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Name: Mr. Green
Role: Tracker
Night One: Track Mantle (He did no action)
Night Two: Track Pezus (He visited Zero)

I would have never attacked Pezus the way I did unless I was sure of my results. If I was redirected to Spurge and saw him visiting Zero that would make a lot of sense. Otherwise, I have no idea what happened.

We know that Spurge is the mafia role blocker.

We know that Tabaha is a liar and he cannot be the tracker. He just wants to get me lynched imo.

If you all want to lynch Spurge first I would not mind, but I feel we could gain a lot more by lynching Tabaha.

Nintendo still doomed?
Feel free to add me on 3DS or Switch! (PM me if you do ^-^)
Nintendo ID: Mako91                  3DS code: 4167-4543-6089

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I just figured something out.
There cannot be a mafia redirector because linkz was a redirector. Two redirectors cannot exist because then both couls possibly redirect a songle person.

Also, not to meta, but hat always makes his mafia roleblockers sexy women. French maid would fit with that.



















































 No Lynch










































 No Lynch













Spurge @L2 -- Mario & Tabaha @L3

I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson

I voted spurge

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Interestingly, there cannot be a busser either, since if Linkz is a redirector, he wouldn't be able to redirect a role that requires two targets.

spurgeonryan said:
So prof thinks tabaha is scum, and linkz is scum, but pezus says linkz is not scum. Mario thinks pezus is scum. And seems adamant about it. For some reason I think prof is poisoner.

The little set up he did with stefl yesterday. Why would you go after trucks if you were the poisoner?
Pezus comes along right when I was about to vote tabaha, and prof already voted him and says its him. Then lurks for an hour, comes back and is vague, then says that Tabaha took advantage fo linkz lynch because linkz is town..
I trust Mario over prof.

Spurge thinks I'm the poisoner...but he blocked me, right?


Tabaha day 3

tabaha said:
I'm finally back from a class and i have 10 minutes before the next one, so even if i can post when it starts it can't be much

But anyway, to important stuff.
I'm happy there were no kills, but not happy to see poisoner alive and well

Regarding my insistence on note voting linkz, I made myself (and to you too) a favor and went back to read what happened last night and I think I was finally able to get a glimpse of what happened.

Looks like the entire linkz situation started when prof dared him to say he was coroner and linkz went in the joke. Yeah because it's obvious it was a joke. The way he said it and everything. And then we have theprof pushing it like it was universal truth. And looks like pezus went with him. This is what i got

He should have known I'd be alive and well if I was the poisoner.

tabaha said:
theprof00 said:
So innocent about what?
I'm quite confident that linkz is third party scum.

Well that's your opinion and I'm free to don't accept it. I'm also quite confident that he was set up by you but you don't accept it

Still no mention of me being at trucks' place.

tabaha said:
theprof00 said:
You dont need to buy it, you're scum counterclaiming another player with a bullshit story.
I was.never at trucks place.

Everyone, just fyi, mario is by no means cleared by this.
As mafia I've counterclaimed other mafia to make their case stronger.

I wonder what your role is. Really


tabaha said:
oh notprof i didn't really say you were poisoner so you don't need to be so uncomfortable. Unless you're something even worse



theprof00 said:
spurgeonryan said:
So prof thinks tabaha is scum, and linkz is scum, but pezus says linkz is not scum. Mario thinks pezus is scum. And seems adamant about it. For some reason I think prof is poisoner.

The little set up he did with stefl yesterday. Why would you go after trucks if you were the poisoner?
Pezus comes along right when I was about to vote tabaha, and prof already voted him and says its him. Then lurks for an hour, comes back and is vague, then says that Tabaha took advantage fo linkz lynch because linkz is town..
I trust Mario over prof.

Spurge thinks I'm the poisoner...but he blocked me, right?

Adding to this post

spurgeonryan said:

rewS THREOUFH FFast will nort claim.


vote: tabaha

Spurge says I cannot be blocker because he is blocker and he blocked me. Yet here he's voting for the person I want to lynch.

spurgeonryan said:
I am saying it will make you mad at how stupidly I have used it.

