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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Wii U has no ethernet port

It's quite interesting to see some of the weird arguments people bring forward for declaring this a complete non-issue by claiming there's no reason for wired ethernet anymore.

Thing is: WiFi does have disadvantages compared to wired ethernet. For video games, the most important disadvantage is iFi's bigger latency, which is a concern especially for online multiplayer games where fast reactions are important, like Egoshooters. The effect may be moderate and is also influenced by the general speed of one's internet connection, but most people who often play multiplayer shooters online will want the best prerequisites, and that includes wired ethernet.

And of course there are people who don't have or simply don't want WiFi because of security or electric smog concerns.

In the end, this indeed is a non-issue - but not because nobody needs wired ethernet anymore, but because people who need or want it will simply be able to buy a wired ethernet USB adapter like the one that already existed for the Wii.

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runqvist said:
jlrx said:
runqvist said:
Gnac said:

I'm glad you wrote that, and I hope more people read it.

Looks this this whole thread is a non-issue, and just an equivalent to a FLAC vs. MP3 argument.

It could be a non-issue to you, but I am expecting at least gigabit ethernet on next gen consoles.

Let me honestly ask you this question, what is the purpose of a gigabit port on your console when your average connection is below the common 100MBPS that the majority of ethernet ports support? I see the purpose within a business setting, because it allows faster transfer between internal machines, but a gigabit port to a gigabit router to your 10-15mbps cable modem or perhaps 40-50mbps fios? That won't make that much of a difference.

Because it is 2012 now. I have 350mbps connection now and pretty soon there is an option for faster connections here.

Congratulations on having a 350mbps connection, which provider is this through, the vast, vast majority do not. The country with the highest average speed, South Korea is at 15.7Mbps, you really kick their @, especially for console gaming.

It'll be funny if PS720 doesn't come with an Ethernet port either!!! WiFi all the way for me!!!

runqvist said:
Wired > wifi. Wifi is too slow for my connection and the latency is at least 20ms higher than on wired connection. I would not play any online game on wifi.

If you are getting an extra 20ms of latency, you need to work on your Wi-Fi set up.

Try pinging your router.
Here's mine and I run 802.11 G.  

VGKing said:

Vita an external, hard to find add-on which takes up one of the USB ports.
No this isn't a deal breaker for those interested in a Wii U, but the negatives are starting to stack up.

You already have plans for all 4 USB ports or something?

VGKing said:
Kyuubi Ricky SSJ2 said:
It has wireless N so I don't care. If the wireless is as unreliable as the PS3's with that whole DSN problem etc. then I'd be concerned. But the Wii never had any wifi issues so hopefully it'll be all good.

TF are you taking about? There is no issue with the PS3's wifi. Check your router.

But there will be an issue with Wii U's Wi-Fi?

runqvist said:

21ms more latency and 150mbps less dl speed.

21 ms latency?  You have a problem with your set up.

And your download speed problem is irrelevant.   Not only do the overwhelming majroity of people have a download speed far, far slower than their Ethernet ports transfer speed but latency is by far the bigger factor in online gmaing.   You won't find an actual differnce in the online experience from an 8 Mb connect  with low latency and a 500 Mb with low latency.

runqvist said:

Because it is 2012 now. I have 350mbps connection now and pretty soon there is an option for faster connections here.

Absolute waste of bandwidth.  That's a fantastic download speed for just that, downloads.   For online gameplay, it's  50 times more than actually needed to sustain a solid connection.


The rEVOLution is not being televised

Here's my macbook speedtest on Wifi 802.11n

O NO a ping of 8ms.. now i will never be able to play multiplayer... damn my wireless printer, network hd, 2 ipads, 2 iphones and my gf computer for hogging all the Wifi space up!


Face the future.. Gamecenter ID: nikkom_nl (oh no he didn't!!) 

