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pezus said:
Mantle: Why do you think linkz is 3rd party SK? Are you saying he's the poisoner?

Yes, I think linkz is the poisoner. And hence 3rd party SK.

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DarkThanatos said:
mantlepiecek said:

Oh, and prof is confirmed town. Don't let our amazingly brilliant cop, who not only claimed cop on day 1, whereby possibly making himself a bus driver target, or a roleblocker target (like he was). Such sheer brilliance, indeed.

Not to mention providing his targets beforehand. But zero is also confirmed town.

Why is prof confirmed town in your eyes? 

Zero was a bit of an idiot saying he was cop and going to investigate Stefl. If he hadn't then we would have had a confirmed scum this round with his scan on Stefl. He is confirmed town yesh though. 

Prof is "confirmed" in the sense he is playing very townish. Look at him carefully DT. He isn't sneaky, nor is he any danger to the town with his play. He is suspecting people and making extremely good points on many occassions - for eg his PM/OP thing. If he is thinking along those lines then he is town.

And I would like to make it very clear - I would rather not go for stefl's lynch even if he is probably scum this game. I want to catch someone else - I think pezus / linkz. Or tabaha.

I would like to hear from mario as well. It is essential what he thinks.



















































 No Lynch










































 No Lynch













Stefl @ L2

Please inform me of of any mistakes. If any.

And yes. xxx = pr0n

I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson

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@dt what do you have to say about linkz' lies toDay?

I would advise the poison doctor to ask hatmoza about his role before he goes around protecting someone who is poisoned - I don't want any protection on myself so stay clear. Look for maybe someone whom you consider town. Maybe protecting yourself maybe a good idea if you can.

I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson

TruckOSaurus said:
DarkThanatos said:
TruckOSaurus said:
DarkThanatos said:

If you are going to play like that - 

Oh, I'm sorry. It appears I overestimated your ability to think your argument through. Lets assume for a second that Stefl does have an absorber role, as I think we both believe that is the case. That means he will have been told what roles targetted him. He will have been told that before he posted- as how else did he know two docs supposedly targetted him? 

If he knows what roles targetted him. Then he can without a doubt know that NO other role targetted him successfully. Thus rendering your point invalid.

So you agree that he was targetted by the two docs?

Do you agree that I have a point and yours was a good idea, but invalid?

Nope, because thinking the poisoner is part of the Mafia is unreasonable.

Even if poisoner is not part of Mafia- The rest of my point is equally valid. 

Stefl would not know if there was a poisoner or not. That still means it is a safe thing for him to claim he was targetted by a poison doc. If there isn't a poison doc- perfect, it can't be disproved that there isn't one. The poisoner might have targetted the nightkill. 

If there is a poison doc, then the poison doc would know that Stefl was lying, but to prove it, they would have to claim, and that would mean having to persuade town around, and then they would be killed that night. 

Now do you agree with it?

So hyped for Rome 2: Total War

mantlepiecek said:

And I would like to make it very clear - I would rather not go for stefl's lynch even if he is probably scum this game. I want to catch someone else - I think pezus / linkz. Or tabaha.


I would have thought it would be better to take out a high likely scum now, then possibly mis-lynch. If Stefl really is a Mafia absorber, with Doc/poison doc protection- it just allows him to protect his scummates. 

I am still a bit of a newb though, so I may be missing something glaringly obvious here. Please tell me what I'm missing or not considering

So hyped for Rome 2: Total War