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Forums - Sony Discussion - Holding the Sixaxis

PS3 Noob question.  I've started to play some games on my PS3, but holding the sixaxis seems VERY uncomfortable.  I've been holding it using my index fingers on the R1 & L1 buttons and my middle fingers on the R2 & L2 buttons.  Is this the best way to hold it?  Or do you just use the index fingers for both the L & R buttons?


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I just use my index fingers for both. I never need to use both R1/R2 or L1/L2 at the same time. that and it's much more comfortable ^_^

Index generally for both, the main exception that I can remember is Ratchet where strafe and crouch are shoulder buttons, along with shoot

Thx. I'll try it that way then. I didn't want to get used to it that way if holding it with both index and middle fingers was the "correct" way to do it.

Munkeh111 said:
Index generally for both, the main exception that I can remember is Ratchet where strafe and crouch are shoulder buttons, along with shoot

 I just used the other shoot button when I was strafing. Either that, or I'd toss out a Groovitron and blast the snot outa everyone with my RYNO IV =D

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Yeah using all 4 fingers in the back is really uncomfortable.

For my old PS2 I used to put my index finger on the L2 and R2 buttons but you cant do that on the PS3 because those two buttons are too sensitive and if you even press it barley it will do that on the PS3.

I suggest trying to just put one set of fingers on the R1 and L1 buttons.


Depends on the game I guess. If you want to fly in Warhawk for example, you'll need a finger on each of the shoulder buttons.

Still, I was used to the R2 and L2 buttons after getting Motorstorm. My gripe with the triggers is that it would be even easier if they were curved in rather than out, but also that they have some resistance when you pull them down so racing games (like Motorstorm) get a little tiresome on your finger from trying to hold down the trigger at all times.

IllegalPaladin said:
Depends on the game I guess. If you want to fly in Warhawk for example, you'll need a finger on each of the shoulder buttons.

Still, I was used to the R2 and L2 buttons after getting Motorstorm. My gripe with the triggers is that it would be even easier if they were curved in rather than out, but also that they have some resistance when you pull them down so racing games (like Motorstorm) get a little tiresome on your finger from trying to hold down the trigger at all times.

 I never had any problems in Motorstorm, maybe I just play too much o_O. the only problem I have had with my SIXAXISs was that the battery life seems too short. I dunno why, but its kindof annoying when I'm playing Resistance and the controller dies on me in the middle of a huge gunfight =P

I use index fingers for both. Easier and more comfortable