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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Kinect could police who watches films at home - i still cant understand why people support MS!!

Groan. Tinfoil-hat type people should probably avoid cell phones, laptops, and tablets with cameras too.

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bananaking21 said:
d21lewis said:
Let's say that Avengers 2 comes out theaters and people can watch it at home on day 1, as well. Kinect won't spy on people. It can tell how many people are in the room. Well, if tickets cost $10 per person to watch in a theater and you buy it to watch at home for $10, that's not a bad deal at all. Then again, if tickets cost $10 per person in a theater and you pay $10 and invite 20 friends to watch it at your house, the studio just lost a ton of money. I can see where they're coming from.

the fact they patented that they can monitor how many people is in the room and who is in the room is just a huge invasion of privacy, why cant people get this? they literally want to have eyes and ears in your living room. if i want to watch something at home ill just buy it on blueray/dvd and me and my 20 friends can watch it. i dont need a company to literally know where i am in my own house

It's just a program.  There's an achievement in the Kinect game Happy Action Theater that gives you the credit if there's four people (or is it six? I can't remember.) posing at one time.  Same thing for Dance Central if you dance with a partner and yes, you can earn these Achievements offline.  There isn't some tiny guy in my Kinect watching me.  If there were, he'd be traumatised by now.  The sensor just knows when a set number of people are in front of the device just like your PS3 knows when there's four controllers plugged in. 

And yeah, just wait for it to come to DVD/Blu Ray.  You can give it away to 100 different people if you want.  The priveledge of watching a movie that's in theaters day one in your own home is either going to be higher prices (which they already offer) or a way to restrict the number of viewers.  Stop being paranoid.

Do you honestly believe that there is a group of people working for Microsoft (or some other secret organization) that get paid to sit and monitor your Kinect habits? That, at any moment, there is a team of people in black suits ready to charge into your house if you watch porn on your Xbox?

We live in a time where there is face tracking tech, finger tracking, etc. I'm sure that Microsoft's idea is that, if the Kinect Sensor sees more than (I don't know--let's pull five out of my ass) five people watching the movie or whatever, it can say "Sorry. You only paid for four people. There are six of you." and it will stop the movie.

And, it's just a patent. People were going crazy before Kinect launched saying that Microsoft would be spying on us. That didn't happen.

It's their product and service, and we pay for it. As far as I'm concerned they can do whatever the hell they want. We can all just stop paying for their service whenever we feel like it.

This is a huge non-issue.

What if Kinect recognizes products that appear in your living room to determine what ads to show you based on that. Living room cookies.

Before the PS3 everyone was nice to me :(

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Chark said:
What if Kinect recognizes products that appear in your living room to determine what ads to show you based on that. Living room cookies.

Kinect can't read!  Kinect is retarded!

d21lewis said:
Chark said:
What if Kinect recognizes products that appear in your living room to determine what ads to show you based on that. Living room cookies.

Kinect can't read!  Kinect is retarded!


They are upgrading the tech, besides it can take pictures can't it? Not everything is infared beams with it. Though this goes with any kind of camera and I don't think they will actually do this or that people would be happy if they did.

Before the PS3 everyone was nice to me :(

Chark said:
d21lewis said:
Chark said:
What if Kinect recognizes products that appear in your living room to determine what ads to show you based on that. Living room cookies.

Kinect can't read!  Kinect is retarded!


They are upgrading the tech, besides it can take pictures can't it? Not everything is infared beams with it. Though this goes with any kind of camera and I don't think they will actually do this or that people would be happy if they did.

Yeah, it does have a camera.  But then, what makes it more of a threat than the PSEye, the Xbox Live Vision Camera, the Web Cam on my laptop that I'm using right now, my Vita/3DS cameras, or my cell phone?

I bolded your last line because I think you already sense how likely it is for this to happen.  I just wanted to point this out to the OP.

Let's see the positive side of this thing: if MS patented it, we can skip it altogether using competing products.

Stwike him, Centuwion. Stwike him vewy wuffly! (Pontius Pilate, "Life of Brian")
A fart without stink is like a sky without stars.
TGS, Third Grade Shooter: brand new genre invented by Kevin Butler exclusively for Natal WiiToo Kinect. PEW! PEW-PEW-PEW! 

That's why I have the kinect facing the T.V when I'm not using it.