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supermario128 said:
DarkThanatos said:

Wheras we KNOW Mario is not a mislynch! Why take a needless risk

That is the only problem with your theory. Lynching me would be a terrible mistake and WOULD be a mislynch. Where as, we have two liars right in front of us. Spurge or Tabaha. Pick one of them.

Conviently leaving out the only PROVEN liar prof. 

New theory i think is most likely. 

Prof and Mario are scummates. Mario wont even consider prof could be lying,  despite already lying. Either that or he is just shlurping up to Prof to try and safe his own back.  

I refuse to lynch tabaha on the grounds that prof claims to have protected me. You guys can go ahead and lynch him if you want- i will not trust Prof on this, and If you guys do then town deserve to lose frankly. Someone not prof or mario give me a list as to why we should lynch tabaha over mario and I might change my mind. 

I refuse to lynch Spurge right now on the gronuds that he claimed Town roleblocker when doing so would have been so stupid as scum, and he could have easily claimed doc as he was teh last player to claim. Someone give me a list as to why we should lynch Spurge over mario and I might change my mind. 

Right now, I stand by my earlier statment. From the information i know MYSELF. Not what proven liar prof claims he knows. 

The people who give me the list should be one of the ones I named already as almost certain scum. 

Not to mention- if we do decide to lynch tabaha or Spurge. Prof and Mario can't both be voting them or my role won't prove anything to the rest of you as you can't see that Mario is certain scm. 

So hyped for Rome 2: Total War

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 No Lynch










































 No Lynch













Spurge @L2  -- Mario & Tabaha L3

I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson

I'm going with spurge

He is definitely scum blocker, and I want the blocker out before we get tabaha because it will allow copping and such.


Obviously protecting zero tonight.
Zero please scan mario, or tabaha.

I would love to see a proper reason to don't vote prof or mario. I could go with spurge but I'm not seeing us getting the poisoner


DarkThanatos said:
supermario128 said:
DarkThanatos said:

Wheras we KNOW Mario is not a mislynch! Why take a needless risk

That is the only problem with your theory. Lynching me would be a terrible mistake and WOULD be a mislynch. Where as, we have two liars right in front of us. Spurge or Tabaha. Pick one of them.

Conviently leaving out the only PROVEN liar prof. 

New theory i think is most likely. 

Prof and Mario are scummates. Mario wont even consider prof could be lying,  despite already lying. Either that or he is just shlurping up to Prof to try and safe his own back.  

I refuse to lynch tabaha on the grounds that prof claims to have protected me. You guys can go ahead and lynch him if you want- i will not trust Prof on this, and If you guys do then town deserve to lose frankly. Someone not prof or mario give me a list as to why we should lynch tabaha over mario and I might change my mind. 

I refuse to lynch Spurge right now on the gronuds that he claimed Town roleblocker when doing so would have been so stupid as scum, and he could have easily claimed doc as he was teh last player to claim. Someone give me a list as to why we should lynch Spurge over mario and I might change my mind. 

Right now, I stand by my earlier statment. From the information i know MYSELF. Not what proven liar prof claims he knows. 

The people who give me the list should be one of the ones I named already as almost certain scum. 

Not to mention- if we do decide to lynch tabaha or Spurge. Prof and Mario can't both be voting them or my role won't prove anything to the rest of you as you can't see that Mario is certain scm. 

OMG DT, it's not impossible to think that I protected you! What don't you get? I've explained three times now why I protected you.

1. I didn't care about 3 of them because I thought they might be scum.
2. I didn't protect another three because of scum fear that they might be doc'd.
3. I targeted you because you were unlikely to be doc'd from a scum point of view.

Don't fault me for trying to out think the mafia! LOL.

You are going to have so much egg on your face come endgame.


YEAH, Next time I 'll just out myself as the doc so that they can block me and kill whoever they want. You're a genius, DT.

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Vote: supermario128

I'm not seeing myself unvoting him unless it is to get prof


spurgeonryan said:
Well you all have been wrong most of the game. Nothing else I can do to convince you prof or someone is just pushing events how they want them. Now I see why linkz basically gave up.

Why did you say we would be upset at your role if you had blocked a mafia kill?

unvote tabaha

..while I think about things.

Oh and you seem to have forgotten DT. I wrote you a long post that day explaining to you why I didn't think you were scum anymore. The reason? "Because you are so wrong about everything that you're saying that it doesn't make sense you could actually be scum. I think you are a town who doesn't know what the fuck he's doing".

That is what I said to you

theprof00 said:
Dt let me explain something.
I saw a great deal of your posts as potentially undermining to town, spreading lots of contusion and for example your insistence with trucks on the stefl fake poison doc claim that because it was possible then it could happen...these kinds of suspicions keep a town bubbling, unable to find a foothold until they inevitably drown.
However, i also see that you are adamantly arguing them, and being hypocritical by calling me a tunneler.
Furthermore some of your comments along with your own admission that you are a noob still, gives me the impression. That it's not that you're trying to mislead but that you really simply dont understand what you're doing. I would describe you as too scummy to be scum. A scum would never draw so much attention to themselves with whT i see as flawed arguments and then subsequently claim to be a noob. No, a noob scum would lurk and say "i don't know what to say".
So yes, i have come to the conclusion that you are a noob who stopped getting crazy with me BECAUSE you have been enlightened, not because you simply are avoiding suspicion.
However, my patience does indeed have limits and i Am a paranoid person, so when you continue to undermine me, it's exasperating because i immediately question you again only to say to myself again, "no. Don't suspect him he doesn't know what he's saying".
Eventually that comes to a point where i get frustrated and lash out, hence my recent snippiness with you. Do yourself a favor and try to see what I'm saying when i make comments, otherwise just stay out of my way for now.

Now then, as i said, which you ignored and kept pressing, when i get to a computer i will explain to you my suspect list. Until then please try not to make another sarcastic quip, for my own sanity's sake.

spurgeonryan said:
what are they! I have not seen them.
Go on.
theprof00 said:
spurgeonryan said:
Well you all have been wrong most of the game. Nothing else I can do to convince you prof or someone is just pushing events how they want them. Now I see why linkz basically gave up.

Why did you say we would be upset at your role if you had blocked a mafia kill?