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TruckOSaurus said:
Here's what I've got so far in the area of scum reads.

At first, there was pezus's posts at the beginning that verged on "trying to hard" but it's nothing I'd want to lynch him for, so might as well:

Unvote: pezus

One other scum read I got was from mantle because of this post [ ] where he labels people with very little posts from them and even less reasoning from him.

Then there's the lurkers, Stefl who hasn't said anything of worth, radishhead who's much quieter than usual (btw he's very wrong when he assumes he posted as much as DarkThanatos) and spurgeonryan who has strayed from his usual town extreme paranoia and chattiness.

If there have been less posts, obviously I would have less reasoning for my suspicion which by the way were already delivered to pezus when he asked me the reasons for them.

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supermario128 said:
mantlepiecek said:
At present I think linkz is scum, and probably mario or trucks. Stefl is scum probs.

Zero is town, as is spurge, as is DT, as is FF.

This list just seems so fake to me....

Linkz has played a bit different so far, but I don't think he is scum. You are usually always right about me too... Trucks has played like an obvious townie so far. Stefl you could be right about, but not sure.

Zero is acting crazy so he is probably town. Spurge has played very different so far. I would not call him town. DT, I'm leaning towards scum. FF I would say is town.

And yet it is real.

Although I appreciate your input on these people.

pezus said:
Linkzmax said:
pezus said:
Linkz, what could I have said to that vote that wouldn't have looked scummy in your eyes?

Nothing. As in there was no reason for you to respond to the vote.

Well I've been accused of ignoring votes and people call that scummy...

Anyway, time to adjust your sensor again. Last game I thought you were off was when you flipped scum.

Why would you not ignore votes because people call it scummy?

Pezus, I'm not sure what you're trying to say. A person's word means nothing in mafia.

Pezus, I'm not sure what you're trying to say. A person's word means nothing in mafia.
Granted, i think you're the least suspicious of the bunch, but please refrain from making statements that rely on me having to trust you. That is not a good way to play.

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Oh looks like the post did in fact go through

supermario128 said:
Linkzmax said:
Mario, a bomb blows up when killed or sometimes when lynched. A PGO can kill a doc.

Either way, it doesn't explain why he wanted protection if he was the bomb...

He could be playing it off to look like he had a VERY powerful role, but then to actually role claim made it pointless.

I just don't understand what he was trying to do there.

What about the possibility of him having a powerful role that he wanted to "hide"?

theprof00 said:

No, there is a big deal in there somewhere, I'm sure of it. A lot of talk about "in the OP" and then lo and behold not a few minutes later, AN EXPLANATION IN THE OP. Miraculous! I'm not going "on and on". I made 2 posts about it. You're making me think that you're trying to paint me negatively, Mario, and if you're not scum, you should reconsider what you're saying, because you're doing a good job of drawing my attention.

I believe one of you is scum, I'm just not sure which one it is.

None of you are getting this ARGH. Trucks, you figuring it out IS as you pointed out, worthless. I totally agree you could have figured it out, you're a smart dude. The problem I'm seeing, is the TIMING of how everything worked there. Please, anyone, see for yourself. Usually in games where I don't participate a lot, it's because of timing. If I don't stay on top of the game, I lose the timing, and the timing of that whole exchange was very weird and very off. FF comes out of nowhere to answer a question he wasn't asked, pezus parrots, Trucks makes that "me too" comment to zero. Really, the only person I trust in that exchange is zero, (It's his OTHER stuff that worries me. That whole bomb thing [which I'm interpreting as PGO] is the main reason fyi) because he's the only one out of the loop. Just read it guys, the whole 30 posts or so is very very off. Something isn't right there.

My suspicions there:
a) pezus: doesn't answer Mario until after FF answers
b) Mario: swears the question was specifically for pezus, though I saw no real intention of that, nor behavior reactive of such a hope to catch pezus
c) Trucks: Says FF took a chance (yet we don't know what mafia know, so we SHOULDN'T know he took a chance). The only reasoning should be that normally mafia don't know town pms, therefore if FF confirmed something, then if mafia, less likely to know town pm, therefore more likely town. I understand the logic, but again, it's making an assumption of a variable we do not have. In my mind, this says Trucks knows the variable, because he is mafia, which is why he believes FF took the chance. Furthermore, makes a "me too" post, saying he knew there was no explanation.

I really don't like all the "pm quoting gambit". It reeks.

Lastly, the "op" thing. Again, maybe it was just a mistake. Maybe just a misspeak. Maybe it was just an accident. Doesn't help when THERE ACTUALLY IS AN EXPLANATION IN THE OP (through the picture's hidden title). Sorry, but it's extremely coincidental that a misspeak turned out to be true. Too coincidental.

I didn't say Final-Fan took a chance, I said that a scum Final-Fan would have taken a chance, there's a difference. So to repeat in simple terms:

- If Final-Fan is town, he just said the truth, no risk here.
- If Final-Fan is scum, he took a chance, small risk there.

So the fact that he did say he didn't have the info gave a town vibe from Final-Fan.

Signature goes here!

I feel good about prof. Finally some participation and some good points.

mantlepiecek said:
I feel good about prof. Finally some participation and some good points.

B-b-but he didn't say anything that important methinks