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Dear protection,(including Stefl should you be town) please do not protect zero tonight. Let mafia kill him. Everyone will be better off, I promise.

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Also stop calling me notprof, stinkzmax.

I had a lot more to say on this subject but decided not to be mean.

zero129 said:
theprof00 said:

I read you like a goddamn fortune cookie.

Next time, leave things to me.

However HOWEVER, I do think it's suspicious that he disappeared, And that he came in here with Linkz almost simultaneously (another player who just suddenly left the thread), but I'm wary of Mario and his casual vote. It's too late to get into the possibilities of what happened.

You have a good point, which we will need to think about.

Ok i have to say im feeling good about you after this post.

Also @stefl very nice claim so no one will target you also very funny that i was the only one blocked when it seems most people believed my bomb claim exept for you!!.

see my other post, you know, other players can lie about believing your claim...

@recent post

Or it could mean they blocked you because neither is scum and they wanted you to go full on paranoid? Also can you get your facts straight, on one said you say people believed your bomb claim and then you say you claimed you would investigate someone 'last night' whatever specific timeframe you are refering to.

I must say I would be rather surprised if mantle is scum.

You aren't prof! It's not an insult

I did add something. I'd rather have notprof deciding lynches than you, and he's been horrible so far this game.

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This is why you don't get to decide things, zero. If you were blocked, mafia knew they blocked you, thus a mafia Stefl had nothing to worry about from your question.

zero129 said:
Linkzmax said:
Dear protection,(including Stefl should you be town) please do not protect zero tonight. Let mafia kill him. Everyone will be better off, I promise.

Dear linkz please shut up unless you have something to add!

What he just added was more useful than what you did over day 2, outing yourself as cop with no investigation whatsoever at hand. Because, if Mafia don't kill you, now you will be eternal blocked, while if you just had shut up maybe they thought there was something more interesting to block, like my protection,  or some other player that actually knows how to play a certain role.

Linkzmax said:
I did add something. I'd rather have notprof deciding lynches than you, and he's been horrible so far this game.

Wow, and I always thought you understood what my game was. tsk tsk.

At least someone here still uses strategy.

I'm saying you are the definition of "a burden to town".

Well my strategy has never been to keep scum alive, but to each his own.