titles.

Why people seem to leave out Gran Turismo, still!

Again, the only company with extreme selling franchises is Nintendo. Sony and Microsoft are basically tied, but Sony has more IPs that sell moderate-good.

I tend to agree with you a lot but XBOX actually has probably just as many exclusive Console titles with multi million sales.  Halo and gears being the two biggest they have.  There is others like fable, forza, L4D, Crackdown, Alan Wake, Perfect dark, mass effect, Dead or Alive 3, Viva Pinata, etc etc.  The reason people forget a lot of this is because xbox exclusives came out early in the gen where sony's has came out later. 

Sony has a bigger first party but Miscrosoft is more aggressive and buys exclusives wether for a short time or permanate 

most of those games you listed sold poor or dissappered entirely and had little effect on anything,. compared to the number of 2-3 million sellers on top of the big franchises sony has.


Sony as has a tonne from the ps1 and ps2 days they could easiy resurect for next gen.

Actually every one of those games has sold above 1 million except perfect dark.  Most of those games are multi million sellers

Nope alan wake also sold poorly, Mass effect has long since been a multiplatform franchise and thats not changing. Games like crackdown were poor. compared to the number of multi-million selling ps3 exclusives there is a big lead for sony there.

Seriously do not start with me kid.  Alan Wake sold 1.18m and both crackdown games has sold over 1 million along with viva pinata.  Mass Effect 1 has been an exclusive for years.  I think it's just now coming to ps3 if im correct.  If I really need to break out numbers I will but please just leave it at that.

Over 1 million  I said 2 + million, case made.  1 million in this day and age is small time. sony has way moe games in the mod range 2-4 million range, kid. If we are talking only over 1 million we could add a tonne of titles, not really relevant.

You do realize that sony has 16 multimillion sellers that are exclusive and Microsoft has 20?  Most Sony game going around 2-3 million where microsoft is 3-5 million.  Backup what you say next time.

All 2 million+ btw

First party, not third party, and outside gears, and halo xbox has nothign that sells higher then 5 million in fact even gears is third party. This thread was about first party. Big difference. Sony has WAY more first party games that sell 2-3 million and above. Undertand the topic next time.

An exclusive is an exclusive so dont try to play some childish game like that.  And Actually Microsoft has 3 1st party games that sell over 5 million.  Sony has 2  Uncharted and GT.  And Microsoft exclusives seem to sell better the majority of time.  A sisde by side comparison microsoft sells more.  In fact.  Microsoft published games this gen has sold over 130 million.  sony, 107 million. Once again backup what you say.


HUH? Outside gears ms barely has any lol.  I am not playing a game the entire discussion was on first party exclusives.  Ms had an extra year on the market......................................duh.  take that year away and its a different story.on top of this most of those sales are multiplats.


Mas literally has juyst a couple franchises that sell well, sony has way more in abundance then MS only a fool argues otherwise. MGS 4 over 5 mill, uncharted, gran turismo, God of war, little big planet. Heavy rain is at near 3 mill, first resistance is over 4, killzone 3 is well over 3 million.

FatalInertia said:
JayWood2010 said:
FatalInertia said:
JayWood2010 said:
FatalInertia said:
JayWood2010 said:
FatalInertia said:
JayWood2010 said:
FatalInertia said:
JayWood2010 said:
CGI-Quality said:
fauzman said:
Sony doesnt have great-selling titles.

Why people seem to leave out Gran Turismo, still!

Again, the only company with extreme selling franchises is Nintendo. Sony and Microsoft are basically tied, but Sony has more IPs that sell moderate-good.

I tend to agree with you a lot but XBOX actually has probably just as many exclusive Console titles with multi million sales.  Halo and gears being the two biggest they have.  There is others like fable, forza, L4D, Crackdown, Alan Wake, Perfect dark, mass effect, Dead or Alive 3, Viva Pinata, etc etc.  The reason people forget a lot of this is because xbox exclusives came out early in the gen where sony's has came out later. 

Sony has a bigger first party but Miscrosoft is more aggressive and buys exclusives wether for a short time or permanate 

most of those games you listed sold poor or dissappered entirely and had little effect on anything,. compared to the number of 2-3 million sellers on top of the big franchises sony has.


Sony as has a tonne from the ps1 and ps2 days they could easiy resurect for next gen.

Actually every one of those games has sold above 1 million except perfect dark.  Most of those games are multi million sellers

Nope alan wake also sold poorly, Mass effect has long since been a multiplatform franchise and thats not changing. Games like crackdown were poor. compared to the number of multi-million selling ps3 exclusives there is a big lead for sony there.

Seriously do not start with me kid.  Alan Wake sold 1.18m and both crackdown games has sold over 1 million along with viva pinata.  Mass Effect 1 has been an exclusive for years.  I think it's just now coming to ps3 if im correct.  If I really need to break out numbers I will but please just leave it at that.

Over 1 million  I said 2 + million, case made.  1 million in this day and age is small time. sony has way moe games in the mod range 2-4 million range, kid. If we are talking only over 1 million we could add a tonne of titles, not really relevant.

You do realize that sony has 16 multimillion sellers that are exclusive and Microsoft has 20?  Most Sony game going around 2-3 million where microsoft is 3-5 million.  Backup what you say next time.

