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Forums - Sony Discussion - Sony's Q2 FY2012 Earnings Announcement * $198m loss, 3.5m PS3 + PS2, 1.6m PSV + PSP *

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How many quarters consecutively has Sony lost money for now? I'm not expecting a big change based on anything released in the last quarter.

PS3: Doing OK/Same Old, Same Old, Gaikai investment ill-advised/overpriced perhaps.

Vita: Horrible

Movie Division: Doing OK/so-so (Amazing Spider-Man and MIB3 did well WW, but not break-out blockbusters)

Music Division: Made a big catalog purchase, probably will lose money as a result

Consumer Electronics: Getting bent over by Samsung and Apple. No change here.

Cell Phones: Doing Better/Well.

Yen/Dollar Flucuations: Improved, but not by that much.

Overall Debt: Horrible

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My predictions...

+ 40 million profit
+ 3.5m computers (2.7m PS3 + 0.8m PS2)
+ 2.4m portables (1.3m PSV + 1.1m PSP)

GT5 over 9 million shipped.

PS3 shipments should be high due to SS. I think a loss still around the same as last quarter.

kowenicki said:

This slide from the last release shows how difficult it will be for them to return to profit this quarter...



What is IP&S, MP&C and HE&S?

huiii said:
kowenicki said:

This slide from the last release shows how difficult it will be for them to return to profit this quarter...



What is IP&S, MP&C and HE&S?

Imaging products & solutions

Mobile products & communications

Home entertainment & sound

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Most likely still a heavy loss. I'm guessing we won't be seeing the savings all the downsizing and restructuring will create until next quarter.

the countdown is brilliant ethomaz, this should become a forum rule for all future threads waiting on a report or gaming show live brodcast. soo much easier to understand than dealing with the various timezones of the world.

OT - losses will be depressing. not looking forward to it.

Wouldn't be surprised if SCE posted profits in this quarter. But I think results for the Company as a whole will be terrible again.

We'll see what happens, it sucks a lot that they put several devices together now though... we can't even know shipments accurately anymore.

About Sony, I'll tell a bit about my experience with some first hand impressions from Sony employees. Nothing major or new, but I may as well.

As some of you may know, I work in Japan as an instructor. My workplace is close to a couple of important Sony buildings and so I have a few students that work for Sony (mostly engineers). I usually ask them what they think of their situation and Kaz Hirai's appointment.

The answer I usually get is that they don't have much hope in Sony's situation improving in the immediate future and that any noticeable improvement will be at least middle (if not long) term. They mostly blame the yen's exchange rate and say that this applies to most major Japanese companies though, I don't know if they really believe this or it's a way to save face. Some other answers I've gotten are that the TV business isn't going anywhere, that competition from Apple and Samsung is too tough for them right now, and that some sections are overstaffed.

About Kaz, the consensus seems to be that he's awesome giving speeches and presentations and showing his vision (he really does get praise for this), when it comes to making actual changes, most seem to think that Sony as a whole probably won't change much under his rule either and that recovery will be a long process. No dramatic changes or improvements expected. They seem more optimistic about Kaz than the previous guy though, so I guess he must be doing something at least.

As I said, nothing major or new, pretty standard answers really. I guess their not gonna give me little dirty secrets... but I thought I'd share it here.

No troll is too much for me to handle. I rehabilitate trolls, I train people. I am the Troll Whisperer.

I really don't care much about Sony as a whole (or hole) financial situation - unless it's being brought up or down by the games division (like was the case with the PS3 some years ago)

I'm just here for shipments and future forecasts of their systems.