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Forums - Sales Discussion - WW up 27th OCtober



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spurgeonryan said:

You expect it to stay on top? It barely was on top this week!

I know there are a bunch of big games coming out like Halo 4, BO2, etc but I believe they won't push as many systems due to the consoles age.  If someone wants Halo 4 then they probably already have a 360.  It probably won't stay on top but I view Animal Crossing more as a system seller than CoD or Halo right now due to the ages of the respected consoles.  3DS is still fairly new and a good game released for it has the potentional to push more systems than a game that is released on a 7 year old system.  Probably won't be right but that is just how I see things.

and now it stars, yet the tipical war fo the holiday season either won't get heated as past yr.'s, or it starts in Jan. in the finale numbers for 2012 comes in. either way, this war is over.

the 2 home consoles looking good. everything else is as expected.

spurgeonryan said:

Are you stalking my posts? I did not even quote you. Halo 4 will sell a lot of systems. If you do not believe my I will let pezus explain. And go....

Yep, I am stalking you!  Nah, I just happened to catch it right after you posted it.  To me if they love Halo so much they would have gotten a 360 when Halo 3, Reach, etc was released.  I am sure it will sell systems but I don't think too many Halo fans have waited this long to get a 360.

sethnintendo said:
spurgeonryan said:

You expect it to stay on top? It barely was on top this week!

I know there are a bunch of big games coming out like Halo 4, BO2, etc but I believe they won't push as many systems due to the consoles age.  If someone wants Halo 4 then they probably already have a 360.  It probably won't stay on top but I view Animal Crossing more as a system seller than CoD or Halo right now due to the ages of the respected consoles.  3DS is still fairly new and a good game released for it has the potentional to push more systems than a game that is released on a 7 year old system.  Probably won't be right but that is just how I see things.

I see this point all the time but 90% of the time the person saying such things is dead wrong because they always fail to take into account the limited edition consoles of said games (Halo and COD) that end up selling a lot.

Around the Network
spurgeonryan said:
sethnintendo said:
spurgeonryan said:

You expect it to stay on top? It barely was on top this week!

I know there are a bunch of big games coming out like Halo 4, BO2, etc but I believe they won't push as many systems due to the consoles age.  If someone wants Halo 4 then they probably already have a 360.  It probably won't stay on top but I view Animal Crossing more as a system seller than CoD or Halo right now due to the ages of the respected consoles.  3DS is still fairly new and a good game released for it has the potentional to push more systems than a game that is released on a 7 year old system.  Probably won't be right but that is just how I see things.

Are you stalking my posts? I did not even quote you. Halo 4 will sell a lot of systems. If you do not believe my I will let pezus explain. And go....

There's no doubt about that. But it will move less sytems than MW3 did last year. Why? Halo 4 is an American phenomenon. Everywhere else? Not so much.

The weekly gap between the PS3 and 360 has gotten smaller, but the PS3 is holding up quite well considering that Sony doesn't have the luxury to ad-bomb like Microsoft can. It's going to be interesting when Nov 3 (and I guess Nov 10) comes up because as I remember, Tales of Xillia 2 just came out in Japan. Remember how much PS3's were sold after the release of Tales of Xillia 1 last year?

pezus said:
yo_john117 said:
sethnintendo said:
spurgeonryan said:

You expect it to stay on top? It barely was on top this week!

I know there are a bunch of big games coming out like Halo 4, BO2, etc but I believe they won't push as many systems due to the consoles age.  If someone wants Halo 4 then they probably already have a 360.  It probably won't stay on top but I view Animal Crossing more as a system seller than CoD or Halo right now due to the ages of the respected consoles.  3DS is still fairly new and a good game released for it has the potentional to push more systems than a game that is released on a 7 year old system.  Probably won't be right but that is just how I see things.

I see this point all the time but 90% of the time the person saying such things is dead wrong because they always fail to take into account the limited edition consoles of said games (Halo and COD) that end up selling a lot.

And also that there are new gamers being born each year.

I can agree with this hypothesis as well.

WOW Tales of Xillia 2 next week... so next week will be the last with PS3 on top???

ethomaz said:
WOW Tales of Xillia 2 next week... so next week will be the last with PS3 on top???

Dont know bro, might be 360's week next week onwards. 
