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Actually linkz, radish has nothing to do with it. You undermined my game and played games with my suspicions by using radish as a key point of evidence. I dont care that you thought he was more scum than previous, but you undermined me several times yesterday and that's how slime linkz plays.

And I KNOW you were just saying you were coroner because i dared you to. That's what gave me confidwnce to call you a liar again. It was only until i implied that i was the poison doc and you backedboff that i thought you were being serious.

Lynch all liars, right? Policy lynch time?
Make your case and maybe town will consider showing mercy.

Around the Network
Stefl1504 said:
DarkThanatos said:
Linkz, now you are here- time to be serious.
What do you think of Stefl, and what has his two breakdowns done to change that?
Secondly- what is your response to the attempts to pin and lunch you as 3rd party?

2 breakdowns? Please, I am still inside my first one, only that the rage is 18% lower than when I requested my ban, which means it has gone up by some points since I came back... Sorry that I am jocking around, but I have the need right now... it is not like 28 days passed and I could be in my period again since today.

You where joking around? Whilst saying "Eurgh kill me whine whine" you were actually just joking around? Goddamit I want to vote you but I already am. 

So hyped for Rome 2: Total War

I am still somewhat perplexed by his role, but I don't think he is scum. Those that think he is due to his behavior yesterday or breakdowns today are entitled to their opinions. zero being blocked should have absolutely no bearing in anyone's decision though. Hell if zero and Stefl are both town than mafia certainly couldn't chance town having two cop scans each night.

As for the breakdowns, I think Stefl needs to man up and cut it out. If I haven't been "useful" than Stefl is being downright harmful. Even if he never chooses the right night action, it's better than a mislynch.

And I am amused by the accusations that I'm 3rd party. As I said to Mario, it shows a lack of thought as to how I'd ever think I'd win.

Nice wriggling linkz

Stefl1504 said:

How is the last part to be understood? That your role name is the Professor?

No, my role name is Captain.(though it is quite different from the description on the wiki) My character is Professor Plum, played by the great Christopher Lloyd.

Around the Network
DarkThanatos said:
Stefl1504 said:
pezus said:
Also, you can protect the person you think is the doctor, no? So no biggie there

Yeah, I can doc him, but right now I am paranoid that I will use the wrong protection or that I overprotect him, or that he gets overkilled.

Also, I am highly inclined to believe that a certain player could be part of a masonry and I think that he would also deserve protection if scum get a similar read on him.

If dispite everything you are town- dont say who, but how can you believe someone is part of a masonry? Surely you'd have to think two people? I'm not sure how you could get a tell from one person. 

Again- dont say it so scum can work out who - if you can. If you can't just don't attempt to respond and just say can't explain. 

Yeah, I probably can't explain decently without having the chance of outing the mason or ridicule myself.

I am not to sure about his partner yet, since there is more than one option left open to me, or if he has multiple partners (which I doubt).

DarkThanatos said:
Stefl1504 said:
DarkThanatos said:
Linkz, now you are here- time to be serious.
What do you think of Stefl, and what has his two breakdowns done to change that?
Secondly- what is your response to the attempts to pin and lunch you as 3rd party?

2 breakdowns? Please, I am still inside my first one, only that the rage is 18% lower than when I requested my ban, which means it has gone up by some points since I came back... Sorry that I am jocking around, but I have the need right now... it is not like 28 days passed and I could be in my period again since today.

You where joking around? Whilst saying "Eurgh kill me whine whine" you were actually just joking around? Goddamit I want to vote you but I already am. 

No, the post I made just there is the joke I was making.

Linkzmax said:
Stefl1504 said:

How is the last part to be understood? That your role name is the Professor?

No, my role name is Captain.(though it is quite different from the description on the wiki) My character is Professor Plum, played by the great Christopher Lloyd.

Eh, I was meaning your character name... I think we already had 'role vs. role' once T_T


Vote: spurge

Anything else while I'm here?

Linkzmax said:


Vote: spurge

Anything else while I'm here?

Do you have any particular reason to believe the tools have something to do with scum?

Signature goes here!