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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Wii U has no ethernet port

considering that for gaming its much better to use a wired connection i say this is a very stupid decision, just shows how cheap nintendo is

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Does anybody know where I can get a decent wifi/usb dongle for my Wii U. Or if anybody is already selling one prior to the launch? My wifi will not reach my living room, and I run my internet through electrical wire in the wall to reach my living room. Will any USB/WiFi dongle work?

I'm a PS3/360 owner and I play online a fair bit. I'm buying a Wii U and Call of Duty on day one. My Router is less than three feet from where my Wii U is going to be (already have the spot cleared out). My PS3/360/TV/PC are all connected to the net by Ethernet......and I couldn't give a fuck less about the Wii U not having that option.

And thus, my only post in this thread is done. Hope you enjoyed it.

RolStoppable said:
Mr Khan said:

Again: how many people plan on having their Wii U in their computer room? Otherwise it's far more inconvenient to actually use the ethernet port than to not have it at all.

Wrong question, Mr Khan. Here is what needs to be asked:

1) How many of the people who vocally complained are 360 and PS3 owners?

2) How many of these people were going to make the Wii U their #1 choice for multiplatform games and thus online gaming in the eighth generation?

And once you've completed this filtering process, you can start to discuss this topic seriously. Which means, the thread is going to be dead due to a lack of posts.

1) I own a 360 and a wii. Is it a sin to own a 360 or what are you trying to say?

2) Even if Wii U would be #3 choice, you could still want to play some online game with the console.

For me it sounds that you want only pro nintendo comments on this matter.

Well, to actually contribute to OP, my roommate was playing Diablo 3 and I was having a chat with him about the internet connection. He was getting dropped packets every now and that would cause all the action to freeze and could cause him to die.

Well, he switched his connection from Wifi to Wired a few weeks back and apparently it was a little bit better. But then, the wired connection also started dropping packets, so the bottleneck was our ISP's service to us.

All in all the wired connection gave him a bit of an upgrade, but the true bottleneck wasn't that. Also, a better wifi router was also something he was meaning to test. Most people who care about this kind of thing actually have good wifi routers.

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BasilZero said:
justinian said:

Would it not be nice if next xbox and PS had no ethernet port.

That would truly show up a lot of people posting here for what they really are.

Why would anyone wish for that? If the next gen Playstation and Xbox systems didnt have ethernet port(s), they would get equally criticized. Its like some people actually refuse to accept that Nintendo makes mistakes, Nintendo isnt perfect you know just like Sony and Microsoft isnt perfect.

You kinda missed my point but i won't bother to expand on that.

Why is it a mistake? Nintendo probably won't think it is and many people couldn't care if less if it had a ethernet port or not.

An important lesson in business as in life is that you can't please everyone.

It's the millions of consumers that don't give a shit about a crappy ethernet port that nintendo are after, it's the millions that don't care if the graphics on the wii u are not "modern".

If you need ethernet or "bleeding edge garphics" don't buy it. I am sure nintendo don't expect you to.

And yeah, everyone makes mistakes. Only an idiot won't except that. But what is one man's mistake is another man's smart move.

Even mistakes can be subjective.

sethnintendo said:
Galaki said:
Faxanadu said:
No ISDN port either? OMG, Nintendo so bad!

What's ISDN? Is that some kind of a serial number for a book?

ISDN was bad ass back in the day.  I remember playing Tribes 1 online when almost everyone was still on 56Ks.  It was like I was playing Brawl offline while everyone was playing it online.

so that was YOU kick my dialup ass on tribes.



I think I posted on this thread more than enough but I'm just going to say that what 10-15 people think this is a big problem won't affect in real life. 

Internet comments =/= real life performance

This is obvious, but I'm pretty sure a lot of people think otherwise.

Nintendo and PC gamer

justinian said:

You kinda missed my point but i won't bother to expand on that.

Why is it a mistake? Nintendo probably won't think it is and many people couldn't care if less if it had a ethernet port or not.

An important lesson in business as in life is that you can't please everyone.

It's the millions of consumers that don't give a shit about a crappy ethernet port that nintendo are after, it's the millions that don't care if the graphics on the wii u are not "modern".

If you need ethernet or "bleeding edge garphics" don't buy it. I am sure nintendo don't expect you to.

And yeah, everyone makes mistakes. Only an idiot won't except that. But what is one man's mistake is another man's smart move.

Even mistakes can be subjective.

Ultimately the question boils down to, was the saved expense of the ethernet port less valuable than the option?

If the item costs a few cents, is the cost to offer the option valid? Does it improve the console's image for the more performance-conscious or tech-savy crowd?

If so, a few cents would have been worth the cost. It also seems that Nintendo wanted to keep the ports to a minimum to avoid requiring more space used on the U's exterior. That could be a possibility, but much easier to disprove if someone could bring up a good image of a U. Oh, here's one:

runqvist said:
jlrx said:
runqvist said:
Gnac said:

I'm glad you wrote that, and I hope more people read it.

Looks this this whole thread is a non-issue, and just an equivalent to a FLAC vs. MP3 argument.

It could be a non-issue to you, but I am expecting at least gigabit ethernet on next gen consoles.

Let me honestly ask you this question, what is the purpose of a gigabit port on your console when your average connection is below the common 100MBPS that the majority of ethernet ports support? I see the purpose within a business setting, because it allows faster transfer between internal machines, but a gigabit port to a gigabit router to your 10-15mbps cable modem or perhaps 40-50mbps fios? That won't make that much of a difference.

Because it is 2012 now. I have 350mbps connection now and pretty soon there is an option for faster connections here.

They are only building a 100mbit to home user network in my country right now. And it will be completed in 5 years time. Jus tintime for the gen after next lol.

Point being I still won't see those magical 350mbps connection you have.