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Dt let me explain something.
I saw a great deal of your posts as potentially undermining to town, spreading lots of contusion and for example your insistence with trucks on the stefl fake poison doc claim that because it was possible then it could happen...these kinds of suspicions keep a town bubbling, unable to find a foothold until they inevitably drown.
However, i also see that you are adamantly arguing them, and being hypocritical by calling me a tunneler.
Furthermore some of your comments along with your own admission that you are a noob still, gives me the impression. That it's not that you're trying to mislead but that you really simply dont understand what you're doing. I would describe you as too scummy to be scum. A scum would never draw so much attention to themselves with whT i see as flawed arguments and then subsequently claim to be a noob. No, a noob scum would lurk and say "i don't know what to say".
So yes, i have come to the conclusion that you are a noob who stopped getting crazy with me BECAUSE you have been enlightened, not because you simply are avoiding suspicion.
However, my patience does indeed have limits and i Am a paranoid person, so when you continue to undermine me, it's exasperating because i immediately question you again only to say to myself again, "no. Don't suspect him he doesn't know what he's saying".
Eventually that comes to a point where i get frustrated and lash out, hence my recent snippiness with you. Do yourself a favor and try to see what I'm saying when i make comments, otherwise just stay out of my way for now.

Now then, as i said, which you ignored and kept pressing, when i get to a computer i will explain to you my suspect list. Until then please try not to make another sarcastic quip, for my own sanity's sake.

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mantlepiecek said:
Seriously linkz? The one person you are suspicious against is spurge - and that too, because of meta reasoning?

There is no way you are town. You had A, I have none. Radish didn't have anything, that wrench thing is what killed him.

I don't recall saying I'm only suspicious of spurge. And yes, if spurge isn't making my head hurt from the frequent and often-unreasoned changes in opinions than I believe him to be scum. Why are you suspicious of me again?

The A was in reference to "vote" though having reread the wench/wrench thing I see that it was DT who claimed radish had a wrench. So that aspect of my certainty in his alignment is gone, but doesn't change how I felt day one.

Stefl1504 said:
mantlepiecek said:
Stefl1504 said:
Okay, what linkz did prolly falls under PM quotation... either scum have the town PM or he isn't scum.

Scum obviously have the PM quotation then, because the other option isn't something I can see possible. This is just his way of trying to save himself.

You think hat would make as silly a mistake as that?

I wouldn't call it mistake, but the 'your vote is your weapon' is a standard sentence for a hat-role-PM either way, so even if they were not given the PM, players like linkz could call it a calculateable risk.

Yes, now that you mention it I believe hat had the same thing the last time he hosted. But I was thinking of what he said when he originally talked about the Clue theme, which was the Clue weapons. So those would be a distinguishing feature of scum, though hat should have told them that's the case.

TruckOSaurus said:
Anybody have an idea of the current votals? I'd like to place a vote on Linkz but I'd prefer to know where we stand before I do.

Linkz has been nothing but riddles, games and vagueness since this day has begun and I'm sick of it.

I would guess I'm 2 or 3 votes away from hammer, so you're probably safe in voting.

I was only games at the start of the day, once I returned it was serious business, even if I wasn't explicit about everything.

pezus said:
We should allow Linkz to fully claim before he is lynched out. He seems to be hinting at something at least, since he's so confident about Radish

I am still confident about radish, but I have no mod-given proof. I had planned not to use my role at all, or possibily late game if needed, but that may change depending on answers to questions I have yet to ask hat.(since I planned on not using the role anyway) Either way, I'm not claiming today so if I'm lynched then just count me as Town Vanilla. I can say that it's almost impossible for there to be any bus driver or redirector.

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TruckOSaurus said:

Since yesterday, I've been feeling like I'm the only one who shared my view of the game setup and up until now I didn't know how to explain simply but I think I can express it clearly now:

First, do we all agree that there being no flip is a HUGE advantage for scum? I'm gonna assume you all said yes but if you don't agree make yourself known.

Second, I don't think anyone denies the roleblocker is Mafia right? Once, I'm gonna assume you all agree but if you don't you know the drill.

So with the huge advantage of having the town in the dark about their decision and the knowledge that they have a roleblocker, how the FUCK is it possible for any of you to consider that they could have an Absorber as well? Even worst some people also think radishhead was Mafia Action Watcher in addition to Stefl as Mafia Absorber.

It makes zero sense to me. In my mind, both Action Watcher and Absorber are roles designed to help town compensate for the lack of information we usually get from flips.

So to those who are considering the Mafia Absorber theory, please tell me how you make sense of it!

First, of course yes. And as someone that highly depends on role meta, it's a big disadvantage for me on top of that.

Second, clearly the case.

Yes I agree that a Mafia Absorber just doesn't fit. It could be possible that Stefl steals abilities rather than copies them,(Note that they would not be notified if that is the case) but then that doesn't help him in the end. Meaning zero is now an obvious doc save solely due to the role, so even if the actual doc can't save him, Stefl still can't kill him or the doc could cry foul.

theprof00 said:
Check my dubs

Van we lynch mario?
Im willing to give stinkz some leeway since he likes to lutk this round.

My trusted are zero, trucks, mantle,
Domewhat rusted
Spurge, stefl, pezus
Mario, linkz, tabaha

Vhat you say? That just doesn't even make sense.(And I don't mean the typos)

theprof00 said:
Trucks himself was an sk who could pick betwren innocent scan or bulletproof every night.
I was a third party sk who scanned town.

If you're talking about the round I hosted, Trucks was either BP or had a percent chance of being untargetable.

And did you forget that you made me a SK that scanned guilty?

Yes it does. Normally you will quote adozen, 2 dozen quotes whrn you show up again. I havent really seen that this round.

mantlepiecek said:
theprof00 said:
No you were not dt, you said "it makes no sense to me".
You were challenging me when you should've looked up the role instead. It's not my job to explain rules to you especially not with such an insolent attitude.

Honestly, I'm losing patience with you dt. Maybe it will come back after a nap, but right now, I'm asking for people to look at day one and see if peez suspects mantle and who reacts (specifically linkz), and instead you're asking me questions that could be answered on your own.

I was suspicious of pezus day 1, and linkz. Pezus did get suspicious of me during day 1, but not linkz.

However pezus was suspicious of a lot of different people day 1.

I don't think linkz had any reaction to pezus being suspicious of me.

pezus did say he was suspicios of me of, in response to you. Or do you mean I didn't say I was suspicious of you?

And I've barely had any reaction to those suspicious of me. The only reaction to suspicions of others that I recall were those directed at zero day 1.