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supermario128 said:
Stefl1504 said:

...not because you don't think they are scum, but because you are behaving way to tame towards them.

Tame as in "unafraid" meaning I am not afraid to go against them, or tame as in "submissive" meaning I go along with whatever they say?

Tame as in "non-aggresive", in fact, when someone lurks, like me, shouldn't get him to talk by asking him stuff? Because you just put me on your list and then it was like, meh, I won't bother, he is on my list and I am fine with it. Same as I intended with my vote, sadly this was prevented by devilish trucks who actually got me to talk T_T... It is 9 am now, so pretty much good night. Also, I still don't get why I am even trying to build a case (building is a really appropriate word here), because like I said to trucks, I am not a good enough player to push for you anyway. I can only work with cold hard facts... well mostly...

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supermario128 said:
theprof00 said:
Anyone else think its strange that evryone is jumping on stefl so suddenly?
I smell a bandwagon.

I doubt mafia would be the first to start a bandwagon. It would be too obvious. More likely, it is town who can see he is probably scum.

Why would you think that, when town linkz has suggested lynching regardless of flip, thereby starting a somewhat understandable haphazard "well let's try it" lynch, culminating in the first person to really pop up as a target who now has 4 people pushing for him rather strongly.

A note and a question.
The note:
I'm noticing a lot of players which rather large town and mafia pools. I find it strange that players have such large pools this early in the game, and I'm not sure where it comes from. I know that myself, I do it, but I only do it when I'm 90% sure about a player's seeing lists with 7 townies and 4 mafia really seem just, sloppy, at best, and scummy at worst.

The question:
Tabby, why did you parrot my posts about "in the op" and every related detail yet then later say "prof has not said much important". You then said "I was being tsundere" you mean you were just being mean while actually admiring my work? To be honest, your only contribution to scumhunting so far has been parroting my posts. So I'm curious.

Btw, my list is simply:
Pezus, ff, zero
everyone else has been acting too suspicious.

Notable shadows:
Mantle, tabaha, radish

People with posts that I think are disingenuous:
Mario, Trucks

Also, because I'm bored
vote tabaha

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Prof, any particular reason why you think it is suspicious of people to be suspicious of stefl?

As far as notable shadows is concerned, I don't see how I am being a shadow.

mantlepiecek said:

Prof, any particular reason why you think it is suspicious of people to be suspicious of stefl?

As far as notable shadows is concerned, I don't see how I am being a shadow.

You just are one of those people that are not in my field of vision. That's really all there is. People get in my field of vision by just talking. Most people go back and forth back and forth, but you seem to be more of a one comment kinda person in this game, and those kind of people don't stick out.

I don't think suspecting stefl is suspicious in itself, but I sense a lot of driving force behind people going after stefl. For instance, if I were to start suspecting someone, I would start asking them questions so that I could see for myself how they think and act. A lot of the people are rather advertising for his lynch. Instead of questioning him they say "hey guys, I think stefl is suspicious for x,y, and z". That to me is saying "look at x,y, and z that stefl is doing. Vote him".

Stefl1504 said:
supermario128 said:
"...the feeling of you taking the easy way instead of the way through the wall..."

That really makes no sense at all. The easy way would be me sitting back and doing nothing. Just lurking and posting about how busy I am or why I am not involved. I have been trying to scum hunt and ask people questions. I think I have a very solid list of suspects so far.

Let me explain what I meant when I said you voted for me when I was suspicious of you. I know you noticed your name on my list before even if you don't admit it. Last game when I was mafia and you were town I started off saying I was suspicious of you. Then you proceeded to go after me because of that. I feel you are doing the same thing this game. (i.e. you are suspicious of me because I am suspicious of you)

Eh, no, I remember you making a statement, were you agreed with something completely unreasonable and not well funded I said and that got you on my list, lol. Also, I avoided mentioning you until I investigated you, as to not change your behaviour.

And you are taking the easy way, just look at your suspects, as town you try to run head first into the other good players, right now you have a list of pathetic beings like me and radish. Also, lurking is never an easy way to handle stuff, it ultimatively always becomes a hastle to handle, specially because you are not really engaged into the game.

So you are convinced that mario is scum? If you think he is "taking the easy way out" by picking up players for his scum list - which no pro-town player has a need to do, it implies you think he is scum.

However, if you are so sure about him being scum, what are your reasons for it?

Stefl1504 said:
theprof00 said:
Anyone else think its strange that evryone is jumping on stefl so suddenly?
I smell a bandwagon.

You seem to repeat yourself...


in my eyes mario is neither newb or noob, that is why he can make such a statement wellknowingly that it won't cast as much suspicion on him, as when a noob/newb does the same. And that is why I got curious.

If mario is newb - he is scum.

If mario is not newb - he is scum.

That is what you pretty much said. If this was your reason then you need to tell me a better one.

Haha look at this - all the people I put on my suspicion list are suddenly getting really agitated and effectively posting "I don't know why, but I'm pretty sure that Radish is scum" (Linkz, Mario) - if you're going to attempt some sort of bandwagon, then you could at least be more subtle about it

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