Yet he blocked me from the kill supposedly.

theprof00 said:
spurgeonryan said:
what are they! I have not seen them.
Go on.
theprof00 said:
spurgeonryan said:
Well you all have been wrong most of the game. Nothing else I can do to convince you prof or someone is just pushing events how they want them. Now I see why linkz basically gave up.

Why did you say we would be upset at your role if you had blocked a mafia kill?

spurgeonryan said:
Because I had just been sitting here like a dueche not saying anything about it. That is why. What did you think when I claimed? You thought I was an asshole? didnt you. Like usual. spurge the deuche. At what point in this game have I been scummy? Other than not being here. Tell me ?

I have tried my best to show that I am trustworthy without blowing my role. Now even if I am not lynched I will be killed or roleblocked myself. Probably by yours turley prof.

wopuld I have unvoted you if I was scum? Or what about mario? I gve everyone do justice. Plus when have I ever lurked as scum? What a stupid thing to do, especially as myself. I do not know how else to put it. Or prove myself. Someone is either covering up, want to believe that someone is not who they are, or they are lying. Everyone has lied this game it seems. What happened to lynch all liers. Your first idea is usuall they right one. Hmm?

I said before. Prof, mario or tabaaha. since no one was voting for tabaha I voted for mario. Mario is more tricky anyways. IF you guys want we can do tabaha. Maybe he has a big role. He has played like last game so he probagbly does.

I am saying it will make you mad at how stupidly I have used it.

Because I had just been sitting here like a dueche not saying anything about it. That is why

spurgeonryan said:
theprof00 said:

OK anyway, back to my thing with DT and my reads:

1 Here are my suspects:
Linkz, Tabaha, Mario
Here are my somewhat trusted (also somewhat distrusted)
Spurge, stefl, Pezus

Pezus has the same suspects I do, yet Linkz says Pezus is definitely scum.
My conondrum was that
-if Linkz was right, and Pezus was scum, then it is very unlikely that mafia Pezus had named other mafia as his suspects, which would mean that all my suspects were town.
-But if Pezus was right, meaning I was also right, then Linkz could be simply mafia trying to discredit Pezus.

However, I don't think I am that far off on my suspects.
I think Mario is a great candidate for reasons such as laying low, avoiding real arguments, and jumpiness. Additionally, he is not one of the people I trust, and by process of elimination, him being untrusted and calm makes for a combination that results in me thinking scum.
I think Linkz is a great candidate because he's not as active, has been lying purposely about important roles, and undermining and arguing with me on really superficial points, ignoring the meat of the topic. For instance when we were just tlaking about SK being inno-scan, he contends ONLY ONE of the examples, not mentioning the other, and then later when I say then scan often he says "most THIRD PARTIES do not scan town", again, sideswiping the real issue. This is my example of typical slime linkz, which has become his usual scum-play.
I think tabaha is a great candidate because he's being pretty reserved, and has done a few very scummy things, like lynching Radish very quickly for a really asanine reason, among some other bad decisions. I feel like he's also been missing recently. Again, another combo of not trusted and flying too low under the radar.

Now my somewhat trusteds are pezus, stefl, and spurge.
But let's face it, any one of them could be scum or town. It's a very tough call.
For pezus, we have his weird fake-carelessness on day 1, which has been pointed out; (Like answering 'yes' to the question 'are you scum' and the strange 'voting me is a mislynch' early day 1) and he has had a pretty wide range of suspects but doesn't really actively pursue many of them other than what has been accepted as 'town really trying hard' with the simple "hey X what do you think of Y" derpshit. However, his current list of suspects makes me trust him more, and he's not really avoiding discussion, but does seem to be avoiding directly involving himself in arguments between others.
For stefl, there's really a variety of problems and most of them could chalk up to paranoia. I would say he had a bad suspect list if his suspect list would stay still for a second for me to judge it. He talks about things which he doesn't really understand. His "flip out" I would describe as copying my argument with Linkz, possibly for bluffing reasons, and his role seems like something that could be done to give mafia a poison protection, or a little extra power without overpowering them. From a meta standpoint, he could be scum or town, and his actions don't really scream town to me either. However, nobody has counter-claimed him yet, and he did exactly what his role should've done, and he wasn't targeted or blocked, so it would seem that the role and alignment combo are legit, but yeah, still iffy.
Spurge is a loudmouth. I can't get a proper read on him except that he seems a bit more reserved this game, as in, he's not trying to press his issues, he's just commentating. Usually as town, he'll try to push lynches the way he wants but I haven't been seeing that.

