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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Kinect could police who watches films at home - i still cant understand why people support MS!!

Is this even legally possible?

Nintendo and PC gamer

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So you pay $150 (or whatever it is) for Kinect which stops you from watching movies if you are deemed ineligible? Haha no thanks.

"The distributors of this movie do not want certain demographics to watch it, would the black person please leave the room so that the playback can resume"

“It appeared that there had even been demonstrations to thank Big Brother for raising the chocolate ration to twenty grams a week. And only yesterday, he reflected, it had been announced that the ration was to be reduced to twenty grams a week. Was it possible that they could swallow that, after only twenty-four hours? Yes, they swallowed it.”

- George Orwell, ‘1984’

I love having my privacy invaded, it means someone loves me.

Why peoples always take seriously about patent

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Chark said:
What if Kinect recognizes products that appear in your living room to determine what ads to show you based on that. Living room cookies.

I'm sorry to say this but this is the future. I used to work for some advertizing company that specialized on people's habits. Like the ads that are present on your browser will all be related to your interests depending on where you're clicking no matter where you are in the world and most of them will be in your language even if the site you're visiting is in some foreign language.

I say this is the future because yes Kinect can recognize different objects if they are from some database but guess what, we are already creating this database and most of them come with every product's barcode. When one company will create some product, they can pay to have their product on said database so when the technology is available they will be ready.

Seeing is one thing, but they're also making a sound database. Remember when they were sampling different accents for Kinect to recognize? Well this has been done for a long time. Voice recognition is more aware of what you're saying than you think. The sad part will be when they'll know  what you're looking at with eye tracking (Kinect 2.0 already does this to help you in W8 ).

The world of advertizement is bad but it's only the beginning. I don't fear Kinect at all, but knowing what's coming is important. You knew about the perfumes in supermarkets in Europe that when you're in an alley they spray some perfume that incites you to buy vendor's products. I don't remember if they still use this but when I first heard about this they were suppose to make it illegal.

Dude, calm down. Big companies patent everything they can because if they don't they could get sued frivolously like how Apple sued Samsung. Apple had stupid ass patents for things you shouldn't have patents for and won a lawsuit against Samsung. MS has no plans to spy on you at home. They know consumers would flip out if they did. MS is just patenting for patents sake.

First of all I find that whole thing laughable. Why should I buy a movie license online, paying per person watching, when I can just go to the local video store and rent that damn movie for 1 Euro, regardless how many people are watching? Really, maybe Europe is just more sceptical to the benefits of the internet...

But if you live near local stores where you can buy movies/games and getting the things you want is not a real time burden... is there actually any benefit for digital downloads? One single benefit?

I live like 5 minutes away from the next video games store. If I buy the game I do not need to spend 30-60 minutes for downloading some gigabytes. After I have finished the game I can lend it to my brother or some friends. I could even sell it if I do not want to play it again... I can see stictly no benefit for choosing digital download... especially as the price is almost the same or sometimes even higher, sinces stores discount the price earlier.

Ok, there is one reason for digital downloads. Older games, that are no longer available in local stores, can be bought easily.

I can see this to prevent children from watching porn on netflix. It recognizes adults but then shuts off the movie when a child trys to play it.

Like all man-made items (and especially tech) it's a double edged sword. It can be used for good and bad. Don't like it, don't buy it and instead buy the next competitor's (who is slightly more crafty about hiding what it's device can do) product.