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Yes. Doubly so once zero said what I was already thinking. Again, that's as far as I'm going to go with that.

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Linkz when you get back:
1) what do you think about mario.
II) who re your scumspects
C) what was your whole strategy in lying to me about being the coroner?

I must say, i do feel better about dt now that hes calmer somewhat.
Strangely, and something that is confounding me about linkz, is that my suspect list is identical to pezus' though linkz says pezus is scum... i usually like pezus' reads and i trust my own reads as well.
If i am wrong about those suspects it would indeed be the worst game ive played, but i dont see what is different this time than usual. So, i have a conundrum. Is linkz right or am i right.

Apparently you have pezus. spurge has not given me any reason to believe he's town.

Mario is going under the radar, so that's not good.
Ranked roughly in order: spurge, pezus, DT, you.
There was no strategy and I didn't lie. You dared me to do something and I obliged. It's little things(like just watching the movie) that make me even more confident that radish is scum. The only risk was if you are the coroner, but I don't think you'd actually counter-claim what wasn't really a claim to begin with.

The idea that I'm a scum coroner though... C'mon, really!?

Wow. 427 posts to read. You guys sure did talk a lot while I was at school and work. lol

I'll start reading through them right away.

Nintendo still doomed?
Feel free to add me on 3DS or Switch! (PM me if you do ^-^)
Nintendo ID: Mako91                  3DS code: 4167-4543-6089

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Lets do this simply since you have a hard time addressing things directly.
You didn't claim to be a coroner when i dared you to, but why did you imply you were a coroner previously and why then did you oblige me? Nobody had a gun to your head and you could've backedboff right there.
I recall there was even a gap of a couple minutes when i dared you when we had been rifling barbs within seconds previous to that post.

You hesitated.

I'm wondering if items exist.

Can we get some votes on linkz please? Id like to see him softened up a bit.

I just did a double take.
I'M your suspect linkz????
Do tell.

First thing first.

Unvote: Stefl

He is too close to a lynch for my liking. I still believe he is scum, but we don't need to rush through this day. I agree with Mantle that there are bigger fish to fry and that he can be taken care of later. Even if he was scum and protected his own scum mates this wouldn't really affect us, unless we have a vigilante. Although, it would affect the poisoner, which is a benefit to us imo. Basically, if the only thing Stefl can do as a mafia absorber are protect people it doesn't really hurt us immediately. 

Vote: Zero

Zero, I specifically asked you if you knew what you were doing and you said you did. So, what gives? If you were so sure Stefl was scum you could have lied and said you scanned him. Thus, the only way to prove you a liar would be for the role blocker to come forward. Which would have exposed scum.

Unvote: Zero

I trust that you are the cop and still agree with you about Stefl, but I don't want to rush things.


Stefl1504 said:
... no, I don't really care anymore, please just end it quickly.

I realize you were frustrated, but don't let the game get to you like that. It is only a game Stefl. Always remember that. :P


mantlepiecek said:

Anyways, I am the Town Forensic Investigator. It's the best power role I ever got, and I can't use it at all. SInce you can't use it on night 1.

WIth my role I can find out who targeted a particular person, who is dead. That is, I can target only dead people.

I've never played a game with a forensic investigator. Very strong power if used correctly. The poisoner was very lucky in targeting you. It is too bad for us though. Now we have to rely on Zero. :P


mantlepiecek said:

People who I am sure are town - DT, prof, spurge. Do not try and get tricked into lynching them at any cost.

People who I am leaning town - trucks, mario

Others - tabaha, linkz, stefl, pezus. If not stefl then it is either trucks or mario. I am leaning towards stefl.


Town: Zero, Mantle, Spurge, Trucks, Thanatos, Prof (Most to least likely)

Scum: Pezus, Linkz, Stefl, Tabaha (Most to least likely)

I fully trust Zero's claim as well as yours (Mantle). Mafia would not make up a role or even bother to participate if they knew they were going to die. Spurge has been obvious town since he started talking. Thanatos is town in my eyes. Prof is probably town, but it is sometimes hard to tell with him.

Pezus is suspicious of more people (7) then the people he trusts (3). This is usually a mafia tell and pretty much confirms spurge, zero, and prof are town if he is mafia. Besides that, he isn't his usual self. His play style has completely changed. Linkz I have already talked about numerous times. His odd behavior, his odd joking, his odd fake claiming multiple times. He is different this game, that is for sure. He doesn't fit with his mafia or town behavior, and he tested the water for claiming Vig, which is why I called him SK. Stefl has a nervous breakdown, gets himself banned, says he wants to be lynched, and tells other to lynch him. I'm not sure why he is acting like this, but TOWN stefl is calm. Combine that with his absorber role and I'm fairly sure he is mafia. Tabaha actually voted this game which is rare, and his reasoning isn't too sound, which is exactly the opposite of last game. Also his post saying: "I'm a bit surprised that there was only one kill on a power heavy round." felt very fake to me.


On to other things...

Linkzmax said:
Dear protection,(including Stefl should you be town) please do not protect zero tonight. Let mafia kill him. Everyone will be better off, I promise.

Explain to me how everyone will be better off if our cop is not protected? You mean you will be better off, right? Or was this another one of your jokes? -_-


zero129 said:

Oh i might not even be a cop and they could keep blocking me for nothing while the cop and the "Real doc" does his work?

Don't try to back out of your claim now. No one is going to buy that.


Linkzmax said:
Well since you dared me, I'm the coroner!

Made me lol. However, please stop posting things like this. You just proved you were a liar by saying this btw.


Linkzmax said:

Vote: pezus

Good vote, but I have got one better.

Vote: Linkz

Pezus should be tomorrow.

Stefl should be after that.

Tabaha should be after that.

In the mean time, protect the cop and let him do his job! (Directed to both doctors)

Nintendo still doomed?
Feel free to add me on 3DS or Switch! (PM me if you do ^-^)
Nintendo ID: Mako91                  3DS code: 4167-4543-6089