So who does Mario like for scum? pezus, stefl, tab, linkz
Who does Linkz like for scum? Prof, pezus, tabaha, spurge, stefl?
Who does tabaha like for scum? Stefl, (thinks linkz is an ok lynch but not the best), spurge (from day 1 end)
Pezus? Linkz, tab, Mario
stefl? Mario and Trucks I think (changes somewhat often)
Spurge? Linkz tabaha mario stefl I think (changes often)

Who do all my suspects suspect

Linkz 3 votes
stefl 4 votes
tabaha 4 votes
pezus 2 votes
Mario 3 votes
spurge 2 votes

If there are 3 non scum votes here, then there is at the very least 1 vote from scum on stefl and tabaha.
The people that hate stefl are spurge,mario,linkz,and tabaha
The people that hate tabaha are spurge, linkz, tabaha, and pezus

Linkz is suspected by one of my main 3
Mario is suspected by none of my main 3

Stefl is suspected by 3 of my suspects.

Mario suspects two of my main three, Linkz suspects one of my main three, and tabby suspects none of my main three.

Stefl also happens to be a doctor (unchallenged by doc)who is suspected by my three main (and a non-main). Cross off stefl.

So we're left with spurge, tabaha, linkz, mario, pezus.

Pezus wants to lynch all three of my main, that makes me think he's not mafia; accordingly two of my main also want him dead.
Mario wants to lynch two of the other 2 main, that also makes me think he's not mafia either, though strange that neither of the other two suspect him at all. Then again, Mario is the type to turn on his teammates. I should know. I've been on his team before.
Spurge wants to lynch all three of my main. Is he just copying my list? I can't really trust his lists lol. But still, if he's willing to vote with my vote, then I'll take it.
Niether tabby nor linkz are really down to vote for the other. Tabby is like 4th or 5th in linkz descending scum order, and linkz is an 'ok but not really' in tabby's list. But both also pushed for Radish, so I would think Radish is not scum, but someone else is.

Anyway, to conclude, I would say tabby and linkz are mafia, and either pezus or mario or spurge is the SK, but since one of them is my main, I'd say Mario has the best chance of being the poisoner, along with pezus. Only pezus is suspected by my mains, and Mario is unsuspected. Spurge could be a crazy wild card SK who kills them all though.

This is the first time I have ever understood any of your non meta gaming. Excellent!


Prof is def. town because of this.


Also Linkz you have changed stories so much and we have just let it slide, let it slide, let it slide. If Hatmoza was here he would say lynch all lyers. Even though you gave us a long drawn out story about what your "Captain" Role is...or was it coroner? Lol, that is typical of you. The better the description the less scummy you look right? Hard to trust anything you say when you have "beat around the bush" and been a lyer for half the game.


This shouldnt hammer you, but if it does. Meh. You are either S.K ( which could be bad for us since you are against prof) or you are scum.


I wold also like to point out that when you ask me why I do not think you are scum, or why I am not on your ass like a carpenter ant on wood you are scum. You have done the latter part.


Vote: Linkz


Now lets watch what happens over the next 30 minutes. :)


spurgeonryan said:
I wanted who ever is doc to protect you without killing you. Did you even read anything? I obviously do not want you to die. Do you thnk prof or myself would just come in here wanting you to die? Get a clue.

Yet he roleblocked me last night for what reason?