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theprof00 said:





















































 No Lynch










































 No Lynch














Rasish @ L1

I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson

Lol I thought someone used execution.

Stefl1504 said:

No, if you are scum, your case is good because people don't care, if you are town, your case is bad.

Also, you sound pretty sure that I have to be scum so far. The weird thing is that not more people are jumping on me so far, because they just love how town takes itself apart, or there aren't much more players from the scumteam to jump on me. I don't know it yet. (Well, there are a lot more perspectives, and even a lot more possible realities)

Well, I am not hesitant to Vote for Radish to keep my own arse save here. Also, like I already said, I tend to trust linkz on radish.

Right- so you say you are unhesistant to vote Radish- then don't. Why would you do this? 

I think it's so that you appear to be with town, but don't want to vote for him because either

A) He is your scummate and you thought there was still a chance for him not to be lynched. 

B) You don't want to be under suspicion when he flips. This would only matter if he flipped town- which would make sense if he was town because as scum you would know he wasn't. Or because you don't want suspicion on you because you have something to hide- you're scum/third party. A player playing for town would vote him if they were "not hesistant" because they thought he was scum. 

Another point. "To save your own arse?" 

There is no lynchtrain on you. Nobody was really pushing you except Mantle. Why are you so concerned about your vote? 

You are now my number two scumspect. 

So hyped for Rome 2: Total War

Similarly tabaha- you didn't vote him either but said you would. Is this so that you can get away with going along with town? 

You at least gave a reason of you don't have enough of a tell. That is something- even though I would argue the amount of evidence against him is large. 

So hyped for Rome 2: Total War

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spurgeonryan said:
So mantle says radish is lynched. Then pushes for him to claim. Which ends up outing two players. Then goes for a no lynch which people have already been against. All orchestrated in last 15 minutes before supposed twilight.

vote: mantle

I agree with you here. Scummy move Mantle- it would not have been much effort for you to check, yet you didn't in the hope of a claim. Make it easier for you to chose your target tonight perhaps? 

So hyped for Rome 2: Total War

theprof00 said:

you missed a perfect opportunity to hammer vote me there- I wouldn't even have been mad because it would have been so suitable

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theprof00 said:
Mantle didn't make anyone do anything and that would be the most ridiculous strategy I've ever seen. Force someone to claim by pretending they are at L-0.

Mafia cares a lot. By knowing town's roles they can decide who is amore important lynch candidate. Why take the chance of hitting a vanilla when you know  a strong power town player? 

You are an experienced player Prof. You would know this. 

Why are you trying to remove suspicion on Mantle? 

Maybe both you and Mantle are scummates. Or maybe it is just you. 

So hyped for Rome 2: Total War

radishhead said:
theprof00 said:

you missed a perfect opportunity to hammer vote me there- I wouldn't even have been mad because it would have been so suitable

Exactly. Like Stefl, he says he has "an itchy trigger finger" implying he is happy to hammer- but he doesn't. 

I'm sorry Stefl- your spot as number two scumspect has been taken over by Prof again. In fact - he is now tied with you Radish. Hope you don't mind? 

So hyped for Rome 2: Total War

DarkThanatos said:
radishhead said:
theprof00 said:

you missed a perfect opportunity to hammer vote me there- I wouldn't even have been mad because it would have been so suitable

Exactly. Like Stefl, he says he has "an itchy trigger finger" implying he is happy to hammer- but he doesn't. 

I'm sorry Stefl- your spot as number two scumspect has been taken over by Prof again. In fact - he is now tied with you Radish. Hope you don't mind? 


That's not what I meant, but you go suspecting Prof all you want

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~~~~ Mario Kart 8 drove far past my expectations! Never again will I doubt the wheels of a Monster Franchise! :0 ~~~~