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And how are you confusing my role with tracker?

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Linkzmax said:
I took no action. Obviously if I was scum I'd have re-directed zero, especially if mantle and Stefl are town as you suppose. See, logic. Use it.

And as town you didn't think to I dunno re-direct one of your scum suspects or something.

Linkzmax said:

Also I am not forced to override the player's target.

What does this mean?

I think you need to actually read my post, as the reason I didn't pick anyone last night is already answered in it.

Meaning I could choose a target, but then let them do whatever they want.

Linkzmax said:
I think you need to actually read my post, as the reason I didn't pick anyone last night is already answered in it.

Meaning I could choose a target, but then let them do whatever they want.



And how would that work?

Linkz: Hey Hat I target pezus.

Hat: Ok, who do you want him to target

Linkz: Nevermind, he can do whatever

Hat: Wait you can't do....oh, right yes, you can allow them to do whatever it's right here in the rules.

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When it appears that I'm not reading a part, it's because your reasoning is shit, and I'm asking you again, thanks.

You say sideswiping, I say you just glanced over it so you could accuse me of being scum again. Let's call the whole thing off

Linkz: Hey hat, I'll choose pezus as my target. But for tonight I won't interfere with his action.
hat: ok

I'm probably just confusing it with tracker, because tracker is the part you're leaving out.

Now tell me who you visited.

theprof00 said:
it appears that I'm shit

That's what I believe you've done when reading my post. Because the response to your statement was already given.

Ahhhh, so then you don't believe that's my role. Well so be it.