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Forums - Politics Discussion - 2012 Election Center: The Main Event - Obama Wins


Of the two main candidates for president, who will win?

Barack Obama 245 75.85%
Mitt Romney 73 22.60%
GameOver22 said:
Biggest surprise to me so far is North Carolina. I kind of expected Romney to run away with it.

It was actually the least secure of the "safe" red states, I believe.

Around the Network

Ha! Wolf Blitzer is excited about Florida.

sethnintendo said:
NinjaguyDan said:
I was searching for fox news on my cable (I've never tuned in to it) and got hooked by Star Trek IV on IFC.

Probably best to stay on that channel.  You aren't missing anything by not finding Fox News.  Best way to watch Fox News is on mute like watching K pop videos. 

I was curious about the general mood there.

Switch: SW-5066-1525-5130

XBL: GratuitousFREEK

noname2200 said:
GameOver22 said:
Biggest surprise to me so far is North Carolina. I kind of expected Romney to run away with it.

It was actually the least secure of the "safe" red states, I believe.

Maybe. I always saw it listed as a swing state, and Romney typically had a lead. Not to mention, Obama only won it by 0.3% in 2008, and 2012 is much more advantageous for the Republicans when compared to 2008.

theprof00 said:
So how many senate seats have the reds lost?

You know... the weird thing is EVERYWHERE else in the world has Liberals as Red, Conservatives as Blue.

In fact... I believe that's how it was used in the US until like... 2000.

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Conegamer said:
Kasz216 said:
Conegamer said:
Florida is soooooo tight!

Not sure it matters.  Unless my math is off Obama only needs it or Ohio and he wins...

I think you're right; and Ohio is looking to be going Obama's way...though still early yet.

It's early, but i think it's pretty safe based on what i know about Ohio and who's reporting.  Considering how unpopulated most republican areas are i think they would need must less reporting to hope to turn it around.


Like i'd guess Obama wins by 5-7%.

obamas got this

Kasz216 said:
theprof00 said:
So how many senate seats have the reds lost?

You know... the weird thing is EVERYWHERE else in the world has Liberals as Red, Conservatives as Blue.

In fact... I believe that's how it was used in the US until like... 2000.

lol weird

Kasz216 said:
theprof00 said:
So how many senate seats have the reds lost?

You know... the weird thing is EVERYWHERE else in the world has Liberals as Red, Conservatives as Blue.

Well duh. Those dirty pinkos and commies are red, after all!

I always thoughts Dems were blue and Reps were red. Although which one is the liberal and which the conservative hasn't always been super-consistent.

CNN reports that Elizabeth Warren wins Massachusetts and Joe Donnelly wins Indiana.