Around the Network
runqvist said:
menx64 said:
NiKKoM said:
Are you people still using 802.11b/g wifi or what? use 802.11n equipement.. like the WiiU supports

Quoted for truth!

 it seems like everybody tried to ignore this post...   

So what is the truth on that? 802.11n is capable of something like 50-60mbps, depending on your router.  It also has bigger latency than wired connection.

Here are some results from speedtest while downloading some videos, dl seems to be capped at 100mbps with minimal impact on ping. Note that I am using the wireless-n tablet less than 2 meters from my router, no wall between.

21ms more latency and 150mbps less dl speed.

yeah uh...... tablets are not good benchmarks, they are not fast enough to cap out the wireless capabilities of your home network much like older computers can't even cap out a 100Mb connection sometimes and a lot still can't cap out 1000Mb connections with lowest possible pin, you need a real computer to do that, not tablets.

runqvist said:
UncleScrooge said:
I always use Wifi and I never had a problem.

And if you are really serious about Ethernet you already own a dongle... jeez, it's $15. Don't make a huge fuzz about it. You always need to buy "something" to get the max out of your console.

What kind of performance does that 15$ dongle offer? USB adds some latency and I really doubt that it can handle a decent internet connection.

It's a 10/100Mb connection, the Wii U can probably cap that one out if it works, you are only talking about 12.5MB/s here, the ping time would be about the same as any gigabit network since it's on a hardline, and most ISP in the US don't even go over 3MB/s yet

Viper1 said:
runqvist said:
Wired > wifi. Wifi is too slow for my connection and the latency is at least 20ms higher than on wired connection. I would not play any online game on wifi.

If you are getting an extra 20ms of latency, you need to work on your Wi-Fi set up.

Try pinging your router.
Here's mine and I run 802.11 G.  

runqvist said:

21ms more latency and 150mbps less dl speed.

21 ms latency?  You have a problem with your set up.

And your download speed problem is irrelevant.   Not only do the overwhelming majroity of people have a download speed far, far slower than their Ethernet ports transfer speed but latency is by far the bigger factor in online gmaing.   You won't find an actual differnce in the online experience from an 8 Mb connect  with low latency and a 500 Mb with low latency.

runqvist said:

Because it is 2012 now. I have 350mbps connection now and pretty soon there is an option for faster connections here.

Absolute waste of bandwidth.  That's a fantastic download speed for just that, downloads.   For online gameplay, it's  50 times more than actually needed to sustain a solid connection.

Editing your post was interesting...

I get 1ms almost all the time with pinging my router from the same room, 1-3ms from next room and 1-54(lol) from third room. That has been the case always, but when I play a game online, my ping is 20ms higher than on my wired connection. That is with my laptop on the same room and playing on the same server with ethernet connection.

It isn't just about online gaming, it is also about downloading games from internet and in few years maybe streaming 4k movies. How much bandwith would a decent quality 4k stream take?

Funny, I don't feel that my bandwith is going to waste but if you say so...

dahuman said:
runqvist said:
menx64 said:
NiKKoM said:
Are you people still using 802.11b/g wifi or what? use 802.11n equipement.. like the WiiU supports

Quoted for truth!

 it seems like everybody tried to ignore this post...   

So what is the truth on that? 802.11n is capable of something like 50-60mbps, depending on your router.  It also has bigger latency than wired connection.

Here are some results from speedtest while downloading some videos, dl seems to be capped at 100mbps with minimal impact on ping. Note that I am using the wireless-n tablet less than 2 meters from my router, no wall between.

21ms more latency and 150mbps less dl speed.

yeah uh...... tablets are not good benchmarks, they are not fast enough to cap out the wireless capabilities of your home network much like older computers can't even cap out a 100Mb connection sometimes and a lot still can't cap out 1000Mb connections with lowest possible pin, you need a real computer to do that, not tablets.

I used the tablet because it gives the best results on

Makes sense. Nintendo wants the Wii U in the living room first and foremost, not in the computer room. Unless you've got your whole house wired for ethernet, this is a trivial matter.

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.