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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 49 Sign-up thread

TruckOSaurus said:
spurgeonryan said:
If mantle co-hosts he cannot be in charge of mod-kills. I fear he will find any reason to kill me.

Just as long as he's not in charge of balance, we'll be okay.


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I'm gonna sit this one out. Got loads of work I need to do and I need some time to evaluate the last game and see how I could better balance things in the future. I'll tag along and act as a replacement if need be though.

@Mantle, I would be really greatful if you would co-host with me? Would be helpful if i had a more experienced player to help with balancing and things

So hyped for Rome 2: Total War

DarkThanatos said:
@Mantle, I would be really greatful if you would co-host with me? Would be helpful if i had a more experienced player to help with balancing and things

Sure. I want to co-host anyway.

It is just that hat should be asked once I think. You will be the main host though - flavour, etc will be yours. edit : If I co-host.

DarkThanatos said:
@Mantle, I would be really greatful if you would co-host with me? Would be helpful if i had a more experienced player to help with balancing and things

Like Linkz said, hatmoza called dibs on hosting this round before last round started. You should wait for him to come back to see if he's still planning to host.

Signature goes here!

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Yoshiya said:
I'm gonna sit this one out. Got loads of work I need to do and I need some time to evaluate the last game and see how I could better balance things in the future. I'll tag along and act as a replacement if need be though.

Liar. You know that every townie from last round with a killing role will target you night 1

Vote to Localize — SEGA and Konami Polls

Vote Today To Help Get A Konami & SEGA Game Localized.This Will Only Work If Lots Of People Vote.

Click on the Image to Head to the Voting Page (A vote for Yakuza is a vote to save gaming)

mantlepiecek said:
DarkThanatos said:
@Mantle, I would be really greatful if you would co-host with me? Would be helpful if i had a more experienced player to help with balancing and things

Sure. I want to co-host anyway.

It is just that hat should be asked once I think. You will be the main host though - flavour, etc will be yours.

Oh yeh of course, if Hat comes back and decides he still wants it then it's all his. I can take a round later. 

That would be what I was thinking of yeh. I already have a few ideas to play around with :P

So hyped for Rome 2: Total War

Yoshiya said:
I'm gonna sit this one out. Got loads of work I need to do and I need some time to evaluate the last game and see how I could better balance things in the future. I'll tag along and act as a replacement if need be though.

For anyone that isn't well experienced in Yoshiya code: 

I'm not playing this round, as I have a new gf who is using up all my time, I have left all my work for the last minute again, and I don't understand what i did wrong. I will put this gesture of replacement out so it doesn't look like total abandenment, but i will still need time to look over the thread if called in. 


So hyped for Rome 2: Total War

nen-suer said:
Yoshiya said:
I'm gonna sit this one out. Got loads of work I need to do and I need some time to evaluate the last game and see how I could better balance things in the future. I'll tag along and act as a replacement if need be though.

Liar. You know that every townie from last round with a killing role will target you night 1

I genuinely thought it was balanced, especially once you hit Stefl Night 2 ><

Oh well, guess I still have a lot to learn.

I blame Yoshiya. Hosting a party the same time as a timelimit :P

But yeh, I will avoid last minute posting unless I've been participating in the time beforehand :P

So hyped for Rome 2: Total War