All 2 million+ btw

First party, not third party, and outside gears, and halo xbox has nothign that sells higher then 5 million in fact even gears is third party. This thread was about first party. Big difference. Sony has WAY more first party games that sell 2-3 million and above. Undertand the topic next time.

An exclusive is an exclusive so dont try to play some childish game like that.  And Actually Microsoft has 3 1st party games that sell over 5 million.  Sony has 2  Uncharted and GT.  And Microsoft exclusives seem to sell better the majority of time.  A sisde by side comparison microsoft sells more.  In fact.  Microsoft published games this gen has sold over 130 million.  sony, 107 million. Once again backup what you say.


HUH? Outside gears ms barely has any lol.  I am not playing a game the entire discussion was on first party exclusives.  Ms had an extra year on the market......................................duh.  take that year away and its a different story.

Do I seriously need to make a list? Side by side I can do Sony vs Microsoft in exclusives and i guarantee you Miscrosoft will come out on top.  I love my sony exclusives as much as the next guy but Im not going to bow down and say they have been more successful because in truth they're not.


Around the Network
JayWood2010 said:
FatalInertia said:
JayWood2010 said:
FatalInertia said:
JayWood2010 said:
FatalInertia said:
JayWood2010 said:
FatalInertia said:
JayWood2010 said:
FatalInertia said:
JayWood2010 said:
CGI-Quality said:
fauzman said:
Sony doesnt have great-selling titles.

Why people seem to leave out Gran Turismo, still!

Again, the only company with extreme selling franchises is Nintendo. Sony and Microsoft are basically tied, but Sony has more IPs that sell moderate-good.

I tend to agree with you a lot but XBOX actually has probably just as many exclusive Console titles with multi million sales.  Halo and gears being the two biggest they have.  There is others like fable, forza, L4D, Crackdown, Alan Wake, Perfect dark, mass effect, Dead or Alive 3, Viva Pinata, etc etc.  The reason people forget a lot of this is because xbox exclusives came out early in the gen where sony's has came out later. 

Sony has a bigger first party but Miscrosoft is more aggressive and buys exclusives wether for a short time or permanate 

most of those games you listed sold poor or dissappered entirely and had little effect on anything,. compared to the number of 2-3 million sellers on top of the big franchises sony has.


Sony as has a tonne from the ps1 and ps2 days they could easiy resurect for next gen.

Actually every one of those games has sold above 1 million except perfect dark.  Most of those games are multi million sellers

Nope alan wake also sold poorly, Mass effect has long since been a multiplatform franchise and thats not changing. Games like crackdown were poor. compared to the number of multi-million selling ps3 exclusives there is a big lead for sony there.

Seriously do not start with me kid.  Alan Wake sold 1.18m and both crackdown games has sold over 1 million along with viva pinata.  Mass Effect 1 has been an exclusive for years.  I think it's just now coming to ps3 if im correct.  If I really need to break out numbers I will but please just leave it at that.

Over 1 million  I said 2 + million, case made.  1 million in this day and age is small time. sony has way moe games in the mod range 2-4 million range, kid. If we are talking only over 1 million we could add a tonne of titles, not really relevant.

You do realize that sony has 16 multimillion sellers that are exclusive and Microsoft has 20?  Most Sony game going around 2-3 million where microsoft is 3-5 million.  Backup what you say next time.

All 2 million+ btw

First party, not third party, and outside gears, and halo xbox has nothign that sells higher then 5 million in fact even gears is third party. This thread was about first party. Big difference. Sony has WAY more first party games that sell 2-3 million and above. Undertand the topic next time.

An exclusive is an exclusive so dont try to play some childish game like that.  And Actually Microsoft has 3 1st party games that sell over 5 million.  Sony has 2  Uncharted and GT.  And Microsoft exclusives seem to sell better the majority of time.  A sisde by side comparison microsoft sells more.  In fact.  Microsoft published games this gen has sold over 130 million.  sony, 107 million. Once again backup what you say.


HUH? Outside gears ms barely has any lol.  I am not playing a game the entire discussion was on first party exclusives.  Ms had an extra year on the market......................................duh.  take that year away and its a different story.

Do I seriously need to make a list? Side by side I can do Sony vs Microsoft in exclusives and i guarantee you Miscrosoft will come out on top.  I love my sony exclusives as much as the next guy but Im not going to bow down and say they have been more successful because in truth they're not.

Yes make a list I need a lauch. Outside Gears halo and forza most ms exclusives failed to make a mark .

Do I seriously need to make a list? Side by side I can do Sony vs Microsoft in exclusives and i guarantee you Miscrosoft will come out on top.  I love my sony exclusives as much as the next guy but Im not going to bow down and say they have been more successful because in truth they're not.

Yes make a list I need a lauch. Outside Gears halo and forza most ms exclusives failed to make a mark .

No I will do everything.  Third party and 1st party.  New thread will be up soon.  Might as well prepare for a console war so this is going to suck.  Ill just try and ignore the comments.


Keep it first party dude.

Everyone get on my quote train, cho, cho.

Jay520 said:
For next generation, I'd say the PS4 has the potential for more games than the Nextbox.

We know for sure that the Nextbox will have Halo, Gears, Fable, & Forza. There's other games like Crackdown & Alan Dark, but those franchises haven't been active in years and nothing suggests that they will be picked up. We can only say for certain that Microsoft will have those four games.

Oh man, I love me some Alan Dark ;)