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Forums - Politics Discussion - 2012 Election Center: The Main Event - Obama Wins


Of the two main candidates for president, who will win?

Barack Obama 245 75.85%
Mitt Romney 73 22.60%
Max King of the Wild said:
Lostplanet22 said:
First exit polss coming any minute...

Looks like Romney got Virgina. 53% said he would handle economy better and 49% said obama care should be repealed. (opposed to 46% said it shouldnt)

Im pretty sure that was from polls from before the election, not the exit polls

Around the Network
gergroy said:
Max King of the Wild said:
Lostplanet22 said:
First exit polss coming any minute...

Looks like Romney got Virgina. 53% said he would handle economy better and 49% said obama care should be repealed. (opposed to 46% said it shouldnt)

Im pretty sure that was from polls from before the election, not the exit polls

I'm in the bar at my wifes school. They are playing loud music which makes it hard to hear. Thought I heard them say it was exit polls


Well the first numbers will be Indiana and Kentucky and that will be for the Republicans anyway..


Max King of the Wild said:
gergroy said:
Max King of the Wild said:
Lostplanet22 said:
First exit polss coming any minute...

Looks like Romney got Virgina. 53% said he would handle economy better and 49% said obama care should be repealed. (opposed to 46% said it shouldnt)

Im pretty sure that was from polls from before the election, not the exit polls

I'm in the bar at my wifes school. They are playing loud music which makes it hard to hear. Thought I heard them say it was exit polls


Man, sounds like a great school!
What are you drinking and what is the music playing?


Switch: SW-5066-1525-5130

XBL: GratuitousFREEK

Seems like Romney is slightly outperforming.






Around the Network
NinjaguyDan said:
Max King of the Wild said:
gergroy said:
Max King of the Wild said:
Lostplanet22 said:
First exit polss coming any minute...

Looks like Romney got Virgina. 53% said he would handle economy better and 49% said obama care should be repealed. (opposed to 46% said it shouldnt)

Im pretty sure that was from polls from before the election, not the exit polls

I'm in the bar at my wifes school. They are playing loud music which makes it hard to hear. Thought I heard them say it was exit polls


Man, sounds like a great school!
What are you drinking and what is the music playing?


HAHA I'm not drinking anything right now. Usually I get a New Castle which comes in bigger bottles than everything else for the same price... I was excited when I found that out. Usually I'm paying a dollar or two more for the same amount.

They were playing sweet home alabama when I wrote that... Now they are playing that one song... "When I say "I love you" you say "you better"" don't know the name of that song

It's kinda like a sports bar like Buffalo Wild Wings. They have projectors all over the place.

Interesting that early virginia is going Romney's way. Unless that changes all three of Nate Silver's most likely models will be off.

Obama's lead in florida would be deadly for Romney though even with virginia.

Kasz216 said:
Interesting that early virginia is going Romney's way. Unless that changes all three of Nate Silver's most likely models will be off.

Obama's lead in florida would be deadly for Romney though even with virginia.

Yeah I thought Romney was tracking well in Florida... that would be deadly indeed

I dont think romney is doing well enough to overcome ohio, i think my electoral prediction will end up being right on

Huffington Post has South Carolina called for Obama...

i'm going to guess that's an error.

Edit: Yep, it's romney territory now.